Title: UC Irvine
1UC Irvine Office of Admissions and Relations with
Schools Supplemental Applications Augmented
Reviews Presentation October 16,
2007 Presenters Deborah Brandon Deborah Leisge
2Supplemental Applications Augmented Reviews
3Current Models
- Dance Music Performance Majors
- Audition
- Engineering Majors
- Augmented Review of UC Application
- Nursing Science Major
- Supplemental Application
- Filing Period 9/30/07 11/30/07
- Second Baccalaureates
- Augmented Review of UC Application transcripts
- Athletes
4NS Supplemental Application
A link from the Admissions home page brings the
applicant to this introductory page. A link also
exists on Pathways.
5Applicants can start a new supplemental
application or log into their existing one.
6This form is presented when an applicant chooses
to create a new application.
7A confirmation is given that the new application
has been created, an email is sent to the address
provided with the applicants login information
for future reference. The applicant then click
on the button to proceed to the application form.
8The applicants user and last login information
is provided at the top with the status of the
application. Each section of the applicant
will show Incomplete until all the required
fields for that section have been filled.
9Application Information and Activities
10Here, transfer applicants indicate which
prerequisites they have fulfilled.
11The Personal Statement section The
Recommendation section
12The applicant sends an invitation to the
recommender by clicking on the Invite Now box
and pressing the Save Changes button. A
message will be displayed indicating that the
recommendation has been sent.
13The application shows the date of the last time
the invitation was sent. An applicant may send
the invitation any number of times.
14Certification an applicant may not certify
their supplemental application until the
application is complete. Each section that is
not yet completed will be indicated with the
Incomplete statement. An application is
complete when all sections have been filled in
and the recommender invitation has been sent by
the applicant.
15Once the supplemental application is completed,
the applicant may then click the Submit
Application box and press the Save Changes
button to submit the completed application.
16The applicant may continue to access the
supplemental application. Edits are allowed
until the specified deadline.
17Applicants are warned that when editing their
completed/submitted application, it must remain
completed, or they are required to resubmit.
18The Recommendation Form
19The recommender may access the form at any time,
making edits any time until they click the
Submit Recommendation box and press the Save
Changes button.
20After submission, the recommender may access the
recommendation form for printing, for their
21The applicant may see when the recommender has
complete the online recommendation
22NS Review Tool - Home
23NS Roster / View
24Access Students Application
25NS Select Decision Result
26NS Decision Updated
27Scroll Down the Page
28(No Transcript)
29(No Transcript)
30(No Transcript)
31(No Transcript)
32(No Transcript)
33Engineering Roster
34Engineering Review Decision
Augmented Comprehensive Review Score A B
35Entering the Score
36Engineering Major Recommendations
Select recommended major
37ARTS Roster Decision
Eligibility Status
38ARTS Major Changes
Enter Specialization for passed audition.
39Managing the Process
- Pathways
- URL Link by Nursing Science major
- Follow-up Emails (NS)
- Reminder to submit a Pathways application
- Reminder to submit a supplemental application
- Invitation to Audition (Dance Music)
- Mailed by Dance and Music
- Decision Controls
- Unit verification before decisions uploaded
- Efficiency
- No paper routing delays
- No lost documents
- Convenient Cross-checking
41Technical Information
- Programs written in Perl
- MySQL Database
- Solaris 9 (UNIX)
- Academic Unit Access
- UCInetID (campus) login
- Cross-checked with authorization table
42Contact Information
- Linda Snyder Web Designer Programmer
- linda_at_uci.edu (949) 824-2052
- Deborah Leisge Systems Manager
- deborah_at_uci.edu (949) 824-5298
- Deborah Brandon Associate Director
- dlbrando_at_uci.edu (949) 824-4809