Title: Written
1Written oral communications
NE 104B
- The written report
- Significance of experiment
- Your objective
- Brief description of experiment
- Results Discussion
- Conclusion
- The oral presentation
- Use powerpoint slides
- Contents of the talk
- Formatting presentation slides
- Hints on visuals
2Lab reports
The laboratory report includes -
observations made in the experiment, -
discussion of their significance - answers
to all assigned questions. Lab report grading
is based upon - Presentation of all data,
including graphs, figures and tables -
Analysis of experimental data, including
calculations in support of the modeling of
the phenomena investigated - Answers to all
assigned questions - Conclusions based on the
experimental observations
3Laboratory report construction
The report should include - Title and
abstract - Brief description of experiment
but do NOT repeat the instructions - Data
as tables or graphs, - Analysis of data
- Answers to all assigned questions -
Conclusions General points to keep in mind
- Brevity is the highest form of style, Strunk
and White The Elements of Style Strunk gave
a 3-word lecture OMIT NEEDLESS WORDS
- Properly reference all information that is not
your own
4 Example of a poor abstract
We performed Experiment T1.
(What is T1?).
The objective of this experiment is to observe
systematically the behavior of cocurrent
two-phase flow up a vertical tube.
(Copied from Lab instructions)
(Changed tense)
We had good results.
(Does this mean that the data fit some model or
did you just manage to get water and air to run
through a pipe?)
Drift-flux measurements showed that valve V4 was
(No explanation of why this matters!)
We calibrated the orifice meters.
(Yes, but who cares now?)
We think that this is a good result for nuclear
reactors that use water as a coolant
(how and why??)
5Example of a good abstract
The two-phase flow properties of water (steam
and liquid) were simulated using a
room-temperature air-water mixture in a
transparent circular pipe section.
Concise summary of objective and method
The flow patterns at various combinations of gas
and liquid flow rates were photographed and
compared with the flow regimes predicted by
Hewlitt and Roberts and by Wallis,
Compared results to previous work
At boundaries, the Wallis model agreed to 20 in
flow rates agreement with the Hewlitt-Roberts
model was poorer.
Comparison is quantitative
The level-swell test agreed (10) with
drift-flux theory.
All aspects of experiment covered
6Report construction (cont)
- Keep experiment description short by
referencing the - instructions.
- Dont copy procedures, except for any
modifications - (give reason).
- Figures, tables and graphs should be readable.
- Comparable figures and plots should be on the
same scale. - example of bad units In Expt. T1, Fig. 5,
velocity, ft/s (flux) - in Fig. 6, mass flux, lbs/ft2-s English
units arrrrgh! - Provide analysis to confirm or refute a theory
or model that - has been claimed to represent the phenomenon
you studied. -
- Include extensive raw data as an appendix.
7Report construction (cont)
- Mathematical results should use
- - defined symbols
- - appropriate units and precision (number of
decimal places) - - uncertainty analysis
- Answer all questions
- - given in section at end of instructions
- - embedded in instructions
- In the conclusion section
- - concisely summarize results
- - indicate relevance to nuclear engineering
- - cite meaning of the results in a broad
8 Oral presentation Outline
- Title - Introduction (Background/Motivatio
n) - Research approach/techniques - Results
(This is body of the talk) - Conclusions
Speak to your audience (everyone, not just 1 or
2 people)!
9Title 32 font Helvetica or Arial (Bold)
- 28 point (great if there is sufficient space)
- 24 point (the workhorse font)
- 20 point (only if you absolutely must)
- 18 point (verbotten!)
- Other things that are hard to read
- Crowded viewgraphsdetails are confusing
- Too many colors (some people are color
Dark background colors and white type
Underlining or italics are useful for emphasis
10Powerpoint Hints
- Having text move on entry keeps audience awake
- Once you start text entry, the rest of the
slide must be the same
- Keep bullets and text aligned
- method click slide show ? custom animation ?
add effect ? entrance ? choose among fly-in
diamond, etc.
- best to start with blank page and create
individual text boxes
Why is this work important - provide some
background to relate your work to nuclear
technology, e.g. this work is important because
two-phase flow is critical for predicting the
heat transfer from cladding to coolant (and
thus peak fuel temperature) in accident
- Clear statement of Objectives (23 sentences).
- This sets the scene for audience
- what are the implications of the results?
Whats the big picture!
12Research approach
- How did you perform the experiment?
- Summarize relevant information,
- - a sketch or picture if it helps you make the
point - - simplified equations (explain each term)
- Examples
- - Two-phase steam/water flows were
simulated using an air-water mixture in a
transparent circular pipe. - - the flow patterns at various combinations
of gas and liquid flow rates were photographed
and compared with the flow regimes from the
13Sample Graphic page
60 µm
100 µm
10 µm
Too many images What is your MAIN
point? Take out the Details!
60 µm
10 µm
100 µm
Too crowdedselect one or two images to
highlight the differences!
14 Sample Graphic Layout
Label Axis
Label Axis 20 pt type
Make it simple, make it large dont crowd the
- Succinctly summarize your experiment in 3-4
bulletized statements