Title: Mark OMalley
1Arctic Oscillation (AO)/North Atlantic
Oscillation (NAO) and Applications to Medium
Range Forecasting
Mark OMalley WFO Pleasant Hill Kansas City
Chapter of the AMS December 4, 2006
2Arctic Oscillation (AO) Definition
Arctic Oscillation (AO) is defined as the leading
mode of Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF)
analysis of monthly mean 1000mb height during
1979-2000 period.
Based on height anomalies poleward of 20o
latitude in the Northern Hemisphere from the
NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset at a horizontal
resolution of (lat,lon)(2.5X2.5). The seasonal
cycle has been removed from the monthly mean
height field.
AO is sometimes referred to as the northern
annular mode
3AO Positive Warm Phase
Characterized by intensification of the polar
vortex with lower than normal pressures over the
Arctic region. Meanwhile, higher than normal
pressures become evident over the Central
Atlantic (and to some degrees the North Central
Pacific) inducing an enhanced belt of zonal
westerlies across the northern latitudes (near
45o latitude).
Illustration from National Geographic Magazine,
4AO Negative Cool Phase
Characterized by higher than normal pressures
over the Arctic region and a breakdown of the
polar vortex. Lower than normal pressures develop
over the Central Atlantic and Central Pacific.
This leads to a more meridional flow pattern
across the Northern Hemisphere.
Illustration from National Geographic Magazine,
5Vertical Cross section of the Northern Hemisphere
Polar Vortex
1000mb height anomalies does not necessarily
correlate directly with midlevel height anomalies
(particularly in non-cold season). In general,
the stronger the anomaly, the more correlation
through the depth of the atmosphere will be seen.
AO Index measured as 1000mb height anomaly from
monthly mean. Negative anomaly Positive AO value
6Average DJF 500 mb heights and Anomalies based on
AO phase
Enhanced Polar vortex and contraction of the
midlatitude westerlies
Breakdown of the Polar vortex with relaxation and
increased meridional component of the midlatitude
7DJF Temperature Precipitation Anomalies based
on AO Phase
8Controversy Is the Arctic Oscillation (AO)
really just the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
in disguise?
9AO/NAO Controversy Temperature Response
10AO/NAO Controversy Arguments For vs. Against a
Separate Teleconnection Mode
AO center of action covers more of the Arctic,
with a larger horizontal scale and more zonal
symmetry than the more regionalized NAO.
(Thompson and Wallace, 1998)
The AO signal has a strong interconnection with
troposphere/stratosphere variability, while the
NAO is primarily confined to the troposphere.
(Kodera and Kuroda, 2004) (Wang et al., 2005)
Correlation between AO and NAO is near 74
interannually and near 75 during the winter
season. There also exists several periods where
AO and NAO measures are nearly out of phase
leading to slightly different spatial variability
of surface air temperature. (Wettstein and
Mearns, 2002) (Wang et al., 2005)
11AO/NAO Controversy Arguments For vs. Against a
Separate Teleconnection Mode
The Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) of the AO
pattern has no straightforward interpretation as
a covariance structure and is mainly a
reflection of similar behavior in the Pacific and
Atlantic basins. Therefore, AO cannot be truly
viewed as a teleconnection pattern. (Ambuam et
al., 2001)
Tests of Rotated Principle Component Analysis
(RPCA) on the AO pattern fail to show correlation
between one-point teleconnection maps and the
centers of action and the AO pattern is an
artifact of the EOF analysis and not a true
teleconnection pattern. (Livezey, 2006)
It follows that the NAO and AO are synonyms
they are different names for the same
variability, not different patterns of
variability. The difference between the terms is
in whether that variability is interpreted as a
regional pattern controlled by Atlantic sector
processes or as an annular mode whose strongest
teleconnections lie in the Atlantic sector.
(Wallace, 2000)
12AO/NAO Compositing Methodology
- Utilized normalized monthly AO and NAO indices
for the cold season months of Nov-Mar with
monthly average temperature departures from the
1971-2000 normals. Period of record 1950-2006.
- Average temperature departures were categorized
as above, near, or below average based on a
tercile ranking of 1971-2000 normals.
- Monthly AO and NAO indices were characterized as
above, near, or below normal based on
approximately 1 standard deviation from the
normalized value of 0. Consideration was also
given to provide an even distribution. (AO
Below lt -1.5, AO Above gt 1.0) (NAO Below lt -1.0,
NAO Above gt 1.0) This approach agrees well with
previous work done by Wettstein and Mearns, 2002
( 1.0) and Wu et al., 2005 ( 1.2).
13AO/NAO Compositing Methodology
- Determine the number (and probability) of
occurrences of above, near, or below average
temperatures for each category of AO/NAO.
- Determine Statistical Significance/Risk Analysis
- Assume a null hypothesis that the distribution
is random and has no dependence on AO/NAO
- Perform a Student-t test to look at all possible
distributions and determine the likelihood
(probability) that the given AO/NAO distribution
could be a random distribution (heavily dependant
on sample size)
14AO/NAO Compositing Methodology
- Results show that the AO/NAO distribution has
strong statistical significance with less than a
5 chance that the distribution is random
15AO Compositing Results
16NAO Compositing Results
17Applications to Medium Range Forecasting
- In order for monthly AO/NAO values to result in
greater than 1 standard deviation above or below
normal, there must significant stretches within
the month (on a weekly basis) where AO/NAO values
are much above or below the normalized average
- In order for monthly temperatures to fall in the
below or above tercile, there must exist
significant stretches within the month (on a
weekly basis) where temperatures are much above
or below average
- Given the strong statistical significance on a
monthly basis and the conceptual model of what
defines periods of strongly positive and negative
AO/NAO, time periods shorter than a month must
also have a strong correlation between AO/NAO
phase and temperature departure
18Applications to Medium Range Forecasting Example
MCI Daily Temperature Data
Period of Oct 9-22 characterized by highly
negative AO
19Applications to Medium Range Obtaining Data
CPC Website
Different Ensemble solutions
Correlation coefficient generally poor past 7
days. Performance best during the cold season.
AO measure typically increases and decreases
faster than predicted by ensemble members
- Monthly AO/NAO phase shows a strong correlation
with monthly temperature departures across the
Lower Missouri River Valley during the cold
- It is assumed that this correlation can be
applied to shorter time scales on the order of
several days to weeks.
- There exists a strong possibility that the
combination of forecast AO/NAO phase with
situational awareness and pattern recognition
could be successfully used to improve temperature
forecasts in the medium range days 5-7 against
the climatologically weighted GFS guidance.
Ambaum, Maarten, B.J. Hoskins, and D.B.
Stephenson, 2001 Acrtic Oscillation or North
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Relationships between El NiƱo-Southern
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Climate-Weather Link. NCEP/Climate Prediction
Center ATLAS 8.
Livesey, Robert, 2006 North Atlantic and Arctic
Oscillations. COMET Climate Variability Course.
Boulder, August 2006. 9pp.
Thompson, D.W.J, and J.M. Wallace, 1998 The
Arctic Oscillation signature in the wintertime
geopotential height and temperature fields.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 1297-1300.
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Wallace, J.M., D.W.J. Thompson, and Z. Fang,
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Wang, Dongxiao, C. Wang, X. Yang, and J. Lu,
2005Winter Northern Hemisphere surface air
temperature variability associated with the
Arctic Oscillation and North Atlantic
Oscillation. Geophys. Res. Lett, 32, in print.
Wettstein, Justin and L.O. Mearns, 2002 The
Influence of the North Atlantic-Arctic
Oscillation on Mean, Variance, and Extremes of
Temperature in the Northeastern United States and
Canada. J. Climate, 15, 3586-3600.
Wu, Aiming, W.W. Hsieh, A. Shabbar, G.J. Boer,
and F.W. Zwiers, 2005 The nonlinear association
between the Arctic Oscillation and North American
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