Title: Stateapproved Arkansas SES Provider
1Mackey Literacy Group, Inc. (MLG)
- State-approved Arkansas SES Provider
- 2008-09
2Contact Person
- If there are any questions about the program,
please contact - Anna M. Mackey
- 217 A. E. Camp Wisdom RD
- Suite 973
- Duncanville, TX 75116
- 214.493.6157
- mackeyliteracygroup_at_hotmail.com
3Communication and Operation
4Program-Based Information
- If there are any questions about the program,
please contact - Anna M. Mackey
- 217 A. E. Camp Wisdom RD
- Suite 973
- Duncanville, TX 75116
- 214.493.6157
- mackeyliteracygroup_at_hotmail.com
5District Availability
- The Mackey Literacy Group will be available to
service districts statewide.
6Motivate Engage to Reach Teach
7Specific Student Populations Served
- Low-income
- minority
- migrant
- limited English proficient (Spanish)
- Special education
8Qualifications of Tutors
- The Mackey Literacy Groups qualifications of
tutors have experience working with students that
are - Economically disadvantaged
- Varied racial and ethnic groups
- Disabilities
- Limited English proficiency
9MLGs program of services available
- Before School
- After School
- Weekends
- Summer
- School
- Place of religious worship
- Community Center
- If transportation is not available through
participating school district(s), participants
must provide their own transportation.
11Participants Responsibility
- Any materials and supplies needed to participate
in program will be provided by Mackey Literacy
Group, Inc.
- Believing the he or she is BRILLIANT, EXCELLENT,
and GREAT therefore, mediocrity does not equal
excellence! - Students
12Program Description
- Four Tier Instructional Model
- Motivate
- Engage
- to
- Reach
- Teach
- MLGs interactive lessons and hands-on activities
are developed designed, aligned according to the
13Four Tier Instructional M.E.R.T. Model
- Motivate
- Designed to establish a PURPOSE for acquiring
- skills being introduced.
- Student
- Why is this important?
- Engage
- Designed to establish a COMMUNICATION to
- grasp new skills.
- Student
- What am I doing today?"
14Four Tier Instructional M.E.R.T. Model cont
- Reach
- Designed to establish an
- UNDERSTANDNG about new skills.
- Student
- Why do I need to learn this skill?
- Teach
- Designed to establish that LEARNING new skills
have been achieved. - Student
- Am I learning?
15Program Characteristics
- M.E.R.T. instructional design integrates
- Direct Instruction
- Individual and small group instruction (staff
ratio 51 or 101) - Hands-on manipulative based instruction
- Cooperative learning
- Reflective activities
16Staff Development and Training
- MLG provides all staff a minimum of 6 hours in
the following focus areas - Curriculum
- Policies and Procedures
- Assessments
- Parent and School Communication Guidelines
17MLGs Program Model Frameworks
- Emphasize basic literacy skills
- Direct instruction
- Connecting lessons to students
- Clear and focused instructions
- Providing feedback and reinforcement
- Corrective academic improvement plans
18Monitoring Student Progress
- MLGs overall goal of the M.E.R.T. program model
is to improve participants literacy skills by - Diagnosing a students needs
- Prescribing an individualize instructional plan
- Evaluating and monitoring students progress
toward clearly identified goals - Developing student portfolio assessment
- Documenting results on progress reports
19Program Quality Effectiveness
- MLG uses the following strategies for evaluating
program quality and effectiveness - Pretest, interim, and posttest data
- Program assessment gains
- Student attendance
- Parent/family participation
- Evaluation/feedback surveys