Title: MISOZI ZULU, Zambia
1- MISOZI ZULU, Zambia
- Mexico Youth Force
- mixulu_at_hotmail.com
2Meaningful participation
- A youths perspective ?
- Full involvement of young people in programme
planning, designing, implementation, monitoring
and evaluation decision making processes. - Most often, young people are used for tokenism.
3Barriers to meaningful participation
Cultural Practices Negative cultural
practices Children become victims of negative
cultural practices on account of disregard and
lack of consultation with them Lack of
capacity building Young people fail to
effectively participate because they lack the
necessary skills and information to enable them
make positive contribution
4Some Examples..
Negative cultural practices and norms
5What can be done to involve more young people in
the fight against HIVAIDS
- VOICES of children and young people must be
heard in national HIV and AIDS policy
formulations - Capacity building among young people should be
increased to enable them effectively contribute
to the fight against HIV and AIDS - Government should include HIV and AIDS courses in
the primary and secondary school curricula
6Positive achievements
- Influencing policy makers
- As a spokes-child for the Global Movement for
Children (GMC), I have engaged with subsequent
ministers of health to discuss availability of
pediatric ART and how it can be easily accessible
and engaged with police for better law
enforcement - Engagement with the Minister of Local Government
to seriously consider banning minors from
visiting night clubs and ban construction of
bars next to schools
- Awareness creation
- Production of a newsletter on HIV/AIDS related
challenges affecting young people - Community sensitisation on HIV/AIDS, sexuality,
reproductive health and sexual violence - Design, implement, monitor and evaluate own
8Some Examples..
Engagement of policy makers and National leaders
for policy influence
9Some Examples..
10 Thank You! Gracias! Zikomo!