Title: OGT and Written Response Questions
1OGT and Written Response Questions
- OR How Do I Get My Students to Pass This Thing?
- Used with permission of Dr. Martha Pallante,
- Chair History Department,Youngstown State
2Types of Questions
- Multiple Choice
- Short Answer
- Extended Response
3Knowledge Base References
- Fact base questions -- students must recall
answer - Example Based question students must interpret
informationuse critical thinking/analytical
skills - Skill Based Questions students must describe or
identify skill of historian/social scientist
4How to Prepare Students
- Answer the questions that are asked.
The early 20th century saw a significant
northward migration of African-Americans. During
the 1920s, nearly 400,000 African-Americans
settled in New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois.
Many lived in large cities such as New York,
Philadelphia and Chicago. Identify two economic
effects of this migration on the United States.
Correct answer requires two statements that
speak to money or employment.
5How to Prepare Students
- Answer the questions that are asked.
- Use straight forward sentences.
- Make the same number of statements as points in
the question. - Dont waste time on unnecessary details.
6Problems for Students
- Students cant identify the question
- For what sort of information does the question
ask. - Is it descriptive who, what, where when.
- Is it process cause and effect, motives, short
or long term result. - Is it method best practices and scholars
7Problems for Students
- 2. Students dont understand how to read a text
document, quotation, statistic, image - Rubric for interpretation
- Describe it
- Identify author and motive or bias
- Audience or for whom was it meant
- Context or place it in time and space
8Solutions for Students
- 1. Scaffolding Learning
- Break down the steps into small increments
- Identify the following terms
- George Washington
- Ideally student would tell who he is, when and
where he acted, and why he was significant or
what his contributions.
9- So how do you teach it
- Start with the following format
- Who was George Washington?
- When and where did he live?
- Why is he important to the development of the
United States? - OR
- What were his significant contributions?
10- Then move to less constructed model
- Tell me who George Washington is, when and where
he lived, and what his significant contributions
were to the development of the United States?
Write one sentence for each of the questions
11Solutions for Students
- Teach them to recognize what the questions are
asking - Use highlight or other indicator to define what
question is asking. What sort of information
does the answer require? - Used highlight or other indicator to indicate
quantity. Write one sentence for each.
12- The early 20th century saw a significant
northward migration of African-Americans. During
the 1920s, nearly 400,000 African-Americans
settled in New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois.
Many lived in large cities such as New York,
Philadelphia and Chicago. - Identify two economic effects of this migration
on the United States. - African American migration to northern cities in
the Twenties resulted in an increase in the labor
force. They were also sometimes used as scabs
to prevent union success.
13Extended response item
- During the years between 1945 and 1950, the
period directly following World War II, the
Soviet Union expanded its influence in Central
and Eastern Europe. Describe two concerns the
United States had about this expansion. - For each concern, (two more responses) identify a
related action taken by the United States to
counter Soviet activities in Europe during this
time period. - Write your answer in the Answer Document. (4
14- Red identifies type of question.
- Blue is the formation that can be used to answer
the question. - During the 1960s, the Congress of Racial Equality
(CORE) organized Freedom Rides throughout the
South to end segregation on interstate bus
routes. James Farmer, national director of CORE
at that time, described in an interview one of
the strategies used by the Freedom Riders - We felt that one of the weaknesses of the
student sit-in movement of the South had been
that as soon as arrested, the kids were bailed
out. ... A better tactic would be to remain in
jail. ... Fill up the jails, as Gandhi did in
India, fill them to bursting if we had to. In
other words, stay in without bail. - Source Howell Raines, My Soul Is Rested
Movement Days in the Deep South Remembered - James Farmers statement would be a credible
source of information (historians method) about
a strategy used during the civil rights movement
because - A. it is free of bias.
- B. it was published in a book.
- C. he was a civil rights leader.
- D. he uses statistics to support his opinions.
15Extended response item
- During the years between 1945 and 1950, the
period directly following World War II, the
Soviet Union expanded its influence in Central
and Eastern Europe. Describe two concerns the
United States had about this expansion. - For each concern, identify a related action taken
by the United States to counter Soviet activities
in Europe during this time period. - Write your answer in the Answer Document. (4
16Decoding an image
- Use the photo to describe the different sorts of
workers employed at this factory, the Niles Fire
Brick Company. Indicate at least five signs of
class or divisions of labor.
17(No Transcript)