Title: Mulitvariate Analysis
1Mulitvariate Analysis
Brian Cunningham, Ina Gibson, Ben Lee Handler,
Dalena Hunter and Linda Rivas
2 The greatest evil is physical pain. Multivariate
analysis -Saint Augustine
Most real world phenomena are multi-factorial in
nature, meaning there is more than one factor
that impacts on, or causes changes in the
dependent variable. In order to predict the
dependent variable as accurately as possible, it
is usually necessary to include multiple
independent variables in the model. Multiple
linear regression allows us to test how well we
can predict a dependent variable on the basis of
multiple independent variables.
From Statistically Significant Consulting for
Doctoral Students and Researchers
3Multivariate analysis is.
- Real life
- Focused on one or more DEPENDENT VARIABLES (Y)
and - The relationship of INDEPENDENT VARIABLES
4Three Main Functions
- Control
- Elaboration
- Prediction
5How Does this Magic Happen?
- ltInsert REALLY UGLY Formula Heregt
- (Seriously, you will learn about the techniques
and methods used later in the presentation so pay
attention) -
6An Example
- Grad School Admissions
- Y Success in school
- X GRE scores
- Writing ability (admissions essay)
- Undergraduate performance
- Age, gender
- Red Hair
- Sleep patterns
- Pet growing up?
7Can You Spot the Imposters?
- Spurious Relationships
- Red Hair
- Sleep patterns
- Pet Ownership
8Sorting out the rest
- Identifying the Relative strengths of
Independent Variables - Identifying Additional, Intervening Variables
- What other variables account for the effect?
9This stuff is important
- Hey, they have their own journal!
(And I think it is written in English!)
10When do you say, enough!?
- In theory, there are no limits on the number of
variables you can test for. - In practice, you will experience AUTOCORRELATION,
adding new variables will not yield enough
information to justify the time and effort needed
to gather all the extra data.
11A Final Word of Advice
- (At least not without a computer
- and a good software package)
12Benefits of Multivariate Analysis
- The three basic functions of multivariate
analysis- control, interpretation, and prediction
allow the researcher to fully examine the
relationship between the dependent variable and
one or more independent variables.
13Benefits of Multivariate Analysis
- Control- Multivariate Analysis allows the
researcher to control association between
variables by using cross tabulation, partial
correlation and multiple regression.
14Benefits of Multivariate Analysis
- Elaboration- Multivariate analysis allows the
researcher to elaborate on the relationship
between two variables in order to determine the
relationship between the variables or to
determine the conditions necessary to create a
specific relationship between variables.
Introduces other variables to determine the links
between the independent and dependent variables
or to specify the conditions under which the
association takes place
15Benefits of Multivariate Analysis
- Elaboration
- Intervening variable- link between the
independent variable and the dependent variable - Interaction- conditions or contingencies
necessary for the relationship to occur - Interest and concern as a condition-
differences in interest affect subject attitude
and behavior patterns - Time and place as a condition- relationship
between two variables can vary according to the
time and place at which it is studied. - Background Characteristics as a condition-
associations may differ for persons or groups
who do not share the same characteristics
16Benefits of Multivariate Analysis
- Prediction (Path Analysis?)- uses bivariate and
multiple linear regression to test the causal
relations among the variables specified in the
model. - 3 steps researcher draws a path diagram based
on a theory, researcher calculates path
coefficients, researcher determines indirect
17Benefits of Multivariate Analysis
- Multiple Relationships (I think this is a con as
it is confusing to non math people) - Multivariate analysis allows researchers to study
the combined effect of all independent variables
on the dependent variable. -
18IT Takes a Long Time
19The Math is HARD
20Its Expensive
21Its Complicated
22ITS Difficult to Display
23In the End, We Still Dont Know a Whole Lot
24Nahyun Kwon, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, and Linda
Alexander.Critical thinking disposition and
library anxiety Affective domains on the space
of information seeking and use in academic
libraries. College Research Libraries 68, no3
268-78, May 2007.
25Critical Thinking
26Library Anxiety
27What is the relationship between ones critical
thinking disposition and ones feeling of library
28California Critical Thinking Disposition
Inventory (CCDTI)You know you needed another
acronym in your life.
29Strong critical thinkers are truth seeking,
open-minded, analytical, systematic,
self-confident (well at least in matters of
critical thinking), inquisitive, mature (please
dont giggle).
30Library Anxiety not referring to the feelings
associated with being an MLIS student, but rather
the recurring fear and feeling of being lost
among students who use an academic library for
their research. (Kwon 121)
31Library Anxiety was measured using the Library
Anxiety Scale (LAS -- Another one!!!)
32Symptoms include shortness of breath (a patron
complains that they need to take a couple of
deep breaths,) fears of appearing foolish and
general uneasiness.
33Findings revealed a negative multivariate
relationship, meaningstudents with weak
critical thinking dispositions tend to have high
anxiety levels, and conversely, a strong
disposition meant far lower anxiety levels.
34The findings led to the authors to make a final
recommendation The library staff needs to
enable patrons to have positive critical thinking
dispositions so that they will reduce their
amount of library anxiety.
- Nachmias, Chava and David Nachmias. 2000.
Control, Elaboration, and Multivariate Analysis.
In Research Methods in the Social Sciences. 6th
ed. New York Worth Publishers. - Kranzler, Gerald and Janet Moursund.1999.
Statistics for the Terrified. 2nd ed. New Jersey
Prentice Hall. - Nahyun Kwon, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, and Linda
Alexander.Critical thinking disposition and
library anxiety Affective domains on the space
of information seeking and use in academic
libraries. College Research Libraries 68, no3
268-78, May 2007.