Title: Introducing the Validation Application Block
1Introducing the Validation Application Block
- Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction
- Validation Application Block Overview
- Applying, using and creating Validators
- Validating Data
- Summary
3Enterprise Library 3.0 New Features At a Glance
- New application blocks
- Validation Application Block
- Policy Injection Application Block
- Improvements to existing application blocks
- Data Access Application Block
- Logging Application Block
- .NET Framework 3.0 integration
- Logging, Exception Handling and Validation
Application Blocks
- Configuration improvements
- Visual Studio-integrated configuration tool
- Environmental Overrides
- Manageable Configuration Source
- Automation
- Application Block Software Factory
- Strong Naming Guidance Package
4Enterprise Library 3.0 Application Blocks
- Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction
- Validation Application Block Overview
- Applying, using and creating Validators
- Validating Data
- Summary
6Why Validate?
- Security
- Protect against script injection and other
attacks - Correctness
- Ensure the system doesnt process invalid data
- Enforce business rules
- Ensure user input is compatible with internal
structures, data schemas and external systems - Responsiveness
- Flag invalid data before performing expensive
processing tasks
7Why a Validation Application Block?
- Validation is a requirement in all non-trivial
applications - .NET provides some validation capabilities, but
these are tied to UI technologies such as ASP.NET - Often results in the need to re-implement the
same validation rules in different parts of an
application - Many common validation scenarios require writing
a lot of plumbing code
8Validation Application Block Goals
- Specify your validation rules once
- In configuration
- Using attributes
- Programmatically
- Easily validate data from anywhere in your
application - Programmatically
- Integrated into Windows Forms, ASP.NET or WCF
- Composable validation logic
- Built-in library of common primitive validation
rules - Combine validation rules on type members and
using Boolean logic - Apply multiple validation rule sets to the same
9Using the Validation Application Block
- Create your business objects
- Decorate them with validation rules
- Using attributes, configuration or custom code
- Validate your data where required
- Using the Validation Application Block API
- Integrated into Windows Forms or ASP.NET UIs
- Integrated into WCF Service Interfaces
- Using the Policy Injection Application Block
- Process or display validation results
- Using code or integrated into UIs
- Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction
- Validation Application Block Overview
- Applying, using and creating Validators
- Validating Data
- Summary
11Supplied Validation Rules
- Validation Application Block includes the
following rules - Not Null (value must not be null)
- Contains Characters (e.g. does not contain any of
/\?) - Regular Expression (e.g. value is a valid e-mail
address) - Range (e.g. must be from 10-20 or 1/1/1950 to
12/31/1999) - Relative DateTime (e.g. birth date is more than
18 years ago) - String Length (e.g. string is at least 8
characters long) - Domain (e.g. must be one of John, Paul, George,
Ringo) - Enum Conversion (e.g. string can be converted to
a value in the Color enum type) - Type Conversion (e.g. string can be converted to
a DateTime) - Property Comparison (e.g. MaxDate MinDate)
- All validation rules can be negated
- E.g String Length must not be between 5 and 10
12Composing Validation Rules
- You can build complex validation rule sets by
combining multiple primitive rules - Combining rules with Boolean AND / OR logic
- Assigning different validators to different
members of a type - Specifying how nested objects or collections are
to be validated - A single type may have multiple rule sets that
can be used in different contexts - For example, Valid for displaying or Valid for
persisting - For example, Valid Customer or Preferred Customer
13Specifying Validation Rules Using Attributes
- Attributes allow you to specify validation rules
directly within the type being validated - Validation logic cannot be changed without
recompiling - You must own the source code of the type
StringLengthValidator(1, 50, Ruleset"RuleSetA",
MessageTemplate"Last Name must be 1-50
characters") public string LastName get
return lastName set lastName value
)\.\w(-.\w)", MessageTemplate"Invalid
e-mail address", Ruleset"RuleSetA") public
string Email get return email set
email value ObjectValidator("RuleSetA",
Ruleset"RuleSetA") public Address Address
get return address set address
14Specifying Validation Rules Using Configuration
- Validation rules are stored in XML and can be
edited with the Enterprise Library configuration
tool - Validation logic can be changed without
recompiling - You dont need to own the source code of the type
15Specifying Validation Rules Using Self Validation
- Sometimes validation rules are best expressed
with code specific to a custom class - Self Validation allows you to create special
methods that represent a classs validation logic
HasSelfValidation public class
TemperatureRange private int min
private int max // ...
SelfValidation public void
CheckTemperature(ValidationResults results)
if (max results.AddResult(new ValidationResult("Max less
than min", this, null, null, null))
16Message Templates
- Define what message will be returned when a
validation call fails - All validators include a default message template
- e.g. The value must match the regular expression
"3" with options "4". - You can define your own message template for a
validator instance - Using a literal string
- Using a resource type and name (for localization)
- A message template may contain tokens 0 1
etc, that are replaced with values at runtime - Representing validated value, key, tag and
validator-specific values
17Writing your own Validators
- To create your own reusable validators
- Write a new class deriving from Validator
- Include desired properties and constructors
- Override DoValidate and call LogValidationResult
if validation fails - Override DefaultMessageTemplate
- Apply the ConfigurationElementType attribute to
the class, referring to typeof(CustomValidatorData
) or your own strongly typed configuration class - Write a new class deriving from
ValidatorAttribute - Include desired properties and constructors
- Override DoCreateValidator
- The Application Block Software Factory makes this
- Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction
- Validation Application Block Overview
- Applying, using and creating Validators
- Validating Data
- Summary
19Validating Data Programmatically
- Regardless of how you specify rules, objects are
validated in the same way - If validation fails, you get a ValidationResults
object, containing a list of ValidationResult
objects - Each result includes a message, tag, references
to the object and property being validated, and a
reference to the original validator.
Validator validator
et") ValidationResults results
(!results.IsValid) foreach
(ValidationResult result in results)
Console.WriteLine("Message0, Key1,
"Tag2", result.Message,
result.Key.ToString(), result.Tag
null ? "null" "\"" result.Tag.ToString()
20Integrating with WinForms, ASP.NET or WCF
- Supplied Integration Adapters make it easier to
validate data in UI layers and service boundaries - Reuses validation rules defined in attributes and
configuration - Does not tie the validation logic with the UI or
service interface layers
21Integrating with Windows Forms
- Windows Forms integration adapter allows you to
associate a control with the validation rules for
a particular type and member - Implemented via the ValidationProvider extender
control - Adds properties to UI controls for binding to a
property of the class being validated - Integrates with the ErrorProvider control to
display validation failures alongside the control
being validated - Includes events for converting user input to the
correct type for validation
22Integrating with ASP.NET
- ASP.NET integration adapter allows you to
associate a control with the validation rules for
a particular type and member - Implemented via the PropertyProxyValidator
control, which is an ASP.NET Validator - Each PropertyProxyValidator refers to the type
and property being validated, the rule set to use
and the control containing the input - Includes events for converting user input to the
correct type for validation - Validation occurs server side (no Javascript
support) - But can be used with AJAX techniques
23Integrating with WCF
- WCF integration implemented as a WCF Behavior
that validates data at the service interface
layer - Rules are defined within data contract types or
using attributes on the service contract - Validation occurs automatically when the service
is called - If validation fails, a ValidationFault is
returned to the caller
24Integrating with WCF Example
ServiceContract(Namespace "http//TestService")
ValidationBehavior internal interface
ITestService OperationContract
AddCustomerResponse AddCustomer(AddCustomerRequest
request) OperationContract(Name
"Lookup") FaultContract(typeof(ValidationFau
lt)) void LookupById(
RangeValidator(5, RangeBoundaryType.Inclusive,
100, RangeBoundaryType.Exclusive)
int id, NotNullValidator
StringLengthValidator(4, RangeBoundaryType.Inclus
ive, 32, RangeBoundaryType.Inclusive)
string customerName )
25Validating Parameters using thePolicy Injection
Application Block
- The Validation Application Block can be used
along with the Policy Injection Application Block
to automatically validate method parameters - Rules can be specified within parameter types (as
attributes or configuration), or as attributes
directly on the parameter definitions - Objects must be created or wrapped using the
PolicyInjection class - Validation Handler can be applied using
attribute- or configuration-based policies - If validation fails, an ArgumentValidationExceptio
n (containing the ValidationResults) will be
thrown to the caller
26PIAB VAB Example
public class BankAccount MarshalByRefObject
private decimal balance
ValidationCallHandler public void
Withdraw(RangeValidator(typeof(Decimal), "0.0",
RangeBoundaryType.Exclusive, "1000.0",
MessageTemplate"Withdrawal amount must be
between zero and 1000.") decimal
withdrawAmount) if (withdrawAmount
balance) throw new
ArithmeticException() balance
- withdrawAmount
BankAccount account PolicyInjection.Createccount() try account.Withdraw(2000) cat
ch (ArgumentValidationException ex) // Do
- Enterprise Library 3.0 Introduction
- Validation Application Block Overview
- Applying, using and creating Validators
- Validating Data
- Summary
- The Validation Application Block provides
- A comprehensive library of primitive validation
rules - The ability to define validation rule sets by
applying multiple rules to types using attributes
or configuration - A simple API for validating data and processing
results - Simple integration with Windows Forms, ASP.NET
and WCF applications - Parameter validation, with the help of the Policy
Injection Application Block
- Download Enterprise Library and related resources
from - http//msdn.microsoft.com/practices
- Join the Enterprise Library Community at
- http//codeplex.com/entlib
- Share community extensions at
- http//codeplex.com/entlibcontrib
- Read blogs from the Enterprise Library team at
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/practices/Comm/EntLibBlo
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