Title: The Physical Architecture of Soils
1Golden Gate National Recreation Area Marin County
2The Physical Architecture of Soils
3Soil Color
4Soil Structure
5Soil Color and Structure in Real Life
- soil from profile in Mendocino County
- steep hillslope
- current vegetation 100 yr old redwood-Douglas
fir forest - clearcut in 1900, resulting erosion of much of
A horizon - compare color on datasheet to Munsell color
book - use Figure 4.10 to check out structure
- use textural triangle to I.D. the textural
classes of the horizons
6Soil Texture
7Texture Triangle
8Soil Texture and Mineralogical Composition
for most mineral soils Dp2.65 Mg/m3
9Soil Density and Porosity
11Clay Particle Orientation (Flocculation)
12Further Reading on aggregate stability Martens
2000 (on web)
13Soil Tilth
- Definition
- the physical condition of soil as related to its
ease of tillage, fitness as a seedbed, and its
impedance to seedling emergence and root
penetration. - i.e. condition of soil as related to plant growth
- NRCS Tillage Pocket Guide
16Chisel Plow
18Moldboard Plow
19Cultivation Decisions
Further Reading on cultivation NPK Tiessen et
al., 1982 (on web)
20this is where lecture ended
- the following slides have figures from the book
that are helpful, but we didnt cover them in
21Soil Texture and Surface Area
22Determining Particle Size
23Texture and Other Physical Properties
24Natural Rangesin Bulk Density
25Humans and Bulk Density
26Persistence of Bulk Denisty Change
27Bulk Density and Agriculture
28Depth Variations in Bulk Density
29Effect on Rooting Densities and Plants
30Soil Aggregates and Land Use
31Flocculation and Organic Matter in Nature
Development of Structure