Title: OECD Expert Group on Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange
1OECD Expert Group on Statistical Data and
Metadata Exchange
- Geneva 6-7 April
- OECD.Stat SDMX Web Service
- Jens Dossé, OECD
2Vision for future design of international
Statistical Data Metadata eXchange
2. Get query parameters for requesting annual
data for GDP for France for 2002from any
international sources
3. There are two registry entries one form OECD
(data in ), and one from Eurostat (data in ).
Here are the query parameters
5. Query datasetMEI with SUBGDP, COUFRA,
4. ltSDMXQuerygtGDP France Annual 2002
5. Query GDP, France, Annual, 2002,
6. 88888.88
6. 99999.99
7. ltSDMXgt 88888.88lt/SDMXgt
1. Query GDP, France, Annual, 2002,from any
international sources
8. ltDATA OECDgt99999.99lt/DATAgt ltDATA
3OECD SDMX web service
- Conforms to SDMX standards v1 and v2
- Currently one method to extract data in
GenericData message - Currently developing methods to extract Data
Structure Definitions (DSD), concepts and code
lists - Secured access integrates authorization to
OECD.Stat - Needed additional conventions bridging current
SDMX-ML limits
4Additional conventions I
- For time series data, independently of the
presence of a FREQUENCY dimension, the requested
time frequency must be specified using a
TIME_FORMAT attribute ltqueryAndgt ltqueryAtt
ribute name"TIME_FORMAT"gtP1Mlt/queryAttributegt
ltqueryTimegt ltqueryStartTimegt1960-01lt/querySt
artTimegt ltqueryEndTimegt2005-12lt/queryEndTimegt
lt/queryTimegt lt/queryAndgtFormat values
P1Yannual, P6Msemi-annual, P3Mquarterly and
P1Mmonthly data Time formats yyyy, yyyy-mm or
yyyy-mm-dd with digits yyear, mmonth
and dday, e.g. '2005-09-01'. This attribute is
then also present in the resulting generic data
message at the Series level of time-series
data. - Non-time-series data omit all time
specifications in the query message The
response messages will use 9999 as (obligatory)
time periods - If the ltqueryEndTimegt node is not present then
currently only the values for the
ltqueryStartTimegt are returned
5Additional conventions II
- OECD data warehouse (OECD.Stat) data model
- Not based on the SDMX 'Key Family' model
- But implemented as a number of multidimensional
datasets based on a set of common and non-common
dimensions - Therefore, applied back to the SDMX structure,
each OECD dataset has its own 'Key Family' (Data
Structure Definition)
6Additional conventions III
- Several datasets within one message
- Query message can request data from several
datasets - But SDMX standard still disallows returning
several datasets in GenericData message - Therefore, the effective dataset codes are
- not specified in the datasetID attribute of the
ltmessageDataSetgt node - neither in the ltgenericKeyFamilyRefgt node
- but as DataSet concepts in the
ltgenericAttributesgt node of each
ltgenericSeriesgt nodeltDataSetgt ltgenericKeyFami
lyRef gtnonelt/genericKeyFamilyRefgt ltgenericSerie
sgt ltgenericSeriesKeygt ltgenericValue
concept"COU" value"AUS"/gt ltgenericValue
concept"SUB" value"EVOPOP_T1"/gt lt/genericSeri
esKeygt ltgenericAttributesgt ltgenericValue
concept"DataSet" value"CSP5"/gt ltgenericValue
concept"TIME_FORMAT" value"P1Y"/gt lt/genericA
ttributesgt ltgenericObsgt ltgenericTimegt2000lt/
genericTimegt ltgenericObsValue
value"19153"/gt lt/genericObsgt lt/genericSeries
7Additional conventions IV
- For simplicity during the start-up of this
generic web service, the returned message headers
only contain required information - The required ltmessageIDgt item currently only
contains a placeholder ltHeadergt ltIDgtnonelt/ID
gt ltTestgtfalselt/Testgt ltTruncatedgtfalselt/Truncat
edgt ltPreparedgt2006-03-29T115140lt/Preparedgt lt
Sender id"OECD"gt ltName xmllang"en"gtOrganisat
ion for Economic Co-operation and
Developmentlt/Namegt ltName xmllang"fr"gtOrganisa
tion de coopération et de développement
économiqueslt/Namegt lt/Sendergt lt/Headergt
8Additional conventions V
- Maximum size of generic data message 5 MB
- Message is truncated if necessary
- Requests need to be split if this limit is
9Future challenges about SDMX web services
- Big message sizes for any data format need
standard for compression - Security need standard for authentication/encrypt
ion - Need for another message format generic
cross-sectional format ? remove the special
status of the Time dimension (as not all
statistical data are time series) - Registering SDMX web services in the SDMX
registry - Multilaterally connecting organisations SDMX web
services to build international networks
10OECD SDMX web service client example
- Simple web application
- Pre-filled with example query message
- Source code freely available
- Secured access to all data in data warehouse
(integrates authentication and authorization to
- jens.dosse_at_oecd.orgdouglas.paterson_at_oecd.org
- http//stats.oecd.org/OECDStatWS_SDMX/SDMX.asmx
- http//stats.oecd.org/OECDStatWS_SDMX/Test_SDMX.as