Title: Short Answer
1Short Answer Classification and Analysis
Sponsor Klaus Peters, Ph.D Developer Kenneth
- Allow for input of survey data from delimited
text file - Simple interface for creating hierarchies of
keywords based on short answer responses. - Attempt to automatically determine which
hierarchy a response belongs to given existing
keywords. - Allow for manual appending of modifiers to
existing keywords. - Provide statistical analysis of responses once
classification is complete. - Cross platform.
- Easy and fast to use.
3Software Components
- Java
- Allows for cross-platform support without
compiling on multiple operating
systems/architectures. - Extensive string handling functions.
- Object serialization allows for easy storage of
complex data structures.
4Process Diagram
5Process Diagram (Cont.)
6Titles of Proposal Pages
- Cover Page (1 Page)
- Abstract (1 Page)
- Statement of Need (cont)
- Project Description (2-3 Pages)
- Resources
- Difficulties
- Sponsor
- Project Description
- Anticipated Outcomes
- Evaluation of Results
- Plan of Demonstration
- Schedule (cont)
- Flow Diagram
- Conclusion (1 Page)
7Computer Assisted Survey Classification
Developer Kenneth Eschrich Sponsor Dr. Klaus
8What is C.A.S.C?
- Data Import
- Tab delimited data files
- Creation of Trees
- Keywords for classification
- Response Classification
- Based on trees created
- Survey Overview
- Statistical view of classified responses
9Tree Creation
The project execution phase of the course seemed
to be one of the shorter phases of the class and
I felt that more time would have been beneficial.
10Tree Creation
The project execution phase of the course seemed
to be one of the shorter phases of the class and
I felt that more time would have been beneficial.
11Tree Creation
The project execution phase of the course seemed
to be one of the shorter phases of the class and
I felt that more time would have been beneficial.
Adequate Inadequate
12Tree Creation
The project execution phase of the course seemed
to be one of the shorter phases of the class and
I felt that more time would have been beneficial.
Adequate Inadequate
more time
- Completed
- Data structures
- File import
- Data load/savePreliminary work
- Projected
- Implementation of classification algorithms
- GUI Design
- Encountered
- Structure of trees (Conceptual)
15Work Remaining
- Complete back-end
- Develop front-end (GUI)
- Write documentation
16Schedule (Revised)
- Week of October 23
- Continue back-end development
- Week of October 30
- Develop code to classify responses
- Provide statistics
- Week of November 6
- Start to write user documentation.
- Week of November 13
- Develop main GUI
17Schedule (Revised)
- Week of November 20
- Continue work on GUI
- Week of November 27
- Continue work on GUI
- Week of December 4
- Meet with sponsor
- Make any needed changes
- Week of December 11
- Complete user manual.
18Computer Assisted Survey Classification
Developer Kenneth Eschrich Sponsor Dr. Klaus
19What is C.A.S.C?
- Data Import
- Tab delimited data files
- Creation of Trees
- Keywords for classification
- Response Classification
- Based on trees created
- Survey Overview
- Statistical view of classified responses
- Data structures
- File import
- Data load/save
- Hierarchies
- Main GUI
private void buildGUI() cmbResponses new
JComboBox() cmbResponses.addActionListener(this)
lblResponses new JLabel("Select Response ",
JLabel.TRAILING) lblResponses.setLabelFor(cmbRes
ponses) panRList new JPanel(new
FlowLayout()) panRList.add(lblQuestions) panRL
ist.add(cmbQuestions) panRList.add(lblResponses)
panRList.add(cmbResponses) txtResponse
new JTextArea() txtResponse.setLineWrap(true)
txtResponse.setWrapStyleWord(true) txtResponse.s
etEditable(false) scrResponse new
JScrollPane(txtResponse, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCRO
NEVER) c.setLayout(new BorderLayout()) c.add(
panRList, BorderLayout.PAGE_START) c.add(scrResp
onse, BorderLayout.CENTER)
- Encountered
- GridBagWhatLayout?
- Schedule Flaw
- Time
- Projected
- Nothing major
23Work Remaining
- Complete back-end
- Complete GUI
- Module for Statistics Generation
- Write Documentation
24Schedule (Revised)
- Week of November 13
- Finish GUI
- Week of November 27
- Finish Back end
- Week of December 4
- Statistics Generation
- Week of December 11
- Complete user manual.