Title: Influenza Seasonal, Avian, Pandemic
1InfluenzaSeasonal, Avian, Pandemic
Dr Roger Gajraj Consultant in Communicable
Disease Control
Birmingham Solihull Health Protection Unit
June 2006
N Protein
- Virus
- Type A
- humans, birds, mammals
- epidemics, pandemics
- Type B, C
- humans only
- milder
H Protein
4Seasonal influenza(ordinary flu)
5Signs and symptoms
- Abrupt onset, Fever, Cough
- Also
- Malaise, Chills, Headache, Loss of appetite,
Runny nose, Sneezing, Muscle aches, Sore throat - No symptoms in many people
- Severe complications in some
Large droplets fall on people, surfaces, bed,
- Spreads easily
- How does it spread?
- Direct droplet spread
- Indirect contact with contaminated surfaces
- Airborne
Courtesy of CDC
7Annual influenza vaccine
- Winter 12,000 deaths annually
- Vaccine two A strains and one B strain
- Risk groups
- Elderly (over 65s)
- Chronic illness asthma, bronchitis, diabetes,
heart, kidney, liver, weak immunity - Nursing and residential homes
- Carers
- Health and social care workers
8Avian influenza(bird flu)
9Bird flu
- A disease of birds wild and domestic
- Spreads rapidly between birds sickness death
- Poultry farms or live bird markets
- Bird saliva, nasal fluids, droppings, feathers
- H5N1
- Severe
- Chickens, ducks, wild birds
- Many countries
- Very small number of humans affected
- local people with close contact with infected
birds - does NOT spread easily to and among humans
10What to do if you find a dead bird
- Dead swan, goose, duck, at least 3 wild/garden
birds together in the same place - Defra Helpline on 08459 33 55 77
- Dead single, small, garden/wild bird
- Avoid touching the bird with your bare hands
- Leave it alone or safe disposal guidelines
11Bird flu travel advice for affected countries
- No travel restrictions to affected countries
- Do not visit bird or poultry farms or markets
- Avoid close contact with live or dead poultry
- Do not eat raw or poorly-cooked poultry
- Do not eat raw or poorly-cooked poultry products,
including blood - Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
12Bird flu symptoms for travellers in contact with
live or dead birds
- Similar to ordinary flu sudden onset
- Fever (temperature of 38C or more)
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Sore eyes
- Muscle aches
13Pandemic influenza
14What is a pandemic?
- Epidemic serious outbreak in a single area
- Pandemic epidemic spreading around the world
affecting hundreds of thousands of people, across
many countries
15What conditions are necessary for a pandemic?
- New strain of influenza Type A
- Causes significant illness
- Spreads easily
16New pandemic strain
- bird flu ordinary flu
- exchange genes
- ordinary flu
- abrupt major mutation
- bird flu
- slowly adapt
17New influenza strain
Migratory water birds
Domestic bird
18What an influenza pandemic will mean for the UK
- High levels of illness
- Pressure on health services
- Disruption to many aspects of daily life
19Pandemic flu impact
- Estimates of impact are available
- Cannot predict when it will begin
- Difficult to accurately predict impact
- Which age groups predominantly affected?
- How many cases?
- How serious the illness?
20What have we learnt from past pandemics?
- Start in SE Asia
- Global spread will be rapid
- Pandemic waves
- lasting 3-5 mth
- weeks to months apart
- 2nd wave may be worst than 1st
Number of cases
21Antiviral drugs Tamiflu
- The only medical treatment available in early
stages - Only effective if taken within 48 hrs of onset
- Not a magic bullet
- Shortens illness by ONE day!!
- Reduce severity of symptoms
- Likely to reduce need for hospital admission?
- Possibly reduce number of cases and deaths
- But
- Unknown if it will be effective vs pandemic strain
22Pandemic vaccine?
- Ordinary flu vaccine or past flu jab will not
provide protection - Takes 4-6 months to develop likely unavailable
in 1st wave - Once developed, likely to be very effective
23If you do catch the flu
- Stay at home and rest
- Take medicines such as aspirin, ibuprofen or
paracetamol to relieve the symptoms - Follow the instructions with the medicines
- Children under 16 must not be given aspirin or
ready made flu remedies containing aspirin - Drink plenty of fluids
24You can reduce, but not eliminate the risk of
catching or spreading influenza during a pandemic
- Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or
sneezing use a tissue when possible - Dispose of dirty tissues promptly and carefully
bag and bin them - Avoid non-essential travel and large crowds
wherever possible - Maintain good basic hygiene, eg wash your hands
frequently with soap and water to reduce
spreading the virus from your hands to your face,
or to other people - Clean hard surfaces (eg, kitchen worktops, door
handles) frequently using a normal cleaning
product - Make sure your children follow this advice