Title: NCS Learn PowerPoint Template
1Period Attendance
2Todays Agenda
-Show Full Year Tab
- Mass Change Attendance Atom
-Days of Activity Tab
-Reason Totals Tab
-Type Totals Tab
- Attendance Attachment Form
- Period Attendance Resources
3Where do I find the Attendance atoms?
4Period Attendance AtomShow Full Year Tab
- The Show Full Year tab contains the schools
attendance calendar for each date defined in
Attendance Setup.
- To enter an attendance reason, click the
appropriate cell and select the reason from the
drop down list.
5Period Attendance AtomShow Full Year Tab
6Period Attendance AtomShow Full Year Tab
- To repeat an absence reason, in multiple cells
- Enter a reason in one cell
- Right click or hold down the Alt key and click in
the cells where you want to repeat the reason.
On a Mac, hold down the Option key.
7 Period Attendance AtomDays of Activity Tab
- This tab displays only days marked with an
- This a great resource when discussing absences
with parents!
- To print this page, select File on the menu bar,
then Print. - If the list is more than one page, select An
Expanded Table.
- You can update absence reasons (not dates) from
this tab.
8Period Attendance AtomReason Totals Tab
- This tab displays a students absence totals for
each absence reason.
9Period Attendance AtomType Totals Tab
- This tab displays a students absence totals for
each absence type, the percentage of each
absence, and the days enrolled to date.
- Several absence reasons can be grouped together
as an absence type.
10Period Attendance AtomAttendance Attachment Form
The Attendance Attachment Form enables you to
enter additional information for an attendance
- To access the Attendance Attachment form, hold
down the Control key (Ctrl) and click the cell
where you want to enter the attachment.
11Period Attendance AtomAttendance Attachment Form
- Enter the Arrival and/or Departure time.
- Enter any notes that apply.
- Click OK.
12Period Attendance AtomAttendance Attachment Form
- A small red tag displays in the upper right
corner of the cell in which you entered the
attachment data.
- To get a list of attachment data, run a query on
the AATT file.
13Period Attendance AtomAttendance Attachment Form
If users are not able to access the Attendance
Attachment form, check the Advanced tab of the
Attendance Setup atom.
- Click Use Attachments, enter the Time 1 and
Time 2 Headings, and select either to use time as
Minutes or Time.
14Sample Period Attendance Reports
Use ATP51 to track students enrolled and
15Sample Period Attendance Reports
Sample ATP51 Gain Loss Report
16Sample Period Attendance Reports
Use ATP07 to print an absence list for students
who have an unverified absence.
17Sample Period Attendance Reports
Sample ATP07 Period Absence List
18Class Attendance Atom
- The Class Attendance atom enables you to
view/enter 40 days of attendance data for an
entire class.
- To enter an absence reason, click the appropriate
cell and select the reason from the drop down
- To repeat an absence reason, in multiple cells
- Enter a reason in one cell
- Right click or hold down the Alt key and click in
the cells where you want to repeat the reason.
On a Mac, hold down the Option key.
19Class Attendance Atom
- Entering a reason for the Entire Class
- Click the column heading of the day to highlight
attendance for the entire class.
- Click any highlighted cell to select the
attendance reason.
20Class Attendance Atom
- Entering a reason for the Entire Class
- Click OK to enter the reason for all students
Here is the result!
21Class Attendance Atom
To change the 40-day calendar view, click
Class-Attendance on the menu bar, then Change
- Enter the appropriate date and click OK.
22Class Attendance Atom
Here is the result!
23Sample Class Attendance Report
Use ATP17 to print a weekly attendance list
Print this report from the Class Attendance atom
or from CLASSROOMxp.
24Sample Class Attendance Reports
Sample ATP17 Class Attendance Summary Report
Teachers can use this report to verify their
25Update Attendance Atom
- The Update Attendance atom enables you to
enter/update attendance for multiple students.
- Click the Default previous lines button to
copy the From, To, and Absence Reason from the
first student you enter to the entire list of
- Click the Add button to add a line and enter the
Student ID for the students whose attendance you
want to update.
26Update Attendance Atom
Update Attendance Using Generic Selection Drag
Drop students from Generic Selection (Utilities
folder) to the Update Attendance atom.
- This saves time from entering individual student
27Mass Change Attendance Atom
Use the Mass Change Attendance atom to update
multiple attendance records. You can change
attendance for a student group, a teacher/class,
or run an attendance rule.
- Enter the desired parameters.
28Mass Change Attendance Atom
Here is the result!
29Mass Change Attendance Atom
Using a Mass Change Attendance Rule
- Attendance rules are defined in the Attendance
Rule Definition atom.
This rule has two parts.
30Mass Change Attendance Atom
Using a Mass Change Attendance Rule
- Part 1 changes the All Day code from Present to
Unexcused if there is an Unverified absence in
any of the periods.
31Mass Change Attendance Atom
Using a Mass Change Attendance Rule
- Part 2 changes the Period codes to Unexcused if
there is an Unverified absence in any of the
32Mass Change Attendance Atom
Using a Mass Change Attendance Rule
- Select the Rule
- Enter the dates
33Mass Change Attendance Atom
Here is the result!
34Phone Dialer Atom
- Use the Phone Dialer atom to create a file used
by automatic phone dialing software to notify
parents of student absences or school activities.
- The date defaults to todays date. Change the
date if needed. - The grade defaults to the school grade levels.
Change the grade if needed.
- To create a file for student absences, click the
User Absences button and enter the number of
absences. - The absences read by the phone dialer are
determined by your Attendance Setup.
- The Phone Dialer type defaults to the setup in
the School atom.
35Phone Dialer Atom
- Select the location where you want to save the
- The file name will default to the file name
required by the phone dialer software. - Change the file name if needed.
36Attendance Letters Atom
- Use the Attendance Letters atom to create and
print a list of students whose absences exceed a
preset limit.
- You can maintain up to 3 letters to send when
absences exceed each of the 3 preset limits.
- The system tracks the letters already sent so
that you can send letters of increasing severity
as absences increase.
- You can also reset the counters that track the
37Attendance Letters Atom
- Enter the number of absences a student must have
to get each of the three letters.
- Enter the date and grade parameters for the
- If necessary, reset the absence counters.
- Select the totaling method for the absences.
38Attendance Letters Atom
- Select the source fields you want to export for
the absence letters, or select all of the fields.
39Attendance Letters Atom
- You can change the location of the three files
instead of saving them in the SASIxp Datafile
- Save each of the three files in the location you
40Attendance Letters Atom
- Use a word processing program to create the three
attendance letters as mail merge documents.
- Merge the absence data with the letters.
- Troubleshooting Note
- BE SURE that the absences you want included in
the letters are flagged in the Attendance Setup
atom, Absence Reasons tab, as Included in
41Attendance Letters Atom
Sample Attendance Letter
42Attendance Setup Atom
Calendar Tab
- Use the Calendar tab to set up the calendar for
the school year and define holidays, vacation
days, etc. Additionally you can assign bell
schedules and define significant period
43Attendance Setup Atom
Report Periods Tab
- Use the Report Periods tab to define reporting
periods used for some Period Attendance reports.
- SASIxp automatically defines 4-week attendance
periods. You can leave this screen blank if you
want to use the default 4-week attendance periods.
44Attendance Setup Atom
Bell Schedules Tab
- If your school uses Bell Schedules, you can
establish up to nine different schedules in the
Bell Schedules tab.
- You must establish bell schedules before you
assign bell schedules on the Attendance Calendar.
- Schools who use CLASSROOMxp set up bell schedules.
45Attendance Setup Atom
Absence Reasons Tab
- On the Absence Reasons tab you can define the
absence reasons used in attendance reports,
apportionment, letters, and the phone dialer.
46Attendance Setup Atom
Other Options Tab
- The Other Options tab enables you to define
report groups, display instructional and
non-instructional days and select attendance by
significant period.
47Attendance Setup Atom
Advanced Tab
- Use the Advanced tab to set up the Attendance
Attachment functionality and Section Attendance
48Attendance InformationResources
- Publications on Customer Link
- http//customerlink.pearsonedtech.com
- Enter SASIxp for the search product, then
Publications for the search category. - The Attendance Training Guide and CLASSROOMxp
Training Guide are under the Version 5.0
Publication Index - Click on the Announcements button to find
attendance handouts from the Users Conference.
49Attendance InformationResources
- SASIxp Online Documentation
- Attend other attendance training sessions
- Pearson Education Technologies consulting services