Title: FAO activities in Science and Technology for Development
1FAO activities in Science and Technology for
Commission on Science and Technology for
Development 8th Session, 23 27 May 2005
- Andrea Sonnino
- FAO Research and Technology Development Service
- - Interdepartmental Working Group on
2FAO activities in Science and Technology for
- The mandate
- The current activities (focus on biotechnology)
3 FAOs Role in Research and Technology for
- Article I Functions of the Organization
- 2. The Organization shall promote and, where
appropriate, shall recommend national and
international action with respect to - scientific, technological, social and economic
research relating to nutrition, food and
agriculture - 3. It shall also be the function of the
Organization - a) to furnish such technical assistance as
governments may request ..
415th COAG (1999) main recommendations in regard
to Biotechnology
- to develop a strategic approach to biotechnology
- to undertake activities in information exchange,
capacity-building and policy advice - to develop partnerships with the IARCs and NARS
- to help countries draft Biosafety legislation and
set up regulatory bodies - to help harmonise Biosafety regulations
5Declaration of the World Food Summit five years
- 25. We call on the FAO, in conjunction with the
CGIAR and other international research
institutes, to advance agricultural research and
research into new technologies, including
biotechnology. The introduction of tried and
tested new technologies including biotechnology
should be accomplished in a safe manner and
adapted to local conditions to help improve
agricultural productivity in developing
countries. We are committed to study, share and
facilitate the responsible use of biotechnology
in addressing development needs.
6COAG (17th Session in 2003) main recommendations
in regard to Biotechnology
- The Committee
- highlighted the need for capacity building ()
in cross-cutting areas such as biotechnology ()
(para. 13)
- requested that FAO give science-based advice and
guidance on biotechnology (para. 19).
7FAO activities in Science and Technology for
- The mandate
- The current activities (focus on biotechnology)
8Focus of FAOs activities
- Provide a neutral forum to develop international
instruments of governance - Ensure access to
- neutral and balanced
- information
- Provide policy advice
- Provide technical
- assistance
9Developing international instruments of governance
- Global Plan of Action
- International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources
Code of Conduct on Biotechnology
10Developing international instruments of
governance (ctd.)
- Codex Alimentarius
- International Plant Protection Convention (ISPM
- Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishery
11Information dissemination
- Website on Biotechnology in 5 languages
- e-mail newsletter in English, French and Spanish
- 47 Updates (every 3 weeks)
- 110 countries reached
- 3,400 subscribers
12E-Forum on biotechnology
- 2,700 Forum Members
- 12 moderated e-mail conferences since March 2000
- More than 1,000 e-mail messages posted
- 50 from developing countries
- Results of first 6 conferences published
13(No Transcript)
14- A data base on the status of development,
adoption and application of biotechnologies in
developing countries - Crops 2079 entries (73 countries)
- Forestry 737 entries
- Livestock 119 entries
- Country profiles
- 53 National
- correspondents
15Information to support decision-making in
- SOFA 2003-04 Agricultural Biotechnology Meeting
the Needs of the Poor? - ABPC Agricultural Biotechnology Policy
16Capacity building in Biosafety
17Strengthening Local Capacities
- National biotech policy development (Bangladesh,
Paraguay, Nicaragua, Swaziland) - Building regional collaboration Regional Networks
- AsianBioNet
18Harmonisation of Biosafety regulations at the
regional level
- Regional surveys of needs and priorities
- Sub-regional workshops in the Caucasus and
Moldova, Near East, the Caribbean
- Asian Bio-Net
- Formulation of Sub-regional projects for E.
Europe, the Caribbean and L. America
19Thank you for your attention