Title: SME2Logic Translation an initial approach
1SME2Logic Translation- an initial approach
Peter Clark Boeing Company
- SMEs can build adequate, new representations by
connecting pre-built components together - New representation defined largely in terms of
existing ones - To specify these connections, a small number of
simple axiom types are adequate - This provides a basis for a SME-usable interface
- Only need to support these connection axioms
3Things the SME Might Say
- A virus attack is a kind of invasion
- where the thing doing the attacking is a virus
- and the thing attacked is a cell
- The virus takes control by delivering
- its DNA to the cell
4Things the SME Might Say
- A virus attack is a kind of invasion
- where the thing doing the attacking is a virus
- and the thing attacked is a cell
- The virus takes control by delivering
- its DNA to the cell
Five Types of Assertions
- create Placement in the taxonomy
5Things the SME Might Say
- A virus attack is a kind of invasion
- where the thing doing the attacking is a virus
- and the thing attacked is a cell
- The virus takes control by delivering
- its DNA to the cell
Five Types of Assertions
- create Placement in the taxonomy
- specialize Restricting an objects class/type
6Things the SME Might Say
- A virus attack is a kind of invasion
- where the thing doing the attacking is a virus
- and the thing attacked is a cell
- The virus takes control by delivering
- its DNA to the cell
Five Types of Assertions
- create Placement in the taxonomy
- specialize Restricting an objects class/type
- add Introduction of new concepts
7Things the SME Might Say
- A virus attack is a kind of invasion
- where the thing doing the attacking is a virus
- and the thing attacked is a cell
- The virus takes control by delivering
- its DNA to the cell
Five Types of Assertions
- create Placement in the taxonomy
- specialize Restricting an objects class/type
- add Introduction of new concepts
- connect Stating a relation between two
8Things the SME Might Say
- A virus attack is a kind of invasion
- where the thing doing the attacking is a virus
- and the thing attacked is a cell
- The virus takes control by delivering
- its DNA to the cell
Five Types of Assertions
- create Placement in the taxonomy
- specialize Restricting an objects class/type
- add Introduction of new concepts
- connect Stating a relation between two
concepts - unify Coreference (equality)
9Displaying axioms to the SME
- Approach To present axioms about a concept C,
- SME doesnt see the raw axioms directly
- Rather, SME sees an example I of C
- Sees a set of ground facts about I
- sees the results of applying those axioms to I
- ground facts are comprehensible and graphable
- SME builds new concept by interacting with this
and other examples
10Displaying axioms to the SME Example
New Concept VirusInvade Is a type of Invade ?
Create an instance (example) of Invade
11How the SME Makes Assertions
- The SME manipulates instances in this
representation, using four types of action - Each action corresponds to a simple, ground
assertion - Any statements he/she makes about I will later be
considered to hold for all instances of C
12The SME Actions
Ground Facts (text)
Ground Facts (graph)
defender(VirusInvade01, Object01). attacker(VirusI
nvade01, Agent01). defense(Object01,
Barrier01). isa(Agent01, Agent). isa(Object01,
Object). isa(Barrier01, Barrier).
isa(Object01, Cell)
? v isa(v,Virus)
Agent01 Virus01
agent(Break01, Virus01)
13Generalizing the SMEs assertions
- SMEs assertion
- Object01 is a Cell
- Rephrase to only mention the root instance
- The defender of VirusInvade01 is a Cell
- Generalize
- The defender of all VirusInvades is a Cell
In Logic
- SMEs assertion isa(Object01, Cell)
- Rephrase ? x defender(VirusInvade01,x) ?
isa(x,Cell) - Generalize
- ? i isa(i,VirusInvade) ? ? x defender(i,x) ?
14Graph-Editing Issues
- How to overcome limits of working with examples
of concepts? - some info undisplayable (in cells, all lysosomes
are in cytoplasm) - Some inexpressible (e.g., quantification,
deletion/non-monotonicity) - How to integrate testing?
- How can the SME find concepts in the library?
- How can we ensure the SME uses concepts in the
intended way? - How can we guide the SME as to what to do next?
- How does SME add new concepts during editing?
- How can we avoid graphs becoming unmanageably
cluttered? - Who lays out the graph?
- SME how do we show side-effects of his/her
actions? - System how do we make layout stable and
15Wider Issues
- What is the scope and role of this kind of
graphical interface? - View it as a generic editor? A process model
editor? - What are the types of knowledge we need, and what
editors are needed? - Types isa, parts, purpose, constraints,
duration, attributes, sequences - Editor styles tree editing, form-filling, text
dialog, sketching - How can we re-introduce informal knowledge into