Title: PTEU Conceptual Framework Overview for Advanced Programs
1PTEU Conceptual Framework Overviewfor Advanced
- KSUs Conceptual Framework
- Outcomes Proficiencies
- Relationship to course work
- Monitoring candidate progress
- Candidate Responsibility
3Collaborative Development of Expertise
inTeaching and Learning
Conceptual Framework Theme
4What are the KSDs?
- Knowledge
- Skills
- Dispositions
- Subject Matter Expert
- Facilitator of Learning
- Collaborative Professional
- Refer to handout for proficiencies that relate to
each of these three outcomes
6How are the proficiencies related to course work?
- Each course syllabus links objectives and
assignments to appropriate proficiencies in the
Conceptual Framework. - Successful completion of course
assignments/projects/tests indicates that you are
making sufficient progress toward meeting that
proficiency. - Refer to your course syllabus to see these links.
7How do you know how you are doing toward
achieving the proficiencies throughout your
- Feedback on course assignments/projects/tests
- Feedback on observations of you by teachers and
faculty - Ask your instructor how you are progressing on a
given proficiency addressed in the course
8How you know how you are doing (continued)
- Common (unit-level) assessments
- Candidate Performance Instrument (CPI)
- Impact on Student Learning Assignment and Rubric
- Portfolio Narrative and Rubric
- Throughout your program, you are encouraged to
continuously reflect on your own strengths and
weaknesses regarding each proficiency
9How you know how you are doing? (continued)
- Acceptance at Decision Points
- Entry to Advanced Program
- At the midpoint (varies by
- program)
- Exit from Advanced Program
10What are some of your important responsibilities
toward meeting the proficiencies?
- Dispositions
- Diversity
- Impact on student learning
- Integration of technology
11 Dispositions What does this mean?
- Dispositions are often defined as the personal
qualities or characteristics that are possessed
by individuals, including - attitudes,
- beliefs,
- interests,
- appreciations,
- values, and
- modes of adjustment.
12What Proficiencies Address Dispositions for
Advanced Programs?
- 1.4
- 2.1
- 2.3
- 3.1
- 3.2
- 3.3
- 3.4
- Refer to the handout or CPI
13Where will I find Diversity in my Program?
- In the curriculum in your courses throughout your
program - In the faculty (KSU and in the field placements)
- In your peers
- In the nature of your field experiences
- In your P-12 learners (students in the schools
and other settings)
14 How does the PTEU define every student?
- Age
- Disability
- Ethnicity
- Family Structure
- Gender
- Geographic Region
- Giftedness
- Language
- Race
- Religion
- Sexual Orientation
- Socioeconomic status
15What Proficiencies Address Diversity in the
Advanced Program?
- Diversity is explicitly stated in proficiencies
1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7 and 3.1 - Diversity is inferred throughout all the
proficiencies as you work to meet all learners
16What proficiencies explicitly address impact on
student learning analysis assignment and rubric
in the Advanced Program?
- 1.1
- 2.2
- 2.5
- 2.6
- 3.2
- Refer to handout and impact on student learning
analysis rubric
17What proficiencies explicitly address technology
in the Advanced Program?
- 1.2
- 2.5
- Refer to handout and CPI
18Collaborative Development of Expertise
inTeaching and Learning
Conceptual Framework
19(No Transcript)