Title: CLASS 22
2Class 22 Agenda Assessment Exemplars, Report
Card and EQAO Grade 3 6 Tests
- Exemplars
- Report Card
- EQAO Grade 3 6 Tests
3Class 22 Assessment Exemplars, Report Card and
EQAO Grade 3 6 Tests
4Class 22 Assessment Exemplars
- Exemplars
- Show characteristics of student work at each of
the four levels of achievement - Promote greater consistency in the assessment of
student work across the province
5 Class 22 Assessment Exemplars
- Exemplars
- Provide an approach to improving student learning
by demonstrating the use of clear criteria
applied to student work in response to a clearly
defined assessment task
6Class 22 Assessment Exemplars
- Exemplars
- Show the connections between what students are
expected to learn (curriculum expectations) and
how their work can be assessed using the levels
of achievement
7Class 22 Assessment Exemplars
- Check the available exemplars at
- http//www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/curricul/ele
mcurric.html - Mathematics, Writing, Science and Technology,
Social Studies
8Class 22 Assessment Exemplars
- Teachers, parents and students are encouraged to
examine the samples for the following reasons - To consider them along with the information in
the Teachers Notes and Comments/Next Steps
sections of the report card
9Class 22 Assessment Exemplars
- To develop an understanding of the
characteristics of work at each level of
achievement - To develop an understanding of the ways in which
the levels of achievement reflect a progression
in the quality of knowledge and skills
demonstrated by the student
10Class 22 Assessment Exemplars
- The performance tasks in the exemplars
- Based directly on curriculum expectations
- Encompass the four categories of knowledge and
skills (e.g., Knowledge/Understanding,
Thinking/Inquiry, Communication, and Application)
11Class 22 Assessment Exemplars
- Allow students to demonstrate how well they
learned to use the knowledge and skills in one
context but also how well they could use their
knowledge and skills in another context
12Class 22 Assessment Report Card
- Report Card
- Student achievement must be communicated formally
to students and parents (caregivers) by means of
the Provincial Report Card 3 times a year - Focuses on two distinct but related aspects of
school achievement (in separate sections) - The achievement of curriculum expectations
- The development of learning skills required for
effective learning
13Class 22 Assessment Report Card
- Report Card
- Also includes teachers comments on the students
strengths and weaknesses and next steps - Designed to involve students in assessing their
own progress and setting goals - To provide parents with the information they need
to identify how they can support their childs
learning at home.
14Class 22 Assessment Report Card
- Check the report card and the Guide
- http//www.edu.gov.on.ca/
15Class 22 Assessment Report Card
16Class 22 Assessment Report Card
17Class 22 Assessment Report Card
- Attendance and Punctuality
- Promotion Status
- Grade in September
- Achievement of Provincial Curriculum Expectations
- Based on the curriculum expectations
- Letter Grades (Grade 1-6)
- Percentage Marks (Grade 7-8) based on the 4
achievement levels - Provincial Standard is Level 3 (B or 70-79)
18(No Transcript)
19Class 22 Assessment Report Card
- Achievement of Provincial Curriculum Expectations
- The meaning of A (80-100) Level 4
- The student has demonstrated the required
knowledge and skills. Achievement exceeds the
provincial standard - It does not mean the child is working
beyond the expectations for the grade.
20Class 22 Assessment Report Card
- Achievement of Provincial Curriculum Expectations
- The Meaning of R/ Below 50
- Does not correspond to one of the four
achievement levels. - Used to flag the need for remediation and parent
involvement. - Signals additional learning is required before
the student will begin to achieve success with
this grades expectations - Indicates the need for the development of a plan
to address the students specific needs and to
ensure success for learning - A student with an IEP would rarely receive an R
21Class 22 Assessment Report Card
- -used for students who have been formally
identified as exceptional by an Identification,
Placement, and Review Committee - -may be used for students with special needs
who are - receiving special education programs and
services but who - have not been formally identified
- -If it applies to a particular strand/subject
check the IEP box for that - subject. Parents should have a clear
understanding of the - expectations that make up the
students program -
- In Strengths/Weaknesses/Next Steps
section, include the statement - The grade/mark for strand/subject is based on
achievement of the - expectations in the IEP, which vary from the
Grade ___expectations.
22Class 22 Assessment Report Card
- Achievement of Provincial Curriculum Expectations
- ESL check if student enrolled in an ESL program
or - ESD check if student enrolled in an English
skills development program - French if enrolled in immersion or extended
French program and receives instruction in French
for this subject - If the expectations in the ESL program vary from
the - expectations of the regular grade, in
Strengths/Weaknesses/Next - Steps section, include
- The grade/mark for strand/subject is based on
achievement of - the expectations in the ESL (ESD), which vary
from the Grade__ - expectations.
23Class 22 Assessment Report Card
- Strengths/Weaknesses/Next Steps
- Space provided for anecdotal comments about the
students achievement of the curriculum
expectations and the learning skills in each
subject. - A separate Learning Skills has been provided to
allow for a comprehensive view of the students
development of learning skills. See Appendix D in
the Guide. (E- Excellent G- Good S-
Satisfactory N-Needs Improvement)
24Class 22 Assessment Report Card
- Check Appendix C (Guide) for additional student
self-assessment/conference forms - Check Appendix D (Guide) for Sample Learning
Skills Descriptions - Take the time to complete a report card (sample
25Class 22 Assessment EQAO Grade 3 6 Tests
- EQAO Testing Grades 3 6
- Requires students to participate for up to two
and a half hours per day over five days - Education Quality Accountability Office
- http//www.eqao.com
26Class 22 Assessment EQAO Tests Grade 3 6
- Suggestions for Split-Grade Classrooms are
provided - Assessment Samples
- Icons
27- Assessment Procedures at a Glance
28Class 22 Assessment EQAO Grade 3 6 Tests
29Class 22 Assessment EQAO Grade 3 6 Tests
- Using data effectively
- Improving student learning
- Promoting student success