17th October - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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17th October


Your friend shows up and says he has the joint distribution ... wind up not satisfying the P(AVB)= P(A) P(B) -P(A&B) ... (for those who don't like Bayes Balls) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 17th October

17th October
  • --Project 2 can be submitted until Thursday
  • --Homework 3 due Thursday
  • --Midterm next Thursday (10/26)

What happens if there are multiple symptoms?
Conditional independence To the rescue Suppose
P(TA,Catchcavity) P(TACavity)P(CatchC
  • Patient walked in and complained of toothache
  • You assess P(CavityToothache)
  • Now you try to probe the patients mouth with that
    steel thingie, and it catches
  • How do we update our belief in Cavity?
  • P(CavityTA, Catch) P(TA,Catch Cavity)

  • P(TA,Catch)
  • a
    P(TA,CatchCavity) P(Cavity)

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Conditional Independence Assertions
  • We write X Y Z to say that the set of
    variables X is conditionally independent of the
    set of variables Y given evidence on the set of
    variables Z (where X,Y,Z are subsets of the set
    of all random variables in the domain model)
  • We saw that Bayes Rule computations can exploit
    conditional independence assertions.
  • X Y Z implies
  • P(X YZ) P(XZ) P(YZ)
  • P(XY, Z) P(XZ)
  • P(YX,Z) P(YZ)
  • Idea Why not write down all conditional
    independence assertions that hold in a domain?

Cond. Indep. Assertions (Contd)
  • Idea Why not write down all conditional
    independence assertions (CIA) (X Y Z) that
    hold in a domain?
  • Problem There can be exponentially many
    conditional independence assertions that hold in
    a domain (recall that X, Y and Z are all subsets
    of the domain variables.
  • Brilliant Idea May be we should implicitly
    specify the CIA by writing down the
    dependencies between variables using a
    graphical model
  • A Bayes Network is a way of doing just this.
  • The Baye Net is a Directed Acyclic Graph whose
    nodes are random variables, and the immediate
    dependencies between variables are represented by
    directed arcs
  • The topology of a bayes network shows the
    inter-variable dependencies. Given the topology,
    there is a way of checking if any Cond. Indep.
    Assertion. holds in the network (the Bayes Ball
    algorithm and the D-Sep idea)

Cond. Indep. Assertions (contd)
  • We said that a bayes net implicitly represents a
    bunch of CIA
  • Qn. If I tell you exactly which CIA hold in a
    domain, can you give me a bayes net that exactly
    models those and only those CIA?
  • Unfortunately, NO. (See the X,Y,Z,W blog example)
  • This is why there is another type of graphical
    models called undirected graphical models
  • In an undirected graphical model, also called a
    markov random field, nodes correspond to random
    variables, and the immediate dependencies between
    variables are represented by undirected edges.
  • The CIA modeled by an undirected graphical model
    are different
  • X Y Z in an undirected graph if every path
    from a node in X to a node in Y must pass
    through a node in Z (so if we remove the nodes in
    Z, then X and Y will be disconnected)
  • Undirected models are good to represent soft
    constraints between random variables (e.g. the
    correlation between different pixels in an image)
    while directed models are good for representing
    causal influences between variables

CIA implicit in Bayes Nets
  • So, what conditional independence assumptions are
    implicit in Bayes nets?
  • Local Markov Assumption
  • A node N is independent of its non-descendants
    (including ancestors) given its immediate
    parents. (So if P are the immediate paretnts of
    N, and A is the set of Ancestors, then N A
    P )
  • (Equivalently) A node N is independent of all
    other nodes given its markov blanked (parents,
    children, childrens parents)
  • Given this assumption, many other conditional
    independencies follow. For a full answer, we need
    to appeal to D-Sep condition and/or Bayes Ball

Topological Semantics
Independence from Every node holds Given markov
Independence from Non-descedants holds Given
just the parents
These two conditions are equivalent Many other
coniditional indepdendence assertions follow from
Takes O(2n) for most natural queries of type
P(DEvidence) NEEDS O(2n) probabilities as
input Probabilities are of type P(wk)where wk
is a world
Directly using Joint Distribution
Can take much less than O(2n) time for most
natural queries of type P(DEvidence) STILL
NEEDS O(2n) probabilities as input
Probabilities are of type P(X1..XnY)
Directly using Bayes rule
Can take much less than O(2n) time for most
natural queries of type P(DEvidence) Can
get by with anywhere between O(n) and O(2n)
probabilities depending on the conditional
independences that hold. Probabilities are
of type P(X1..XnY)
Using Bayes rule With bayes nets
Bayes Ball Alg ?Shade the evidence nodes
?Put one ball each at the X nodes ?See if any
if them can find their way to any of
the Y nodes
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Happy Deepavali!
4th Nov, 2002.
Blog Questions
  • Answer
  • Check to see if the joint distribution given by
    your friend satisfies all the conditional
    independence assumptions.
  • For example, in the Pearl network, Compute
    P(JA,M,B) and P(JA). These two numbers should
    come out the same!
  • Notice that your friend could pass all the
    conditional indep assertions, and still be
    cheating re the probabilities
  • For example, he filled up the CPTs of the network
    with made up numbers (e.g. P(B)0.9 P(E)0.7
    etc) and computed the joint probability by
    multiplying the CPTs. This will satisfy all the
    conditional indep assertions..!
  • The main point to understand here is that the
    network topology does put restrictions on the
    joint distribution.
  • You have been given the topology of a bayes
    network, but haven't yet gotten the conditional
    probability tables     (to be concrete, you may
    think of the pearl alarm-earth quake scenario
    bayes net).     Your friend shows up and says he
    has the joint distribution all ready for you. You
    don't quite trust your    friend and think he is
    making these numbers up. Is there any way you can
    prove that your friends' joint     distribution
    is not correct?

Blog Questions (2)
  • Answer Noas long as we only ask the friend to
    fill up the CPTs in the bayes network, there is
    no way the numbers wont makeup a consistent
    joint probability distribution
  • This should be seen as a feature..
  • Also we had a digression about personal
  • John may be an optimist and believe that
    P(burglary)0.01 and Tom may be a pessimist and
    believe that P(burglary)0.99
  • Bayesians consider both John and Tom to be fine
    (they dont insist on an objective frequentist
    interpretation for probabilites)
  • However, Bayesians do think that John and Tom
    should act consistently with their own beliefs
  • For example, it makes no sense for John to go
    about installing tons of burglar alarms given his
    belief, just as it makes no sense for Tom to put
    all his valuables on his lawn
  • Continuing bad friends, in the question above,
    suppose a second friend comes along and says that
    he can give you   the conditional probabilities
    that you want to complete the specification of
    your bayes net. You ask him a CPT entry,    and
    pat comes a response--some number between 0 and
    1. This friend is well meaning, but you are
    worried that the   numbers he is giving may lead
    to some sort of inconsistent joint probability
    distribution. Is your worry justified ( i.e., can
    your   friend give you numbers that can lead to
    an inconsistency?)  (To understand
    "inconsistency", consider someone who insists on
    giving you P(A), P(B), P(AB) as well as P(AVB) 
    and they wind up not satisfying the P(AVB)
    P(A)P(B) -P(AB)or alternately, they insist on
    giving you P(AB), P(BA), P(A) and P(B), and the
    four numbers dont satisfy the bayes rule

Blog Questions (3)
  • Your friend heard your claims that Bayes Nets can
    represent any possible conditional independence
    assertions exactly. He comes to you and says he
    has four random variables, X, Y, W and Z, and
    only TWO conditional independence assertionsX
    .ind. Y   W,ZW .ind. Z    X, YHe dares
    you to give him a bayes network topology on these
    four nodes that exactly represents these and only
    these conditional independencies. Can you? (Note
    that you only need to look at 4 vertex directed
  • Answer No this is not possible.
  • Here are two wrong answers
  • Consider a disconnected graph where X, Y, W, Z
    are all unconnected. In this graph, the two CIAs
    hold. However, unfortunately so do many other
  • Consider a graph where W and Z are both immediate
    parents of X and Y. In this case, clearly, X
    .ind. Y W,Z. However, W and Z are definitely
    dependent given X and Y (Explainign away).
  • Undirected models can capture these CIA exactly.
    Consider a graph X is connected to W and Z and Y
    is connected to W and Z (sort of a diamond).
  • In undirected models CIA is defined in terms of
    graph separability
  • Since X and Y separate W and Z (i.e., every path
    between W and Z must pass through X and Y), W
    .ind. ZX,Y. Similarly the other CIA
  • Undirected graphs will be unable to model some
    scenarios that directed ones can so you need

Blog Comments..
arc said... I'd just like to say that this
project is awesome. And not solely because it
doesn't involve LISP, either!
Cant leave well enough alone rejoinder
CIA implicit in Bayes Nets
  • So, what conditional independence assumptions are
    implicit in Bayes nets?
  • Local Markov Assumption
  • A node N is independent of its non-descendants
    (including ancestors) given its immediate
    parents. (So if P are the immediate paretnts of
    N, and A is the set of Ancestors, then N A
    P )
  • (Equivalently) A node N is independent of all
    other nodes given its markov blanked (parents,
    children, childrens parents)
  • Given this assumption, many other conditional
    independencies follow. For a full answer, we need
    to appeal to D-Sep condition and/or Bayes Ball

Topological Semantics
Independence from Every node holds Given markov
Independence from Non-descedants holds Given
just the parents
These two conditions are equivalent Many other
coniditional indepdendence assertions follow from
Bayes Ball Alg ?Shade the evidence nodes
?Put one ball each at the X nodes ?See if any
if them can find their way to any of
the Y nodes
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D-sep (direction dependent Separation)(for those
who dont like Bayes Balls)
  • X Y E if every undirected path from X to Y
    is blocked by E
  • A path is blocked if there is a node Z on the
    path s.t.
  • Z is in E and Z has one arrow coming in and
    another going out
  • Z is in E and Z has both arrows going out
  • Neither Z nor any of its descendants are in E and
    both path arrows lead to Z

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P(AJ,M) P(A)?
How many probabilities are needed?
13 for the new 10 for the old Is this the
Making the network Sparse by introducing
intermediate variables
  • Consider a network of boolean variables where n
    parent nodes are connected to m children nodes
    (with each parent influencing each child).
  • You will need nm2n conditional probabilities
  • Suppose you realize that what is really
    influencing the child nodes is some single
    aggregate function on the parents values (e.g.
    sum of the parents).
  • We can introduce a single intermediate node
    called sum which has links from all the n
    parent nodes, and separately influences each of
    the m child nodes
  • You will wind up needing only n2n2m conditional
    probabilities to specify this new network!

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We only consider the failure to cause Prob of
the causes that hold
Prob that X holds even though ith parent
How about Noisy And? (hint AB gt ( A V B) )
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Constructing Belief Networks Summary
  • Decide on what sorts of queries you are
    interested in answering
  • This in turn dictates what factors to model in
    the network
  • Decide on a vocabulary of the variables and their
    domains for the problem
  • Introduce Hidden variables into the network as
    needed to make the network sparse
  • Decide on an order of introduction of variables
    into the network
  • Introducing variables in causal direction leads
    to fewer connections (sparse structure) AND
    easier to assess probabilities
  • Try to use canonical distributions to specify the
  • Noisy-OR
  • Parameterized discrete/continuous distributions
  • Such as Poisson, Normal (Gaussian) etc

Case Study Pathfinder System
  • Domain Lymph node diseases
  • Deals with 60 diseases and 100 disease findings
  • Versions
  • Pathfinder I A rule-based system with logical
  • Pathfinder II Tried a variety of approaches for
  • Simple bayes reasoning outperformed
  • Pathfinder III Simple bayes reasoning, but
    reassessed probabilities
  • Parthfinder IV Bayesian network was used to
    handle a variety of conditional dependencies.
  • Deciding vocabulary 8 hours
  • Devising the topology of the network 35 hours
  • Assessing the (14,000) probabilities 40 hours
  • Physician experts liked assessing causal
  • Evaluation 53 referral cases
  • Pathfinder III 7.9/10
  • Pathfinder IV 8.9/10 Saves one additional life
    in every 1000 cases!
  • A more recent comparison shows that Pathfinder
    now outperforms experts who helped design it!!
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