Title: Optical Design
1Optical Design
2The optics include
- On-Instrument Wave-Front Sensor
- Near-infrared Integral Field Spectrograph
- Image Slicer Feed (Focal Ratio converter and
Coldstop). - IFU.
- Spectrograph.
- Two alternative designs are presented having
different - Image Slicer Feed and IFU arrangements
33D IFU Design
4Content IFU Design
5Baseline Design Trimetric view
6Baseline Design Side view
7Alternative Design
8Concentric IFU
9Concentric IFU
10Concentric IFU
11Concentric IFU
12Concentric IFU
13Linear IFU
14(No Transcript)
15Linear IFU
16Pupil Mirror Array
17Baseline or Alternative Design?
- Offner coldstop can be better baffled but is
more complex.
- Concentric system is less compatible with
- Linear pupil mirror array can be a surface of
revolution but must be stepped.
- Linear system requires a more complex collimator
with more surfaces.
- Concentric system has better optical and
throughput performance.
- Linear system can be better baffled.
18Baseline Design Data
Field Mask Size 2 mm square (3.0 arcsec square
at f/16) Focal Converter Ratio 16 (f/16 -
f/256) Cold-Stop Diameter 4 mm Image Slicer
Field 30 mm square, 29 slitlets each 1 mm (0.1
arcsec) wide Pupil Mirror Array Pitch 0.25
(1.98 mm on 448 mm radius arc) Pupil Mirror Array
Fill Factor 0.82 Field Mirror Array Pitch 0.25
(1.86 mm on 420 mm radius arc) Field Mirror Array
Focal Ratio f/16 Collimator Focal Length 421
mm Collimator Beam Diameter 26.3 mm Ebert
Angle 30 Grating Angle 20 Spectral
Resolution 5300 (for a grating angle of
20) Camera Focal Length 288 mm Camera Focal
Ratio f/9 Detector Field 36.864 mm square
(2048 x 2048 x 0.018 mm pixel)
19Diffraction Effects
20Diffraction Effects
- For K 1.6 and l 2.5 mm
- Throughput loss is 3.
- Image profile wing attenuation at 3 pixels
off-centre is 660.
21Image Quality (for Baseline Design)
22Cold Stop Pupil
10 mm Box
(Diffraction Limit is 34 mm at l 1 mm)
23Image Slicer Field
Boxes are 0.512 mm (corresponding to one pixel in
spectral direction)
24Pupil Mirror Array
Boxes are 40 mm
25Field Mirror Array
Boxes are 0.032 mm (corresponding to one pixel in
spectral direction)
Boxes are 0.032 mm (corresponding to one pixel in
spectral direction)
Boxes are 0.018 mm (one pixel)
28Detector Field without Re-Focus
J1 Grating
H Grating
K Grating
Boxes are 0.018 mm (one pixel)
29Grating Configuration
30Configuration Options for Resolution and Field
- 26.3 mm Beam (R5300) and Blaze-to-Collimator
(3.0 arcsec Square Field). - 19.7 mm Beam (R4000) and Blaze-to-Collimator
(3.0 arcsec Square Field). - 32.0 mm Beam (R5300) and Blaze-to-Camera (3.6
arcsec Square Field). - 24.0 mm Beam (R4000) and Blaze-to-Camera (3.6
arcsec Square Field).
Blue option is the baseline Grey option makes
spectrograph too long
3126.3 mm Beam and Blaze-to-Collimator
- H band (1.49 - 1.80 mm) is fitted to detector.
- K band coverage is restricted to 2.00 - 2.41 mm
by detector.
- Resolving power is 5300 (with 20 grating angle).
- Field size is 3.0 arcsec square with 29 slitlets.
- Two-pixel spatial resolution is 0.082 arcsec.
- Spectrograph size is as shown in drawings.
This is the baseline and preferred option
3219.7 mm Beam and Blaze-to-Collimator
- K band (1.95 - 2.50 mm) is fitted to detector.
- Other bands are extended.
- Resolving power is 4000 (with 20 grating angle).
- Field size is 3.0 arcsec square with 29 slitlets.
- Two-pixel spatial resolution is 0.082 arcsec.
- Spectrograph size is reduced to 75 of baseline
version (easy to fit).
3324.0 mm Beam and Blaze-to-Camera
- K band (1.95 - 2.50 mm) is fitted to detector.
- Other bands are extended.
- Resolving power is 4000 (with 20 grating angle).
- Field size is 3.6 arcsec square with 35 slitlets.
- Two-pixel spatial resolution is 0.122 arcsec.
- IFU and collimator size is reduced to 91 of
baseline version.
- Camera size is reduced to 62 of baseline
34R5300 Gratings for the 26.3 mm Beam Configuration
35Optional Gratings for the 26.3 mm Beam
36R4000 Gratings for the 19.7 mm Beam Configuration
37Optional Gratings for the 19.7 mm Beam
38IFU Manufacture
- All three components diamond-machined.
- Image Slicer machining is simple but fanning
accuracy is demanding.
- Arrays are proposed as monoliths to eliminate
relative alignment problems.
- Lathe turning allows genuine spheres and toroids
(surfaces of revolution).
- Lathe turning requires centres-of-curvature to
lie in a straight line, or complex jigging.
- Straight line condition not met for either the
concentric or linear system.
- Jigging introduces alignment and boundary
placement problems.
- Fly-cutting avoids these problems but surface
approximation errors must be acceptable.
- Stepped surfaces (Linear IFU) introduce
additional problems.
40Image Slicer 29 slices each 1 mm x 30 mm Fanning
increment 0.127 Fanning tolerance 0.002
41Fly-Cutter Envelope
42(No Transcript)
- Aberration is strongly dependent on displacement
from origin of coordinate system.
- Aberration is minimised by locating coordinate
system origin in centre of pupil.
- For the drawn configuration the aberration
envelope for the end elements is 0.70 x 0.48
- Aligning the fly-cutter axis perpendicular to
the array blank reduces this to 0.34 x 0.01
- Additionally tilting the blank can reduce the
aberration envelope to 0.02 x 0.01 pixels.
44- Pupil Mirror Generation.
- Needs three-axis translation.
- No steps between mirrors.
- 1 mm diamond tip radius.
- Fly-cutting can produce good surface figure.
- But it requires a machine with three
translational axes.
- These machines are available, but are not common.
- The University of Bremen are interested and
- P-OE have experience with IFUs, but only operate
- Method not applicable to the stepped (linear
IFU) pupil array.
- But lathe turning is an option because
straight-line condition is met.
- Tip radius should be large (1 mm) for good
- This is a difficulty for the stepped array.
47Some Basic Principles
- Relative adjustment of IFU channels is avoided
by precise construction methods.
- Location of components largely determined by
machine registration.
- Adjustment largely restricted to orientation of
selected components.
- Errors measured by means sighting methods and
recorded images.
- Camera lenses mounted in a single barrel with
precision fits.
- Procedure is yet to be designed.
- The unusual and difficult requirement is the
need to cope with small channel elements.
Specification is 15
49AR Coatings
- Bare gold is the safe default for reflective
- Bare silver is an alternative.
- Both are suited to silica and aluminium alloy
- Protected silver and gold are options (Denton
FSS-99 and FSG-98).
- LaserGold is an option for the diamond machined
surfaces (may reduce scatter).
- MgF2 is assumed for the low-index refractive
- Proprietary Janos coatings are assumed for the
ZnSe and Sapphire.
50Concentric IFU Design
51Linear IFU Design
52Ghost Images
53Scattered Light
- Diamond machined surfaces are likely to be a
major source of scatter.
- Expected surface roughness is 10 nm RMS.
- TIS for this is negligible (0.006 at l 1.6 mm).
- Major concern is near-angle scatter from
surfaces not at field foci.
- The only potential offender in the IFU is the
Pupil Mirror Array.
- Diamond machined surfaces employed elsewhere may
also be a problem.
- Ameliorating measures large tip radii, grade
L111 alloy and LaserGold coating.
- Near-angle scatter effects have not been
- Grating is a major source of scatter.
55Performance Criteria
- Gemini instrument wavefront error allocation is
124 nm RMS (S 0.80 _at_ 1.65 mm)
- Wavefront error for 0.04 arcsec 50 EE is about
200 nm RMS (S 0.56 _at_ 1.65 mm)
56Preliminary Optical Error Budget
- All mirrors diamond machined with 40 nm figure
- Refractive surfaces have a figure error of 20 nm
- Wavefront error proportional to ratio of beam
diameter to surface diameter.
- No diffractive pupil spread.
- 200 nm RMS wavefront error is acceptable.
57Optical Tolerance Budget for Concentric IFU System
58Camera Lens Mounting Tilt
59Camera Lens Tilt Error
Lens r1 (mm) r2 (mm) q (deg) 1 157 220 0.013 2 -1
77 757 0.005 3 95 -82 0.002 4 109 207 0.016 5 -84
-206 0.019 Additional element wedge 0.003
60Camera Error List
Surface Tilt (deg) Rad (mm) Sep (mm) Fig (fringes
_at_ 0.63 mm) 1a 0.013 0.15 0.10 0.5 1b 0.013 0.20 0
.05 0.5 2a 0.005 0.17 0.10 0.5 2b 0.005 0.50 0.05
0.5 3a 0.002 0.02 0.025 0.5 3b 0.002 0.02 0.10 0.5
4a 0.016 0.10 0.05 0.5 4b 0.016 0.20 0.10 0.5 5a
0.019 0.10 0.05 0.5 5b 0.019 0.20 - - Red-Bold
Extra constraint applied to standard values of
0.1 (ZnSe lens)
61Camera Performance
Condition Wavefront Error Strehl Ratio (nm
RMS) (l 1.65 mm) With Design Errors
Only 36 0.98 With Construction Errors
Only 28 0.99 With Design and Construction
Errors 46 0.97 No pupil diffraction spreading
included Back-Focus compensation employed
- Wavefront error for system may be high.
- Worst offenders are diamond machined surfaces.
- Avoid diamond machining for sensitive surfaces
(except pupil array)?
- Assumed errors for small diamond machined
surfaces may be pessimistic.
- Camera errors are acceptable but ZnSe lens is
- Other camera lenses can be re-optimised after
after ZnSe lens is made.
- Normal construction methods for high quality
optics are acceptable.
- Scatter from diamond machined surfaces.
- Angular registration errors in Image Slicer.
- Viability of machining method for monolithic
mirror arrays.
64Summary of Optical Issues
- Offner relay or incidental pupil for Cold Stop?
- Concentric or Linear IFU?
- R5300 or R4000 resolving power?
- 3.0 or 3.6 arcsec square field size?
- Diamond machining for non-IFU mirrors?
- Artificial star from ALTAIR.
- Differential flexure comparison.
- Phase Maps, common path optics in NIFS.
66- NIFS common path optics.
- Telescope focus -30mm to fill 2mm entrance
aperture. - Common path optics near focus see large changes
in footprint.
67- Phase maps from NIFS will be small.
- We can make phase maps by warming the cryostat
and moving the detector about -9mm. Our manual
focusser is designed for about -3mm.