1Topic Data for AllSession 6.4.2Data
Integration and DisseminationSession 5th World
Water Forum 20 March 2009, 1430 1900Haliç
Feshane Room 3
Session Chairs Mr. Ivo Havinga, United Nations
Statistics Division Mr. Jose Ramon Ardavin,
National Water Commission, Mexico
2Key questions
Introduction Challenge Integration
Producing data Dissemination Way forward
- (As identified by the organisers of the 5th World
Water Forum) - How should we organize data?
- How should we store and access data?
- How do we manage data?
3Format ofSession
Introduction Challenge Integration
Producing data Dissemination Way forward
- 1430 1440 Introduction
- 14.40 1520 Data Dissemination and
Implementation Overview - 1520 1610 Panel Discussion Frameworks and
approaches International, regional and
national - 1610 16.30 Questions and discussion
- 1630 1700 Break
- 17.00 18.20 Panel Discussion
- Current practices and experiences
- 1820 -1850 Questions and discussion
- 1850 1900 Session close
- Summary of session to be presented by
- Rapporteurs, Michael Vardon (UNSD) and Ricardo
Martinez (CONAGUA) in Session 6.4.4
Introduction Challenge Integration
Producing data Dissemination Way forward
- Mr. Roberto Lenton. (Global Water Partnership and
Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative
Council) - Mr. Pasquale Steduto (Food and Agricultural
Organisation, Chair UN Water) - Mr. Mitsumasa Okada (Water Environment
Partnership Asia, Ministry of Environment, Japan) - Mr. Rob Vertessy (Bureau of Meteorology,
Australia) - Mr. Olcay Ünver (World Water Assessment
Programme) - Ms. Wafa Aboul Hosn (Economic and Social
Commission for West Asia) - Mr. Guozhi Du (Ministry of Water Resources,
China) - Mr. Mauricio Cezar Rebello Cordeiro (National
Water Agency, Brazil)
Mr. Mick Wilson (United Nations Environment
Program) Ms. Sabrina Barker (GEMS Water) Ms Beate
Werner (European Environment Agency) Mr. Michael
Nagy (Umweltbundesamt, Austria) Mr. Seppo
Rekolainen (Finnish Environment Institute
SYKE) Ms. Ghalia Hamamy (Central Administration
for Statistics, Lebanon) Mr Mahmoud Alkhawalde
(Department of Statistics, Jordan) Ms Cécile
Roddier-Quefelec (Med Stat II, EU) Mr. Ulrich
Looser (Global Runoff Data Centre, Institute of
Hydrology, Germany) Ms. Sophie Vermooten
(International Groundwater Resources Assessment
Centre) Mr. Siegfried Demuth (UNESCO -FRIEND)
5Websites of Contributors
Introduction Challenge Integration
Producing data Dissemination Way forward
- UNSD http//unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/see
aw.asp - CONAGUA http//www.conagua.gob.mx/homeenglish.asp
x - GWP http//www.gwpforum.org/servlet/PSP
- WSSCC http//www.wsscc.org/
- FAO Aquastat http//www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat
/main/index.stm - WEPA http//www.wepa-db.net/
- BoM Australia http//www.bom.gov.au/index.shtml
- WWAP http//www.unesco.org/water/wwap/
- ESCWA http//www.escwa.un.org/
- MWR China http//www.mwr.gov.cn/english/
- ANA Brazil http//www.ana.gov.br
- EEA http//www.eea.europa.eu/
6Websites of Contributors,cont
Introduction Challenge Integration
Producing data Dissemination Way forward
- Umweltbundesamt Austria http//www.umweltbundes
amt.at/en/ - IGRAC http//www.igrac.net/
- GRDC http//grdc.bafg.de/
- CAS Lebanon http//www.cas.gov.lb/Newsrep_en.a
sp - SYKE Finland http//www.environment.fi/default.
asp?contentid313651lanEN - Med Stat II http//epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/port
ortal_schemaPORTAL - UNESCO FRIEND http//typo38.unesco.org/en/about
-ihp/ihp-partners/friend.html - UNEP www.unep.org
- GEMS http//www.gemswater.org
7Questions for discussion
Introduction Challenge Integration
Producing data Dissemination Way forward
- Is the SEEA-Water a step forward in meeting the
demand for integration information needed for
water policy and management? - How can the use of common concepts, definitions
and classifications be encouraged? - How do we establish best practices for data
collection and management (including data
integration, storage, access and dissemination)?