Title: Vladas Tvaskis
1Measurement of F2 and RsL/sT on Nuclear-Targets
in the Nucleon Resonance Region (Hall C,
Jefferson Lab)
Vladas Tvaskis For e02-109 e04-001
Thanks to Robert Bradford
Jim Steinmann Ph.D thesis Student Arie Bodek
Spokesperson Eric Christy Spokesperson Thia
Keppel Spokesperson
2L/T Separated Structure Functions at low Q2 on
Nuclei (Jlab E02-109 and E04-001)
2 weeks of beam time in Hall C during Jan05
(1/3 of approved time) to measure the low Q2
(0.3 lt Q2 lt 2) part of E02-109 L/T separated
structure functions on the deuteron. E04-001
L/T separated structure functions on nuclei.
(part of JUPITER) as well as
Dedicated Low Q2 cross section measurements for
our friends in the neutrino
community. (Makoto Sakuda)
3Neutrino Experiments Need
- Neutrino experiments need good models of cross
sections and final states to extract cross
sections - Neutrino Monte Carlo models must be based on
understanding of the physics, and checked by data
- Reliable global models linking electron and
neutrino scattering measurements need to be
developed. - Nuclear data necessary for comparison with
neutrino measurements -
- No L/T separated structure function measurements
exist on nuclei in the resonance region - In the resonance region, nuclear effects may be
large, different from the DIS region, and Q2
4e-N Scattering
Born Approximation
sT (sL) is the Transverse (Longitudinal) virtual
photon Cross Section
Transverse virtual photon flux
Virtual photon polarization parameter
Q2 - Negative squared mass of the virtual photon
F1(x,Q2) purely transverse
Mp - mass of the Proton
FL(x,Q2) purely longitudinal
5(No Transcript)
6 Rosenbluth Separation
Method Examples
Requirements The same x, Q2 but different e.
Examples of the Rosenbluth Separation from
Experiment e94110
sL- Slope, sT - Intercept
7 Jlab Hall C
Used for detection of electrons
Shielded Detector Hut
Superconducting Dipole
Target Scattering Chamber
Used for detections of positrons
Superconducting Quads
Electron Beam
8 HMS Spectrometer
HMS Properties (pt-pt tune)
Vertically Segmented Hodoscope
Kinematic Range
0.5 7.5 GeV/c
4-layer Electromagnetic Calorimeter
2 sets of vertical horizontal Drift Chambers
10.5O - 80O
Gas Cerenkov
6.5 msr
lt 0.1
1 mrad
Cer Cal provide p rejection factor 10000/1 At
1 GeV
- HMS Acceptance is dominated
- by the octagonal collimator!
horizontally Segmented Hodoscope
9 Kinematics Coverage
- L/T Separation Data
- Beam Energies 4.6, 3.5, 2.3, 1,2 GeV
- Targets D, C, Al, Fe
- Some H data available for crosschecks.
- Uncertainties in preliminary data estimated at
1.6 pt-pt in e (2 normalization).
L/T separations where multiple energies.
- Low Q2 data for n modeling
- Targets H,D, C, Al
- Uncertainties in preliminary data
- estimated at 3 - 8
- (Much larger RCs and rates)
10Analysis Methodology
- Bin efficiency corrected e- yield in? dp/p?- T
- (dp/p
/-8, ??T /-35 mrad) -
- Subtract empty target background bin-by-bin.
- Subtract charge symmetric e- yield bin-by-bin.
- Apply acceptance correction for each d - T bin.
- Apply radiative corrections bin-by-bin.
- Apply T bin-centering correction and average
over T ??for each d bin.
11Particle Identification
NPhotoelectronsgt 2
ECalo/E gt 0.7
Subsystem e- Efficiency Uncertainty
Cerenkov gt 99 0.2
Calorimeter 96.5 99.5 0.3
Tracking 90 98 0.3
Charge-Symmetric Background (measure e yields)
Background From Target Walls
Carbon EBeam 2.3 GeV
20o 30o 45o 60o
q bin-centering (finite q acceptance)
13 HMS Monte-Carlo
HMS spectrometer is well understood !
- Comparison of MC to E99-118 data using E94-110
resonance region model as a event generator.
- Excellent agreement between
different experiments!
- Acceptance is determined to lt 1 pt-pt in the
14Preliminary Cross Section Results
----- Input models for RCs, etc.
- Error bars are statistical only.
- Only inelastic data shown.
Deuterium Fits to previous JLab SLAC
resonance region data. Heavy targets fits to
DIS data (F2 R) y-scaling QE model.
15 Cross Sections
Expected Syst. Uncertainties
- Analysis in progress
- Calibrations is done for all runs (Final)
- Efficiencies nearly complete
- CSB complete for E2.3 Beam Energy
- CSB for other Beam energies are under way
- Working on Radiative corrections
- Iteration
- QE
- Final Cross Sections
- LT separations
Table for syst for LT separations (what we expect)
Normalization 2
Systematic uncertainty for low Q2, expected to be
higher since
Uncertainty of Charge Measurement will increase
(very low Beam Current).
Uncertainty of Radiative Corrections will
17 Preliminary Data Available
Preliminary Data available for modeling in RES(W2
gt1,16 (GeV/c)2) and DIS regions on
- Hydrogen
- Deuterium
- Carbon
- Aluminium
- Iron
QE Data under way