Title: The Profits and Losses
1- The Profits and Losses
- Of Legendary Leadership
- John Ely, Senior V.P. Of Marketing
2- Every leader has looked externally for
advice, guidance and insight. This is a good
practice but can be overdone. At some point, you
realize that the most neglected voice of wisdom
is your own.
3- During the process of studying and working
with thousands of leaders, teams, and top notch
executives, we discovered that the most admired
and inspirational leaders are attuned to what is
going on in the moment, both externally and
4- This ability to be completely aware and
focused in the moment enables leaders to have
enough energy to handle stress, to have a clear
head to focus, and to make good decisions.
Effective leaders are strongly centered so that
the chaos of the external environment doesnt
interfere with their good intentions.
5Mission For Today
- Demonstrate leadership actions that will
accelerate your ability to get great results with
the team. - Use tools to help you become a Legendary Leader.
- Identify leadership traps and recognize when you
are stuck in one.
6Mission For Today
- Explain the difference between habits and
leadership rituals. - State the questions that will help you become a
Legendary Leader. - Demonstrate how to become more personally
7Creating High Performance Moments
8Creating High Performance Moments
9- Characteristics
- Safe behavior
- Leader dependency
- Results mostly through personal efforts
- How To Effectively Navigate
- Build an open and trusting environment by setting
clear expectations and using personal disclosure
10- Characteristics
- Chaos, confusion and disagreement
- Silence in meetings
- Delegation and division of responsibility
- How To Effectively Navigate
- Understand conflict and encourage healthy
11- Characteristics
- Acceptance of role, goals, and priorities
- Ability to just say no
- Happy campers
- How To Effectively Navigate
- Be a good leader in your own life first. Develop
and inspire new vision and create more clarity
12Leaders Role
- Guarded
- Challenging Status Quo
- Clarity
13Legendary Leaders AreAttuned to what is going
on in the moment both externally and internally.
- Legendary Leaders Have
- Enough energy to handle stress
- A clear head to focus
- Ability to make good decisions
- A strong center so that they are not affected by
environmental chaos
14Leadership Questions
- How am I?
- How is everyone else?
- What is the current situation (trap)?
- What do I need to be successful?
- What do I choose to do next?
15How Am I?
16How Is Everyone Else?
17How Is Everyone Else?
- ASK them!
- Assume good intentions
18What Is The Current Situation (Trap)?
- Workaholic Trap
- Reluctant Trap
- Unknown Trap
- Arrogant Trap
19Coaching My Team Out Of Traps
- Workaholic Trap
- Reluctant Trap
- Unknown Trap
- Arrogant Trap
- Encourage them to take a life analysis and
identify whats most important - Encourage them and give them opportunities
to be engaged - Create forced connections through work on
cross-functional teams - Hit them over the head be straightforward
20Getting Yourself Out Of A Leadership Trap
- Engage in Leadership Rituals
- YOU have to do the work to get yourself
- out of a leadership trap!
21What Do I Need To Be Successful?
22What Do I Need To Be Successful?
23What Do I Need To Be Successful?
24What Do I Choose To Do Next?
25Legendary Leader Compass
26Improving Weaknesses
- Reflect
- Initiate
- Execute
- Discontinue
Get a coach Find a
partner(s) use a personal planner
prioritize and focus Create mini
milestones to break up the project Get a
coach and reflect on whats not working