Title: Stacy Stern
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2Stacy Stern
The AFP and IBIS-TRAX 3D A New PlayerAuthor
Federal Agent Paul McFawn Forensic Technical
Services, Australian Federal Police
3Australian Federal Police
- Australia's international law enforcement and
policing agency - Chief source of advice to the Australian
Government on policing issues - Enforces Commonwealth criminal law and protects
Commonwealth and national interests
- Prevention, countering and investigation of
transnational and multi-jurisdictional crime,
including - terrorist offences
- illicit drug trafficking
- economic crime
- high-tech crime
- aviation security
- policing the ACT, and
- International Deployment Group
5Transnational crime
Transnational Crime Coordination Centre in
6International NetworkOffices in 31 locations in
26 Countries (as at October 2006)
7International Deployment Group
- Joint counter terrorism teams around Australia
9Forensic Technical Services
10IBIS-TRAX 3D Our Need?
- No system in place to check cross jurisdictional
firearms crime in Australia - Clearly an identified need for IBIS
- New South Wales Police needed a system to assist
in the investigation of serious handgun crime in
Sydney which had grown to unprecedented levels - NSWPOL selected IBIS in 2000 as the tool they
needed to assist in this task - NSWPOL have proposed a National IBIS Network for
Australia a number of time without success - Smaller jurisdictions unwilling to advance or
support an IBIS network unless the AFP took the
lead and purchased a system
11AFP IBIS-TRAX 3D Installed and Operational
- IBIS-TRAX 3D was installed in late February 2007
with training completed by mid March. - The system is now being validated with
operational procedures being formulated and
documented. - Staff comprised of 2 x Firearms ID Examiners, 1
x Firearms ID / IBIS Trainee, 1 x IBIS
Technician. The staffing level will be reviewed
at regular intervals - When the system becomes fully operational by the
early May 2007 AFP will contact New South Wales
Police who operate an IBIS Heritage system in
Sydney to network the two systems together.
12Our System Configuration
- Purchased a complete IBIS HUB system
- Installed in the Canberra laboratory - comprised
of - 1 x BulletTRAX-3D
- 2 x BrassTRAX
- Both units are installed one can be re-located
to a remote site if required - 1 X MatcPoint
- Correlation Server
- File Server
- Data Concentrator
Data Concentrator
Correlation Server
14Early Tasks for AFP IBIS-TRAX 3D
- Back-capture and image all unsolved firearm crime
exhibits held by the AFP including - Imaging the fired cartridge cases from the crime
scene where an AFP Officer was shot and killed in
the Solomon Islands in December 2004 the
military rifle used has not been found. Any
firearms seized to date have been test fired and
samples collected - Imaging of over 250 fired cartridge cases from
the scene of a mass shooting that occurred in
Dili, East Timor, in May 2006. Over 1,500 seized
firearms have been test fired in this
investigation so far - These two cases were pivotal in convincing the
IDG to fund the purchase of IBIS-TRAX 3D for
Forensic Services
15Why a 2nd Re-locatable BrassTRAX?
16Test Fire and Imaging of All AFP Issue Firearms
- Test fire and image all AFP issue firearms 2
year project - Over 5,500 firearms on official issue
- All AFP firearms are serviced at least once per
year - Most are Glock self loading pistols in 9mm
calibre - The remainder are Special Issue firearms such as
Assault Rifles, Sun-machine guns, Shotguns and
Sniper Rifles Issued to Operational Specialist
Security and Response Teams (aka SWAT) - To date over 900 test fire sets have been
collected. - We estimate it will take 2yrs to collect the test
fire samples and image them on IBIS
17Proposed IBIS-TRAX 3D Network for Australia Aus
18Australasia - Regional Network links?
19Strategic partnerships
Law enforcement agencies now need to work even
closer, become even more collaborative and
strategic in their efforts to prevent, counter
and investigate transnational crime.
We will continue to play our part in maintaining
a safe environment for the Australian people, and
working with international law enforcement
partners, we will help prevent and fight crime,
now and into the future. IBIS-TRAX 3D is seen as
major weapon that will be used by the AFP to
achieve this goal.
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