Title: Alvin Langdon Coburn, Vortograph, 1917
1Alvin Langdon Coburn, Vortograph, 1917
2Laszlo Moholy Nagy, The Bauhaus Balcony, Dessau,
3Giacomo Balla, Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash, 1912.
4Piet Mondrian, Colour Square in Oval, 1914-1915
5Piet Mondrian, Composition in Red, White and
Blue, 1926
6Piet Mondrian, Composition with Yellow Patch, 1930
7Piet Mondrian, Broadway Boogie Woogie, 1943
8Mark Rothko, No. 61, 1953
9Arnold Newman, Portrait of Jackson Pollock
Painting, ca. 1950
10Jackson Pollock, Cathedral, 1947
11Jackson Pollock, Number 1, 1948
12Dziga Vertov, Man with a Movie Camera (film still
1), 1929
13El Lissitzky, The Self Constructor, 1925
14Laszlo Moholy Nagy, Photo Quality Magazine, 1931
15Vladimir Tatlin, Monument for the Third
International (model), 1919
16Vladimir Tatlin, Project for the Monument for the
Third International, 1920
17Dziga Vertov, Man With a Movie Camera (film still
2), 1929
18Poster for Film and Photo Exhibition, Stuttgart,
Germany, 1929