Title: SWMAS Charity Golf Day
1SWMAS Charity Golf Day _at_ Oake Manor Golf Club
Taunton, TA4 1BA Thursday 5th July 2007 Charity
Golf Day for SWMAS, Partner Organisations,
Associates and Manufacturing Companies
2- Provisional content and timings
- Arrival from 10am
- PGA Professional Registration
- Coffee, Tea, Bacon Baguette
- Complimentary Driving Range Warm Up
- From 1130am
- PGA Official Starter
- 1st Tee Set-Up Video
- 18 Hole Four-Ball
- Putting Competition
- PGA Professional Swing Analysis
- From 630pm
- Evening Meal
- Prize Giving
- Presentations
- Charity Announcements
- 930pm Close
Further Information call Phil Halse on
07971597006 phil.halse_at_swmas.co.uk Booking form
3SWMAS Charity Golf Day _at_ Oake Manor Golf Club
Taunton, TA4 1BA Thursday 5th July
2007 Registration from 10am Tee-times to be
Maximum of four players per Company to be
invoiced at 60VAT per Player
e-mail to phil.halse_at_swmas.co.uk