Title: Hyperspectral Imager Program Development Allan Hollinger Manager, Sensors
1Hyperspectral ImagerProgram DevelopmentAllan
HollingerManager, Sensors Signal
ProcessingSpacecraft Payloads
2Why Hyperspectral Remote Sensing? Canadian
National Working Groups Recommendations
- Geoscience Working Group
- Develop a spectral library representative of
materials in the Canadian tundra - Software and algorithm development to help
industry to use hyperspectral data - Agriculture Working Group
- Identify the potential of hyperspectral data for
precision farming - Environment Working Group
- Applications for the identification of
bio-indicators and indexes - Emphasis should be placed upon the simpler cases
of data representation, data integration
(especially the merging of fine resolution data
with RADARSAT data), information extraction and
product delivery
3Overview of Canadian Capabilities in
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Program Objectives
- To develop advanced hyperspectral technologies as
partner in foreign missions - To satisfy Canadian needs for high quality
hyperspectral data products, and to provide
better access to data for Canadian users - To provide advanced hyperspectral information
products for - exploration geology and prospecting
- management of mine wastes
- assessment of environmental stress in ecosystems
and coastal zones - monitoring of water resources and aquaculture
- management of forests and agriculture
4Canadian Investment in Hyperspectral activities
5Canadian Expert Support Laboratory for MERIS
- MERIS is a 15 band imager (designed as a
visible imaging spectrometer) primarily for
ocean/water monitoring ? 300 m footprint) and
3 day revisit cycle - Simulate and evaluate MERIS data in diverse
Canadian landscape and seasons - Develop and test product generation algorithms
for MERIS - Evaluate benefits of information products and
initiate a science framework for Canada - Canadians have responded to the MERIS AO
6Canadian Expert Support Laboratory for MERIS
- 2 Land Projects
- L1 (ISTS) -forest change
- L2 (U.Sherbrooke) -atmosphere correction (Land)
- 6 Water Projects
- W1 (Borstad) -FLH algorithm develop
- W2 (Borstad) -FLH algorithm test
- W3 (NWRI) -lake water optical parameters
- W4 (Borstad-BIO) -primary productivity
- W5 (Satlantic) -coastal water variability
- W6 (MDA) -sensitivity of atmospheric effects over
water - 4 Infrastructure Projects
- I1 (MDA) -project communications atm. corr.
(water) - I2 (ISTS) -intra project instrument calibration
- I3 (MDA) -management
- I4 (MDA) -MERIS ground station study
7Overview of Canadian Capabilities in
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- Hyperspectral Mission
- CSA and CCRS are providing a coordinated approach
to facilitate access to hyperspectral missions
and related opportunities - Current activities
- Prepare options for Canadian participation in a
hyperspectral mission - Data and instrument simulation to ensure that
mission meets Canadian users needs and to
influence payload design - Demonstration of applications to ensure that
Canadian users can take full advantage of the
data when a satellite is operational
8Hyperspectral Imager Technology Assessment
- Examine Canadian participation in all aspects of
satellite based program and provide critical
assessment of - Technical constraints
- Schedule
- Budget
- Leading to
- detailed design and fabrication
- user application studies and user development
9Hyperspectral SensorFunctional Block Diagram
Control Flight Computers
Command Telemetry
Instrument Control Electronics
Attitude Orbit Control System
Optical Calibration Subsystem
External Baffles
Timing Synchronisation
Data Handling Electronics
Sensor Subsystems
Raw Data Buffer
Signal Conditioning Analog to Digital Converter
Spectrometers VISNIR SWIR
On-board Calibration Processor (Radiometric
Lossless Compression
Housekeeping Headers
Instrument Control Status
EDAC Downlink Electronics
Data Recorder incl. EDAC
Data Formatting Electronics
10 Hyperspectral Imager Technology Assessment
11Hyperspectral Imager Technology Assessment
12 Software Tools for Hyperspectral Imagers
- Goals
- 1. Datacube management
- 2. Spectral interpretation (match to known or
identify unknown) - 3. Combining spectral-spatial algorithms
- 4. Visualization tools
- 5. Browse, archive, retrieval and dissemination
- Some Developers (algorithms, proprietary and COTS
tools) - - CCRS (ISDAS)
- - MDA (Geobox, Hawkeye, MIMCOM, etc.)
- - Borstad
- - Itres
- - Universities
13Hyperspectral Imager Technology Assessment
141 Optical Technology Advancement
- Demonstrate fabrication capabilities for a
three-mirror anastigmatic (TMA) fore-optics and
on-board calibration subsystem optical elements - Build and test breadboard optical components
- Perform fabrication and materials trade-offs
- Advance TMA and calibration-subsystem optical
designs, considering e.g. straylight, scatter,
opto-mechanical methods
152 System Studies for a Hyperspectral Imager
- Establish system-level and instrument-level
requirements, based on applications needs - Develop system modeling tools, including
applications algorithms, lumped-parameter models
(LPMs) and data-flow models (DFMs) - Perform systems analysis using LPMs and DFMs
- Models and analyses to include Cal/val
requirements and functional performance - Application algorithms should be well
benchmarked including ground truth to
distinguish instrument error from algorithm error
163 Predictors for Lossless Compression of
Hyperspectral Data
- Investigate and Select optimum predictor for a
satellite HSI program, considering performance
and ease of hardware implementation - Assess predictors performance, using
Hyperspectral datasets from a variety of
available scenes and sensors - Examine benefits of on-board calibration to
compression - Consokidate buffering and compreesion electronics
design identify critical components and
implementation issues
17ESA Explorer Core MissionLand Surface Processes
and Interaction Mission
- Designed to meet research goals
- Relies on intensive study of partiular sites
- Examines BRDF algorithms and Remote Sensing
Science - Phase A study benefits from ESA Payload
technology studies (HRIS and pre-phase A on
PRISM) - Alcatel/Aerospatiale won the competitive contract
- Completion expected June 1999
18Partnership Options
- Ongoing discussions with
- Australia - ARIES
- European options
- ESA Earth Explorer
- Land Surface Processes and Interaction Mission
(Core Mission) - SIMSA (German led Opportunity Mission)
- Smart Spectral (Dornier led commercial mission)
19Earth Explorer Opportunity Mission Issues and
Process at ESA
- Stage 1 Submission of Preliminary SIMSA
proposal? - Stage 2 Submission of Full Proposal Dec 1/98 ?
- Scientific Proposal
- Technical Proposal
- Feasible cost and schedule
- Technical maturity and understanding of key
technologies requiring customization or
development - Programmatic benefits and alignment of SIMSA
and LSPIM - Selection of Proposals for Phase A/B - June 1999
est - Stage 3 ESA ITT to Industry
- Current Meeting provides an opportunity for
forming a preliminary industrial team
20SIMSA Conclusions Nov 16-17/98
- Initiatives for EEOM Phase A/B or bilateral
hyperspectral programmes - Science programme description and definition
- Harmonisation of science programme for selected
applications - Baseline mission, satellite and instrument
21Status of ARIES
- ARIES Phase A and pre-Phase B completed by
current partners - Australian Tax Office ruling critical to ARIES
funding - Written ruling expected shortly Phase B set to
start June 1999 - Preliminary discussions between Canada and ARIES
in March and December 1997 - Major joint workshop held in June 1998
- Work package alternatives discussed
- Data rights discusses
- Meeting with ARIES held Jan/99
- Follow up meetings planned for spring 1999
22ARIES Consortium
- Currently there are three partners
- Auspace (a wholly owned subsidiary of MMS-UK)
- ARIES Operating Company (to be created)
- Finances operations through data sales
- Investors TBD
- Responsibility
- Space Segment Prime
- Applications Prime
- Ground Segment Prime
- Owns Satelliteand Data
- Contracts with AUSPACE, CSIRO and ACRES for
satellite development and operation
23Australian Resource Information and
Environmental Satellite
- Goal to develop and operate a commercially
sustainable resource information satellite using
the latest hyperspectral sensing technology - Outcome of 20 years of collaborative RD between
Australias leading research agency (CSIRO) and
the mining industry - ARIES-1 Project Office created in October 1995
- ARIES-1 feasibility study completed in March 1997
- ARIES-1 launch in 2002 with operation starting in
2003 - Australian consortium CSIRO, ACRES, Auspace Ltd.
- Other partners
- International groups of mining and exploration
companies - Australian and European Geological Surveys
consortia - UK Natural Environment Research Council
- Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (with the
participation of CSA)
24Australian Resource Information and
Environmental Satellite
- Satellite
- Australian design and weight less than 500 kg
- Polar, sun synchronous 500 km above the Earth's
surface - Design life 5 years
- Sensor
- 32 contiguous bands in the VNIR (400 to 1100nm)
- 32 contiguous bands in the SWIR (2000-2500nm)
- Optional coverage of 1000-2000nm range with
emphasis on atmospheric correction and
calibration - Spatial resolution Spectrometer - 30 metres at
nadir Panchromatic - 10 metres at nadir - Ground swath 15 km at nadir
- Off-track pointing to 30 degrees off vertical
- Revisit time 7 days at 30 degrees look angle