Title: SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY Final Year Strategy MSci Hons students
1SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY - Final Year Strategy(MSci
Hons students)
- Deborah Till
- Careers Adviser
2- Learning Outcomes
- By the end of the session, students will be able
- to
- understand what jobs graduates in their subject
do - understand how they can start thinking about
their future career - understand some of the CCD resources available to
help them
3Dont panic!
But try and make the most of your final year
4- What did last years
- students do?
5Chemistry (MSci hons) graduate 2006 known
- Employment 34
- Further Study 29
- Work and Study 5
- Part-time paid work 3
- Not available for work 9
- (e.g. gap year)
6Employment destinations from this School in 2006
- Include
- Advertising and Marketing Executives, Chartered
Accountants, Chemists, The Clergy, Finance and
Investment Analysts, Pharmacists, Patent
Examiners, Scientific Researchers, Investment
Bankers, Laboratory Technicians, Management
Consultants, Scientific Researchers.
7Companies who recruited them
- Include
- 3M Health Care, JP Morgan Chase, Tesco, Ryder
plc, Npower, Kyocera, Cornerstone Church,
Experian, Harrison Goddard Foote Solicitors.
8Postgraduate Study
- Include
- PhDs in Chemistry, Physics, Pharmacy, Chemistry
and Biochemistry, Solid State NMR Chemistry. - Masters in Real Time Computing Applications,
Nanoscience, Transportation, Econometrics
Science, Environmental Studies. - PGCE for teacher training
- Law Conversion
- BVMBVS Veterinary Medicine
9Options with your subject..
- Careers related to your degree
- Careers un-related to your degree
- Further Study
- Gap Year
- Work Experience
- Some of you will have clear ideas about your
- career. Ideally, everyone should career plan.
- Steps you can take..
- Use our website www.nottingham.ac.uk/careers
- The Virtual Careers Adviser is a good starting
- point if you have no ideas. The Prospects
- website has a tool which matches you to
- careers.
11A Process not an Event! Thinking about
yourself Your Skills Interests Motivations Findin
g out about jobs What is available out
there? What do they involve? Making
decisions How can I make the best choice for
me? Taking action Where are the jobs? When are
they advertised? How do I make applications?
12Final Year Autumn Term
- Careers related events targeted at Final Year
- Students, particularly during the autumn term
- Please be aware of early deadlines for certain
- sectors.
13Things to do
- - Research potential employers or postgraduate
opportunities - - Attend relevant employer events
- - Attend postgraduate open days
- - Attend relevant careers workshops
- - Create/update CV, read section on application
processes - - look at Centre for Career Development vacancy
- Early Deadlines
- - Fast Stream Civil Service 30th November 2007
- - Large firms of Accountants, City Banks other
commercial employers often before Christmas - - Teacher training PGCE deadline for primary
level is 15th December. No closing date for
secondary level but early application advised.
15Spring and Summer Terms
- Continue to apply to advertised vacancies
- Send off speculative applications if appropriate
- Make postgraduate study applications including
for funding - Attend relevant employer presentations
- Attend relevant careers in.. talks
- Make plans for time out
- Law CPE/Diploma in law, closing date February
1st - NHS Clinical Science Recruitment Scheme February
deadline - SUMMER TERM
- Continue applying for vacancies
- Attend Recruitment Fair in June
- Apply for a password to access CCD Web off campus
16Where are we?
Centre for Career Development Level D
West Portland Building University Park
17CCD Resources
- Quick duty queries for both CVs and guidance
- (11 - 4 daily). Booking daily.
- Individual 40 minute guidance interviews
- Information
- Employer presentations
- Professional talks
- Workshops
18Useful resources
- www.nottingham.ac.uk/careers
- The resources section is particularly useful
- www.prospects.ac.uk
- This will refer you to specialist resources /
- organisations
- Dont worry, choosing your career is a process.
- You will make better decisions if you
- Finding out what the jobs involve (research,
- attend talks, network, work experience)
- Reflecting on what you are good at and enjoy
- Consider what you want from a job (pay? private
or public company? etc)
20Finally, remember.
- You can apply for graduate jobs throughout the
- year and following graduation
- Many people change jobs throughout their life
- Dont feel you are choosing a job that you will
- have until you retire!