Jagannathan and Wang 1996

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Jagannathan and Wang 1996


There are plenty of studies that show betas vary over time. BARRA takes this variation into account when producing 'BARRA's better betas. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Jagannathan and Wang 1996

Jagannathan and Wang (1996)
  • Testing the Conditional CAPM

The Story
  • When we test the static CAPM we find that
  • We cant explain the cross-sectional variation in
    expected returns well at all.
  • Other variables add explanatory power, when they
    should not
  • Size
  • Book-to-Market
  • Fama-French (1992)
  • relation between market beta and average return
    is flat
  • Not good news for the theory or any MBA finance

Can We Understand This Result?
  • Formal CAPM
  • Equilibrium model providing a linear relation
    between expected returns and beta
  • One period model
  • Empirically, it is common to consider that
  • Agents live many periods
  • The parameters of the pricing model are constant
    over time
  • Is this reasonable?

What If
  • Suppose information about an assets next
    dividend came out only once a year, on January 5.
  • Suppose this was true for every stock.
  • What should the risk/return tradeoff look like
    over the course of a year?

What If cont
  • Seems that time-varying expected returns are
  • What about time-varying risk premia?
  • Other problems with an unconditional CAPM
  • Leverage causes equity betas to rise during a
    recession (affects asset betas to a lesser
  • Firms with different types of assets will be
    affected by the business cycle in different ways
  • Technology changes
  • Consumers tastes change

The Plan
  • Start by assuming the conditional CAPM.
  • Then, rather than add conditioning information
    directly, the authors derive implications for the
    unconditional CAPM.
  • This will nest the static (or unconditional)
  • Examine the performance of the enhanced
    unconditional CAPM.

The Results
  • Unconditional model implied by the conditional
    CAPM explains 30 of the variance in the
    cross-section of expected returns using 100 stock
    portfolios similar to those used by Fama-French
  • The rejection by the data and size effect are
    much weaker than when testing the static CAPM.

The Results cont
  • The typical implementation (use of the VW proxy)
    may not be reasonable.
  • When human capital is included in the proxy for
    the market (return on aggregate wealth), the
    unconditional model implied by the conditional
    CAPM explains over 50 of the cross-sectional
    variation in expected returns and the data fail
    to reject the model.
  • Size and book to market have little ability to
    explain the unexplained cross-sectional variation.

Developing the Model
  • Black CAPM
  • where ?1 is the market risk premium.
  • As stated above, this performs poorly.
  • FF (1992) find ?1 close to zero.
  • This is not necessarily evidence against the
    conditional CAPM.
  • Assets on the conditional frontier need not be on
    the unconditional frontier.

Example from JW
  • 2 stocks and 2 periods
  • ?1t 0.5, 1.25 average 0.875
  • ?2t 1.5, 0.75 average 1.125
  • CAPM holds in each period but the risk premium
    differs across the periods.
  • 10 at date 1
  • 20 at date 2
  • Expected risk premia on the stocks will be
  • Premium on 1 0.5(.1) .05, 1.25(.2) .25
  • Premium on 2 1.5(.1) .15, 0.75(.2) .15
  • Both stocks have same expected return so the CAPM
    appears not to hold.

Example cont
  • This example is a bit strained (contrived), but
    the point is well made.
  • There are plenty of studies that show betas vary
    over time. BARRA takes this variation into
    account when producing BARRAs better betas.
  • Next, they assume that the CAPM holds and derive
    implications for the unconditional model.

Conditional to Unconditional
  • The conditional CAPM is a cheap trick, not an
    equilibrium model.
  • Merton (1973) shows that the conditionally
    expected return on an asset should be jointly
    linear in its conditional market beta and hedge
    portfolio betas, where the hedge portfolios hedge
    against changes in the investment opportunity
  • As Merton did, JW assume that the hedging motives
    are not important and the CAPM holds period by

Conditional CAPM
  • The conditional CAPM they consider is
  • where ?i,t-1 is the conditional market beta of
    asset i
  • Now, take the unconditional expectation of the
    above equation to do the empirical analysis
  • where ?1 is the unconditional expected market
    risk premium and is the unconditional
    expected beta.

Conditional CAPM cont
  • If the covariance between the conditional beta of
    asset i and the conditional market risk premium
    is zero for all assets i, then this looks like
    the static CAPM we all know and love.
  • However, in general, the conditional risk premium
    on the market portfolio and the asset betas are
    correlated. In bad times, the expected market
    risk premium may be relatively high and firms on
    the fringe and more levered firms may have
    higher conditional equity betas during such
  • Something that should be testable.

Conditional CAPM cont
  • If uncertainty about future growth opportunities
    is the cause for higher betas for fringe firms,
    then their conditional betas will be low,
    resulting in natural perverse market timing.
  • This is because in bad times, uncertainty as well
    as the value of future growth opportunities is
    reduced, and this may offset increased leverage.
  • Earlier studies have shown that the last term in
    (1) is not zero.
  • Look at various papers by Ferson and Harvey.

Conditional CAPM cont
  • Notice that the last term in (1) depends only on
    the part of the conditional beta that is in the
    span of the market risk premium.
  • Thus decompose the conditional beta of any asset
    into 2 orthogonal components by projecting the
    conditional beta on the market risk premium.
  • For each asset i, define the beta-premium
    sensitivity as

Conditional CAPM cont
  • ?i measures the sensitivity of the conditional
    beta to the market risk premium. We can show
  • The way to show this is to regress
  • Then, the regression coefficient and error are as
    shown above, and the fact that the error is mean
    zero and unrelated to the regressor you get for

Conditional CAPM cont
  • So far, we have the conditional beta can be
    written in three parts
  • The expected (unconditional) beta.
  • A random variable perfectly correlated with the
    conditional market risk premium.
  • Something mean zero and uncorrelated with the
    conditional market risk premium.

Implications for Unconditional Expected Returns
  • Substituting (2) into (1) yields
  • (3) says that the unconditional expected return
    on any asset i is a linear function of
  • Expected beta
  • Beta-prem sensitivity
  • The larger the sensitivity, the larger the
    variability of the second part of the
    conditional beta.
  • Hence, the beta-prem sensitivity measures
    instability of beta over the business cycle.
    Stocks with betas that vary more over the cycle
    have higher expected returns.

How to Estimate
  • We need both estimates of expected beta and
    estimates of beta-prem sensitivity.
  • How do we do this?
  • We need assumptions about the nature of the
    stochastic process governing the joint temporal
    evolution of conditional market betas and the
    conditional risk premium.
  • From (3) we can see that ? does not affect
    expected return. Therefore we can concentrate on
    the first two parts of the conditional beta.

How to Estimate cont
  • They look directly at how stock returns respond
    to the market risk premium on average and how
    they respond t changes in the risk premium
  • The first unconditional beta is the market beta
    and the second unconditional beta is the premium
    beta. They measure average market risk and beta
    instability risk.

How to Estimate cont
  • In appendix A of the paper they show that, under
    some assumptions, the unconditional expected
    return is a linear function of these two betas
  • This two beta model is not a special case of the
    general equilibrium multi-beta CAPM from Merton
  • In those models, expected return is linear in
    several conditional betas, one of which is the
    market beta.
  • Here, its linear only in the conditional market
    beta and this implies that the unconditional
    expected return is linear in the unconditional
    market beta and the premium beta.

On to the Estimation?
  • No, while equation (4) forms the basis for
    empirical work, we still need further
  • Need observations on the conditional risk
    premium, ?1t-1, so that we can compute the
    prem-beta, ?i?.
  • Actually will have to settle for some estimate of
    the conditional premium.
  • We also need observations on the market
  • A constant problem that this study also must find
    a way to deal with.

Conditional Risk Premium
  • The risk premium varies over the business cycle.
  • How can we predict the business cycle? They go
    to the relevant literature and pick the single
    variable that best predicts the cycle.
  • Stock Watson (1989) find that spread between
    different bond yields helps predict.
  • Bernanke (1990) finds that the best single
    variable is the spread between commercial paper
    and t-bill rates.

Conditional Risk Premium cont
  • Here, they choose the spread between BAA and AAA
    rated bonds (denote it Rpremt-1) and further
  • Assumption 1 (A fairly heroic assumption) The
    conditional risk premium is linear in the spread
    between BAA and AAA bonds
  • and then
  • Under assumption 1, the expected return is linear
    in its prem-beta and its market beta. To see
    this, substitute (using the papers numbers) (14)
    into (12) and make use of (15) and theorem 1.

Conditional Risk Premium cont
  • The resulting relation is
  • Suppose that ?i? is not linear in ?i and that
    assumption 1 holds. Then
  • The linearity is preserved because covariance is
    a linear operation and the actual conditional
    market risk premium is assumed to be linear in
    the proxy.
  • This is an important result, because now all the
    returns necessary to calculate the ?iprem are

Market Portfolio
  • Usually a value weighted stock index portfolio is
  • The implicit assumption is that the return on the
    market portfolio (return on aggregate wealth) is
    linear in the value weighted index return.
  • and then
  • This is the standard CAPM regression (FM style).
  • Of course, the market proxy could matter a lot
    (Roll (1977) and Mayers (1972)).

Market Portfolio cont
  • Mayers (1972) points out that human capital forms
    a large part of the total capital in the economy.
  • Note that monthly per-capita income from
    dividends i the US for 1959-1992 was less than 3
    of the monthly personal income from all sources.
  • Salaries and wages were 63.
  • Common view is that human capital is not tradable
    and must be treated differently.
  • But note that mortgage loans are based, in part,
    on labor income.
  • There is an important difference between human
    capital and other kinds of capital.
  • All cash from corporations is promised through
  • Only some cash from human capital is promised
    through mortgage payments.

How to Measure Human Capital?
  • Assume the return on human capital is an exact
    linear function of the growth rate in per-capita
    labor income.
  • Suppose to a first order approximation that the
    expected rate of return on human capital is a
    constant, r, and that date-t per-capita labor
    income, Lt, follows an AR process
  • Then the realized capital gain part of the rate
    of return on human capital will be the same as
    the realized growth rate in per-capita labor

How to Measure Human Capital?
  • This follows because wealth due to human capital
  • The rate of change in this wealth is

Market Portfolio cont
  • They note that even though stocks are only a
    small fraction of wealth, the index return could
    be an excellent proxy for the return on aggregate
    wealth. Why?
  • Nevertheless, they allow for their measure of
    human capital to augment the standard market
  • Let Rtlabor be the growth rate in per-capita
    labor income which proxies for the return on
    human capital.
  • Then let the true market return be linear in Rtvw
    and Rtlabor.

Market Portfolio cont
  • We can then have a labor beta
  • And let
  • Which leads to
  • This is the premium labor model.

Econometric Tests
  • In light of the existing Fama-French results we
    have natural tests
  • Is the size anomaly explained?
  • Is the market to book anomaly explained? (Wont
  • Let size be log(MVE), where MVE is a time-series
    average. Then, the alternative model is
  • and csize should be zero under the null.
  • The methodology could be FM (1973) or BJS (1972).
  • But the regressors are measured with error.
    Shanken (1992) gives a correction procedure.

Econometric Tests cont
  • Can also use GMM technique.
  • Substitute into the PL model for the betas and
    massage into a stochastic discount factor form
  • where ?0, ?vw, ?prem, and ?labor are
  • Note that the stochastic discount factor has 4

Econometric Tests cont
  • Now we have N assets in our econometric tests.
    Let 1N be an N dimensional vector of ones. Then
  • and
  • Now dt Yt?.
  • The pricing errors are wt(?) ? Rtdt 1N and we
    pick the ? vector (4 parameters) using GMM.
  • The optimal weighting matrix is not used.

  • NYSE and AMEX firms covered by CRSP 1962-90
    (dont need compustat why?) Slightly different
    from FF (1992).
  • Create 100 portfolios of NYSE/AMEX stocks as in
  • For every year, starting in 1964, sort into size
    deciles based on MV at end of June.
  • For each size decile, estimate beta of each firm,
    using 24 60 months of past data to do so.
  • This is the pre-ranking beta estimate.
  • Then, sort each size decile into beta deciles
    based on estimates of pre-beta.
  • This yields 100 portfolios. Compute the return
    for the next 12 months equally weighting the
    stocks in the portfolio.
  • Repeat, yielding a time series of monthly
    observations for the 100 pfs.

Data Table I
  • Rates of return vary from a low of .51 per month
    to 1.71 per month, panel A.
  • The ?ivw range from 0.57 to 1.70.
  • The size of the portfolio is the EW average of
    the log of the MVs. This time series is in
    panel C of table 1. This is all similar to FF
  • The numbers in panels D and E are the parts of
    ?iprem and ?ilabor that are orthogonal to ?ivw
    (for the first) and also to ?iprem for the labor
  • Note the funky construction for growth in labor
    income on page 21 to deal with reporting

Main Results Table II
  • Traditional CAPM Panel A
  • R2 1.35 and the t on cvw is 0.28, consistent
    with FF.
  • When size is added to the model, the t for csize
    is 2.30 and the R2 is 57.36.
  • For the GMM test, the pricing error is
    significantly different from zero and the p-value
    of 27.59 on ?vw suggests that Rvw does not play
    a significant role in determining the SDF.

(No Transcript)
Figure 1 Static Model
Main Results cont
  • Now let the betas vary over time, but measure the
    market using only the VW portfolio Panel B
  • The coefficient cprem is significantly different
    from zero.
  • Size still adds explanatory power.
  • The pricing errors are still significantly
    different from zero, but Rprem, the spread
    between high and low risk corporate bonds that is
    used to capture the variation of the betas across
    the business cycle enters the SDF.

(No Transcript)
Figure 2 Time Varying Betas
Main Results cont
  • The main model in the paper Panel C.
  • Much better explanatory power.
  • Size no longer adds explanatory power when it is
  • GMM estimation can not reject model.
  • Rlabor and Rprem are included in the SDF.
  • However
  • cvw is negative (but insignificant).
  • The zero beta rate is higher than average
    t-bill rates.

(No Transcript)
Figure 3 Main Model
Figure 4 Main Model Plus Size
Comparisons with Chen, Roll and Ross
  • Are lagged prem factor and labor income growth
    factor proxies for the macro factors of CCR?
  • They consider (essentially)
  • Spread between long bond and t-bill rates.
  • Spread between long corporate and long government
  • Growth rate in industrial production.
  • Expected inflation.
  • Unexpected inflation.
  • The CRR model does not fit the data as well.

(No Transcript)
Comparison with FF (1993)
  • The FF model
  • Nest their model in the one here a 5 factor
  • Combined model has R2 of 64. Individual models
    have R2s of 55. The HJ distance for the FF
    model is larger.
  • The results suggest that the FF factors may be
    proxies for the return on human capital and for
    beta instability.

(No Transcript)
  • Advocate caution in interpreting their results as
    strong support for the conditional CAPM.
  • Simple modeling of the time variation in betas.
  • Impact of events that occur at deterministic
    frequencies and failure to model these events.
  • Ability of this model to fit other choices of
    portfolios is in question.
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