Title: Demystifying Evaluation
1Demystifying Evaluation
- April 23, 2008
- Michelle Henry Jen Keith
- Philadelphia Health Management Corporation
2Todays Topics
- Context
- Why evaluate?
- Different types of evaluation
- Definitions
- Program Evaluation
- Framework
- Steps
- Using Data
- Collection Tools
3Why Evaluate?
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- Research seeks to prove
- evaluation seeks to improve.
- M. Patton
- Good news
- You already do it! But, it may be informal.
4Measure outcomes toImprove Quality
Communicate Value
- Track implementation
- Reassess strategies
- Provide feedback
- Identify strengths challenges
- Sharpen focus
- Identify training needs
- Promote program to potential participants
- Use in program development
- Recruit staff
- Enhance programs public image
- Retain increase funding
5Types of Evaluation
- Community Assessment
- Program Evaluation
- Multi-Program Evaluation
- Surveillance
6Community Assessment
- Also known as Needs Assessment
- Determines where problems/strengths are, scope of
issues, who needs the program/intervention - Data sources include
- Surveys
- Key informant interviews
- Focus groups
- Secondary data analysis
7Program Evaluation
- Examines the goals, processes, and impacts of
programs and/or policies. - Data collection methods can be quantitative
and/or qualitative - Data sources include
- Surveys
- Key informant interviews
- Focus groups
- Secondary data analysis
8Multi-Program Evaluation
- Examining multiple sites or program components as
part of a comprehensive program evaluation - Example Statewide Evaluation of the PA TCP.
- Data sources include
- Surveys
- Key informant interviews
- Focus groups
- Secondary data analysis
- Broader perspective
- Secondary data sources
- Vital Statistics
- Etc.
10Process vs. Outcome Evaluation
- Process Evaluation
- Documents key activities, accomplishments,
challenges, lessons learned - Descriptive, but also answers question Is
program in place as intended? - Very helpful for internal program improvements
- Outcome Evaluation
- Assess actions, outcomes, change
- Answers question What are results of your work?
- Very helpful for program improvement
discussions of funding/worth
11What is a program objective?
- Describes results your program intends to achieve
and way in which they will be achieved - Serves as basis for monitoring progress towards
achieving your programs goals, setting targets
for accountability
12Types of Objectives
- Process Objectives Statements about programs
products or services delivered (outputs) - Outcome Objectives Statements about programs
expected results (outcomes).
13Types of Outcome Objectives
- Short-term initial changes in target population
(awareness, knowledge, attitudes, skills) - Intermediate Interim changes towards long-term
(norms, behavior, policy) - Long-term changes in health status, morbidity,
14Program Objectives Should be SMART
- S Specific
- M Measurable
- A Achievable
- R Relevant
- T Time-bound
- Process indicators measure activities.
- Number of peer lead prevention sessions
- Number of quit plans created
- Outcome indicators measure short-term,
intermediate, and long-term outcomes. - Number of clients who report reducing number of
cigarettes - Number of clients who report staying quit at six
month follow up call - Number of residents who report increase support
for clean indoor air policies
- Evidence-based Practice
- Practice-based Evidence
17CDC Evaluation Framework
Source www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr4811a1
18Program Evaluation
- Program evaluation should maximize
- Utility What information do we need?
- Feasibility What information can we get?
- Propriety Who should be involved?
- Accuracy How can we get accurate information?
19Utility is King/Queen!
- Who needs what information?
- How will information be used?
- Feasibility is often Utilitys 1st reality check
- Given the money/time/effort we can contribute
what proof can I get? - But, evaluation must be ethical reliable too!
20Evaluation 101
- Steps in Evaluation
- Plan to collect data
- Collect data
- Report data
- Tips for each step
- Be systematic!
- Triangulate!
- Share information!
21Step 1 Plan to Collect Data
- Needs to answer
- What did we do?
- How well did we do it?
- What difference did our program make?
- Planning tools
- Logic Model
- Evaluation Plan
22Planning Tools
Logic Model
Activities Strategies Tactics
Evaluation Plan
Short-term/ Intermediate Outcome Evaluation
Long-term Outcome Evaluation
Process Evaluation
Program planning is linked to evaluation planning.
23Logic Model
- Needs to convey
- Purpose of initiative
- Expected actions
- Expected results
- Expected causal relationships
- Serves as a map for all involved
- Everything I needed to know about my program, I
learned from my logic model.
Makes program theory clear, not true.
24Source Cooperative Extension, Program
Development Evaluation, 2003
25Source Measuring Program Outcomes A Practical
Approach. United Way of America, 1996.
26Logic Model Sample Formats
Source Taylor-Powell 2005 presentation
27Evaluation Plan
- Needs to convey
- Information to be collected
- Data collection methods
- Timeframes
- A plan well begun
- is a plan half done.
28Evaluation Plan Sample Format
Source Taylor-Powell 2005 presentation
29Evaluation Plan Sample Format
Source http//www.durhamcenter.org/docs/misc/PETe
30Step 2 Collect Data
- Qualitative
- Interviews
- Focus groups
- Case studies
- Observation
- Document Review
- Basic levels of evaluation questions
- Reactions feelings
- Learning
- Change in knowledge, attitude, perception
- Changes in skills
- Effectiveness
- Quantitative
- Survey/Questionnaire
- Structured/semi-structured Qualitative
31Selecting a Collection Method
- Consider
- Population
- Questions
- Cost
- Time
- Personnel
- Aim for
- Validity
- Reliability
- Bias awareness/Bias reduction
32Pilot Testing
- Feedback from a pilot test can tell you if
questions - Are clear and make sense to others
- Provide information you need
- Are at appropriate reading and language levels
- Need skips or different ordering
- Obtain feedback from
- Co-workers
- Persons with expertise in survey research
- Program staff, if appropriate
- Potential respondents
- Revise based on pilot feedback
33Step 3 Report Data
- Formal Data Sharing
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- Informal Data Sharing
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34Using Data
- Plan for useful data
- What data do you/your stakeholders need?
- How will answers be used?
- Is question necessary?
- Id opportunities to use data
- Program improvements
- Reports Grants
- Facilitate communication
- Share data
- Transparency with stakeholders
- Inform decision making
35Evaluating Prevention Programs
- Your regions Busted! chapter led a one-time,
hour-long tobacco prevention education assembly
at a local elementary school. The assembly
included skits about saying no to tobacco and
the use of props (lungs) to show the harmful
effects of tobacco on the body.
36Evaluating Prevention ProgramsWhat do you want
to know?
- What did we do?
- How well did we do it?
- What difference did our program make?
- Information/data to be collected
- Collection methods
37Evaluating Prevention Programs Components
- Process
- Program fidelity
- Attendance
- Busted! youth leadership
- Outcomes
- Knowledge and Behavior change
- Satisfaction
38Evaluating Prevention ProgramsEvaluation Plan
- Indicators
- Timing
- Data sources
39Evaluating Prevention Programs Using data
40Evaluating Policy Programs
- Example Integration of Tobacco and Chronic
Disease Programs - BE A BRIDGE - Bridges Activity Sheets
- Brainstorm Clean Indoor Air
41Clean Indoor Air
of workplaces educated re benefits
What did we do?
True count
Monthly reports
of new policies of strengthened policies
TBD (ask PO)
How well did we do it?
Quarterly Quarterly
Survey Focus G
60 20
of requests for education of violations
of people protected
Monthly reports
True count
What difference did we make?
Quarterly Annual Bi-annual As needed
2ndary data Interviews
Taxes/WP Workers
n/a 10
42Group Activity
- Evaluating school programs
- Pick program type
- Prevention
- Cessation
- Policy
- Draft an Evaluation Plan
43Measuring Program OutcomesIn-house Data
Collection Methods
- 1. Extract from existing records
- - Intake forms / Attendance forms
- 2. Pre/post testing
- - For specific programs or events
- 3. Surveys
- - Mail
- - Telephone
- - In-person, self-administered
- - In-person, staff-administered
44Pre-/Post-Measures Uses
- To establish level of participants knowledge,
attitudes, skills or behavior before beginning
program or activity - To document changes in attitudes, skills or
behavior between beginning and end of program or
activity - Pre-/post measures can include written tests or
surveys, tests or ratings of skills or physical
45Pre-/Post-Measures Analysis
- Compare pre- and post-test results for
individuals or groups - Comparisons between groups are best indicator of
real changegroups must include same people - Scores can be grouped and compared based on
participant or program characteristics
46Participant Surveys Uses
- Provides opportunity for consumers of program or
service to give feedback - May be only feasible way to measure outcomes
- Useful as source of information even if other
measures are used
47Participant Surveys Design
- Written surveys are similar to reading levels of
participants (adults or children) - Keep surveys shortclosed-ended and short answer
questions - Assure confidentiality or anonymity to encourage
honest answers
48Before Writing Your Own Questions
- Look for existing surveys (or questions) to meet
your needs - Existing instruments
have been tested (or at
least used) by others - Can use
- U.S. or state agencies
that serve the target
population - Journals and report
49Writing Good Questions Issues to Consider
- Question content
- Question wording
- Form of response
- Question order
- Layout or format
- Thank you for your participation!
- Key contact information
- Michelle Henry mhenry_at_phmc.org
- Jen Keith jkeith_at_phmc.org