Title: 20072008 Tertiary Admissions
12007/2008 Tertiary Admissions
- QTAC procedures for Current
- Year 12 students
- Who can apply through QTAC?
- What types of courses are available?
- What mode of study can I choose from?
- Where can I apply?
- Where can I find more information about tertiary
study? - Important information before you apply Choosing
your preferences
3Contents (cont.)
- Course Fees
- Student Learning Entitlement
- Key Dates
- QTAC and QSA numbers
- How do I apply?
- What services are available to me after I apply?
4Who can apply through QTAC?
- You can apply through QTAC if you are
- An Australian or international student completing
Year 12 in Australia, or - Achieving an OP or a QTAC Selection Rank (if you
are OP ineligible)
5What types of courses are available through QTAC?
- When you apply through QTAC you may apply for
- Selected Certificate courses
- Diplomas
- Advanced Diplomas
- Degrees and Associate Degrees
- Some post-registration and graduate entry courses
6What modes of study can I choose from?
- Depending on the course, you may have the choice
of the following study modes - Full-time
- Part-time
- External
- Flexible delivery
7Where can I apply?
- Universities
- ACU National (Australian Catholic University)
- Bond University
- Central Queensland University
- Griffith University
- James Cook University
- Queensland University of Technology
- Southern Cross University
- The University of Queensland
- University of New England
- University of Southern Queensland
- University of the Sunshine Coast
8Where can I apply? (cont.)
- TAFE Queensland
- Colleges
- Australian College of Natural Medicine
- Australian Maritime College
- Qantm College
- Queensland Institute of Business and Technology
- SAE Institute
9Where can I find more information about tertiary
- Resources re tertiary courses, institutions and
application procedures - QTAC Guide Tertiary Courses 2008
- QTAC website www.qtac.edu.au
10Where can I find more information about tertiary
study? (cont.)
- www.goingtouni.gov.au - information about
Commonwealth loans and scholarships higher
education providers - www.thegoodguides.com.au - tertiary institution
profiles - Institutional websites and publications
11Where can I find more information about tertiary
study? (cont.)
- Tertiary Advice and Career Planning
- www.year12whatnext.gov.au - a guide to help Year
12 students plan their post-school education and
training - www.myfuture.edu.au - career information service
12Where can I find more information about tertiary
study? (cont.)
- www.jobguide.dest.gov.au - an in-depth look at a
range of occupations and their education and
training pathways - Career Counsellors access school counsellors or
QTACs fee-based Tertiary Advice and Counselling
Service (TACS) Ph (07) 3858 1298
13Important informationbefore you apply
Choosing your Preferences
- You may choose up to six course preferences.
(After lodging your application you can change
the order of your preferences or substitute new
preferences.) - Always order your preferences from your most
preferred course down to your least preferred
14Important informationbefore you apply
Choosing your Preferences (cont.)
- The OP/QTAC Selection Ranks required for entry
change from year to year - Every year many well-qualified applicants miss
out on a place because they do not choose and
order their preferences wisely - To avoid this happening to you, use the following
guide in ordering your preferences
15Important informationbefore you apply
Choosing your Preferences (cont.)
16Course Fees
- Course fees vary significantly. You should
therefore consider the course fee type when
choosing your preferences - Public Higher Education Providers
- Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) the
Australian Government contributes towards course
costs and the student pays a Student
17Course Fees (cont.)
- Australian Citizens and Australian Permanent
Residents on a Humanitarian Visa can defer
payment of CSP fees through a HECS-Help loan - Australian Permanent Residents (except those on a
Humanitarian Visa) and New Zealand Citizens must
pay their CSP fees upfront
18Course Fees (cont.)
- Dfee (domestic fee) places the student pays the
full cost of the course. The Australian
Government does NOT contribute - International Students pay full fees
19Course Fees (cont.)
- Private Higher Education Providers
- Students pay full fees
- Fees and payment methods vary between institutions
20Course Fees (cont.)
- TAFE Queensland
- Standard Offering (SO) fees are government
subsidised - Non-standard, fee-based offerings are not
government subsidised, the student pays the full
cost of the course
21Course Fees (cont.)
- TAFE Queensland fees may vary between institutes
- Fees must be paid upfront
- Concessions may apply consult the relevant TAFE
institute for details
22Student Learning Entitlement
- Student Learning Entitlement (SLE)
- Enables students to access a Commonwealth
Supported Place - All Australian Citizens, Australian Permanent
Residents and New Zealand Citizens initially
receive 7 years full-time equivalent SLE
23Student Learning Entitlement
- Once a student has completed 7 years SLE they
will be required to pay full fees for further
study unless they successfully gain additional SLE
24Key Dates
- 16 July - Applications open for 2008 Admissions
- 28 Sep - 4.30pm Due date for on-time applications
- 6 Dec - December Offers released for a small
number of distance education,
creative/ performing arts and other
selected courses - 13 Dec - 10.00am Due date to respond to December
offers - 15 Dec - 9.00am QSA Smart OP service available
on the QSA website - 19 Dec - 4.30pm Due date to submit supporting
documentation for guaranteed
inclusion in the January offer round
25Key Dates (cont.)
- 21Dec - OP ineligible ranks available to QTAC
applicants via QTACs Current Applicant
online service and to non- applicants
by phoning QTAC Information Services - (07) 3858 1222
- 2 Jan - Due date for Year 12s to lodge
applications and change preferences for
guaranteed inclusion in the January offer
round - 10 Jan - January offer round released
- 11 Jan - Offer letters and enrolment information
mailed. January offers published in major
Queensland newspapers
26Key Dates (cont.)
- 21 Jan - 10.00am Due date to respond to January
offers - 4.30pm Due date to submit supporting
documentation for guaranteed inclusion in
February offer round - 11.59pm Due date to lodge applications
and change preferences for guaranteed
inclusion in February offer round - 31 Jan - February offer round released
- 1 Feb - February offers published in major
Queensland newspapers - 8 Feb - 10.00am Due date to respond to February
27QTAC and QSA Numbers
- To start your QTAC application
- Enter your QSA Year 12 Student Number (this
number contains 11 digits and begins with 06) - Then enter your QTAC PIN 4 digits and initially
set to the day and month of your birth eg if you
were born on the fourth of May your QTAC PIN
would be 0405
28QTAC and QSA Numbers (cont.)
- Your QTAC Application Number will be printed on
your Pre-payment Voucher if you prepay or given
to you within your QTAC online application if you
pay by credit card online or select to defer your
payment - Once you have lodged your application you will
be able to access Current Applicant online
services using either your QSA Student Number or
QTAC Application Number
29QTAC and QSA Numbers (cont.)
- You may wish to change your QTAC PIN to the same
number you change your QSA PIN to for easy
remembering - Changing your QSA PIN does not change your QTAC
PIN and vice versa
30How do I apply?
- An application planner is provided for you in
your QTAC Guide. It provides step-by-step
instructions for lodging your QTAC application - You may also complete a demonstration version of
the online application on the QTAC website - Current Year 12 students apply using the Twelve
to Tertiary (TTT) online service at the QTAC
website www.qtac.edu.au
31A TTT application costs 25 if lodged before 28
September 2007
How do I apply? (cont.)
- There are 3 ways to pay for your TTT application
- Use a credit card when you apply online
- Purchase a Pre-payment Voucher before you
commence your application online - Defer your payment and pay within 10 days of
lodging your application online. (This service
will only be available until 28 September.)
Please note that if payment is deferred, your
application will not be processed until full
payment has been received by QTAC.
32How do I apply? (cont.)
- Before your application is lodged, you can view a
summary of your application - If you are satisfied your application details are
correct, you can then lodge your application - Your application is not lodged until you see the
Confirmation of Lodgement page
33How do I apply? (cont.)
- Be sure to print your Confirmation of Lodgement
as it is proof of lodgement and has your QTAC
Application Number on it - Please note that you will not be eligible for an
offer if you have any outstanding QTAC fees
34What services are available to me after I apply?
- After applying, you can access the Current
Applicant online service to - Print your Confirmation of Lodgement and Cover
Sheets for any supporting documentation you are
required to submit to QTAC - View a summary of your application
35What services are available to me after I apply?
- Collect QTAC Correspondence electronically
- Authorise another person to act on your behalf
- Pay outstanding QTAC fees
- Change your address and contact details
- Change your QTAC PIN
36What services are available to me after I apply?
- Change preferences on 3 separate occasions at no
extra cost (4th and subsequent changes cost
15.00 each) - Check if you have been made an offer
- Respond to an offer
37Good Luck !
- Best wishes for your Year 12 studies
- If you have any enquiries regarding your QTAC
application, please contact us by telephone (07)
3858 1222 or email via the enquiry service on our
website www.qtac.edu.au