Title: Top41 Quotes. GE Infrastructure/Orlando/24January2006. To
1Life 101
2We may not be interested in chaos but chaos is
interested in us. Robert Cooper, The Breaking
of Nations Order and Chaos in the Twenty-first
3 If you dont like change, youre going to
like irrelevance even less. General Eric
Shinseki, Chief of Staff. U. S. Army
4Study moreRenew moreTailor moreOffer
moreListen moreMarket morePractice
moreChallenge moreSocialize moreSmile
moreFollow-up morePlan execution moreCost
control more
6TitlesGE Infrastructure/Orlando/24January2006
7 Tom Peters Excellence The Relentless
Pursuit of Dramatic Difference!GE
8 All You Need to Knowmore or lessTom
9GE (more or less)89 Ridiculously Obvious
Thoughts About Selling StuffTom Peters/GE
10ListsImportant StuffTom Peters/GE
11TomsTop41 QuotesGE Infrastructure/Orlando/24J
12 Tom Peters Excellence The Relentless
Pursuit of Dramatic Difference!GE
13Franchise Lost! TP How many of you 600
really crave a new Chevy?NYC/IIR/061205
14Slides at tompeters.com
15It can be done!
17415/SqFt/WalMart798/SqFt/Whole Foods
19Experience Rebel Lifestyle!What we sell is
the ability for a 43-year-old accountant to dress
in black leather, ride through small towns and
have people be afraid of him.Harley exec,
quoted in Results-Based Leadership
204X At London Drugs, everyone cares about
everything. Wynne Powell
217X. 730A-800P. F12A.93-03/10 yr annual
return CB 29 WM 17 HD 16. Mkt Cap 48
22 2,048
23By making the Global Delivery Model both
legitimate and mainstream, we have brought the
battle to our territory. That is, after all, the
purpose of strategy. We have become the leaders,
and incumbents IBM, Accenture are followers,
forever playing catch-up. However, creating a
new business innovation is not enough for rules
to be changed. The innovation must impact
clients, competitors, investors, and society. We
have seen all this in spades. Clients have
embraced the model and are demanding it in even
greater measure. The acuteness of their
circumstance, coupled with the capability and
value of our solution, has made the choice not a
choice. Competitors have been dragged kicking and
screaming to replicate what we do. They face
trauma and disruption, but the game has changed
forever. Investors have grasped that this is not
a passing fancy, but a potential restructuring of
the way the world operates and how value will be
created in the future.Narayana Murthy,
chairmans letter, Infosys Annual Report 2003
26The Starbucks Fix Is on We have
identified a third place. And I really believe
that sets us apart. The third place is that place
thats not work or home. Its the place our
customers come for refuge.Nancy Orsolini,
District Manager
27LAN Installation Co. toGeek Squad (2 to
281000/204/4Source Everybody Wins, Phil
Harkins Keith Hollihan
29 We are a life Success Company-founder,
30Trapper lt20 per beaver pelt.Source WSJ
31WDCP 150 to remove problem beaver
750-1,000 for flood-control piping so that
beavers can stay. Wildlife Damage-control
Professional Source WSJ
32Cirque du Soleil!
33Prep DRALION/Cirque du Soleil
34You do not merely want to be the best of the
best. You want to be considered the only ones who
do what you do.Jerry Garcia
36Point of View!
37R.POV8Remarkable Point Of View/8 Words or
less/If you cant state your position in eight
words or less you dont have a position.--SG
38If you cant state your position in eight
words or less, you dont have a position.
Seth Godin
39Just Say No to Imitation!
40To grow, companies need to break out of a
vicious cycle of competitive benchmarking and
imitation. W. Chan Kim René Mauborgne, Think
for Yourself Stop Copying a Rival, Financial
41Best is not Good enough!Suggests a linear
measurement rod
42This is an essay about what it takes to create
and sell something remarkable. It is a plea for
originality, passion, guts and daring. You cant
be remarkable by following someone else whos
remarkable. One way to figure out a theory is to
look at whats working in the real world and
determine what the successes have in common. But
what could the Four Seasons and Motel 6 possibly
have in common? Or Neiman-Marcus and WalMart? Or
Nokia (bringing out new hardware every 30 days or
so) and Nintendo (marketing the same Game Boy 14
years in a row)? Its like trying to drive
looking in the rearview mirror. The thing that
all these companies have in common is that they
have nothing in common. They are outliers.
Theyre on the fringes. Superfast or superslow.
Very exclusive or very cheap. Extremely big or
extremely small. The reason its so hard to
follow the leader is this The leader is the
leader precisely because he did something
remarkable. And that remarkable thing is now
takenso its no longer remarkable when you
decide to do it. Seth Godin, Fast
43Thaksinomics (after Thaksin Shinawatra, PM)/
Bangkok Fashion City managed asset reflation
(add to brand value of Thai textiles by
demonstrating flair and design excellence)Sourc
e The Straits Times/03.04.2004
44What Isnt Matter Is What Matters section
title, Branded Nation The Marketing of
Megachurch, College Inc., and Museumworld, James
45Gas 1.75 per gallonLipton Iced Tea ..
9.52 per gallonOcean Spray ... 10.00Gatorade
.. 10.17Diet Snapple ... 10.32Milk
12.72Evian water . 21.19STP brake fluid ..
33.60Pepto-Bismol .. 123.20Vicks NyQuil ...
178.13MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE Our thirst for
bottled water has created a US46 billion global
marketand New Zealand is infiltrating the once
European-dominated industry with our own clean,
green offeringsarticle title, Air New Zealand
magazineSource Branded Nation The Marketing
of Megachurch, College Inc., and Museumworld,
James Twitchell (2004)
47 The Small Guys Guide Wallop
WalMart16 Niche-aimed. (Never, ever all
things for all people, a mini-WalMart.) Never
attack the monsters head on! (Instead steal niche
business and lukewarm customers.) Dramatically
Different (La Difference ... within our
community, our industry regionally, etc is as
obvious as the end of ones nose!) (THIS IS WHERE
value/experience/intimacy, not price. (You aint
gonna beat the behemoths on cost-price in 9.99
out of 10 cases.) Emotional bond with Clients,
48PSF!Donnellys Weatherstrip Service Weymouth
49 The Small Guys Guide Wallop
WalMart16 Hands-on, emotional leadership.
(We are a great cool intimate joyful
dramatically different team working to transform
our Clients lives via Consistently Incredible
Experiences!) A community star! (Sell
local-ness per se. Sell the hell out of it!) An
incredible experience, from the first to last
momentand then in the follow-up! (These guys
are cool! They get me! They love me!) DESIGN
DRIVEN! (Design is a premier weapon-in-pursuit-o
f-the sublime for small-ish enterprises,
including the professional services.)
50 The Small Guys Guide Wallop
WalMart16 Employer of choice. (A very cool,
well-paid place to work/learning and growth
experience in at least the short term marked by
notably progressive policies.) (THIS IS EMINENTLY
DO-ABLE!!) Sophisticated use of information
technology. (Small-ish is no excuse for small
aims/execution in IS/IT!) Web-power! (The Web
can make very small very big if the
product-service is super-cool and one
purposefully masters buzz/viral
marketing.) Innovative! (Must keep renewing and
expanding and revising and re-imagining the
promise to employees, the customer, the
51 The Small Guys Guide Wallop
WalMart16 Brand-Lovemark (Kevin Roberts)
Maniacs! (Branding is not just for big folks
with big budgets. And modest size is actually a
Big Advantage in becoming a local-regional-niche
lovemark.) Focus on women-as-clients. (Most
dont. How stupid.) Excellence! (A small player
per me has no right or reason to exist unless
they are in Relentless Pursuit of Excellence. One
earns the rightone damn day and client
experience at a time!to beat the Big Guys in
your chosen niche!)
52Study moreRenew moreTailor moreOffer
moreListen moreMarket morePractice
moreChallenge moreSocialize moreSmile
moreFollow-up morePlan execution more
53Up, Up, Up, Up,Up the Value-added Ladder.
54The Value-added LadderServicesGoods Raw
55The Value-added Ladder Gamechanging Solutions
ServicesGoods Raw Materials
56Experiences are as distinct from services as
services are from goods.Joseph Pine James
Gilmore, The Experience Economy Work Is Theatre
Every Business a Stage
57Love it!
58Brands have run out of juice. Theyre dead.
Kevin Roberts/Saatchi Saatchi
59Kevin Roberts Lovemarks!
60(No Transcript)
61(No Transcript)
62(No Transcript)
63(No Transcript)
64Tattoo Brand What of users would tattoo the
brand name on their body?
65Top 10 Tattoo BrandsHarley . 18.9Disney
.... 14.8Coke . 7.7Google .... 6.6Pepsi ....
6.1Rolex . 5.6Nike . 4.6Adidas .
3.1Absolut . 2.6Nintendo . 1.5BRANDsense
Build Powerful Brands through Touch, Taste,
Smell, Sight, and Sound, Martin Lindstrom
67 All You Need to Knowmore or lessTom
Peters/GE Infrastructure/Orlando/24January2006
68Slides at tompeters.com
70Create a cause, not a business. Gary Hamel
71Management has a lot to do with answers.
Leadership is a function of questions. And the
first question for a leader always is Who do we
intend to be? Not What are we going to do? but
Who do we intend to be? Max De Pree, Herman
72 We are a life Success Company-founder,
74Leader Job 1Paint Portraits of Excellence!
75I never, ever thought of myself as a
businessman. I was interested in creating things
I would be proud of. Richard Branson
77 Brand Talent.
78Leaders do people. Anon.
79Our MissionTo develop and manage talentto
apply that talent,throughout the world, for the
benefit of clientsto do so in partnership to
do so with profit.WPP
81- It was much later that I realized Dads secret.
He gained respect by giving it. He talked and
listened to the fourth-grade kids in Spring
Valley who shined shoes the same way he talked
and listened to a bishop or a college president.
He was seriously interested in who you were and
what you had to say. Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot,
83Thank you
84The two most powerful things in existence a
kind word and a thoughtful gesture.Ken Langone
85Rodales on Grace elegance charm
loveliness poetry in motion kindliness ..
benevolence benefaction compassion beauty
87Hard is soft. Soft is hard.In Search of
89The First step in a dramatic organizational
change program is obviousdramatic personal
change! RG
90You Your Calendar
91You must be the change you wish to see in the
92Before you can inspire with emotion, you must be
swamped with it yourself. Before you can move
their tears, your own must flow. To convince
them, you must yourself believe. Winston
94The first and greatest imperative of command is
to be present in person. Those who impose risk
must be seen to share it. John Keegan, The
Mask of Command
95A body can pretend to care, but they cant
pretend to be there. Texas Bix Bender
96You cant lead a cavalry charge if you think you
look funny on a horse. John Peers, President,
Logical Machine Corporation
100If you dont listen, you dont sell anything.
Carolyn Marland/MD/Guardian Group
102While everything may be better, it is also
increasingly the same.Paul Goldberger on
retail, The Sameness of Things, The New York
103Companies have defined so much best practice
that they are now more or less identical.Jesper
Kunde, Unique Now ... or Never
104To grow, companies need to break out of a
vicious cycle of competitive benchmarking and
imitation. W. Chan Kim René Mauborgne, Think
for Yourself Stop Copying a Rival, Financial
105The short road to ruin is to emulate the
methods of your adversary. Winston Churchill
107We have a strategic plan. Its called doing
things. Herb Kelleher
108A man approached JP Morgan, held up an envelope,
and said, Sir, in my hand I hold a guaranteed
formula for success, which I will gladly sell you
for 25,000.Sir, JP Morgan replied, I do
not know what is in the envelope, however if you
show me, and I like it, I give you my word as a
gentleman that I will pay you what you ask.The
man agreed to the terms, and handed over the
envelope. JP Morgan opened it, and extracted a
single sheet of paper. He gave it one look, a
mere glance, then handed the piece of paper back
to the gent.And paid him the agreed-upon
109 1. Every morning, write a list of
the things that need to be done that
day.2. Do them. Source Hugh
111Dennis, you need a To-dont List !
112I used to have a rule for myself that at any
point in time I wanted to have in mind as it so
happens, also in writing, on a little card I
carried around with me the three big things I
was trying to get done. Three. Not two. Not
four. Not five. Not ten. Three. Richard
Haass, The Power to Persuade
114 If you dont like change, youre going to
like irrelevance even less. General Eric
Shinseki, Chief of Staff. U. S. Army
115We eat change for breakfast! Harry Quadracci,
116Im not comfortable unless Im
uncomfortable.Jay Chiat
117The most successful people are those who are
good at plan B. James Yorke, mathematician,
on chaos theory in The New Scientist
119This adolescent incident of getting from
point A to point B is notable not only because
it underlines Grants fearless horsemanship and
his determination, but also it is the first known
example of a very important peculiarity of his
character Grant had an extreme, almost phobic
dislike of turning back and retracing his steps.
If he set out for somewhere, he would get there
somehow, whatever the difficulties that lay in
his way. This idiosyncrasy would turn out to be
one the factors that made him such a formidable
general. Grant would always, always press
onturning back was not an option for him.
Michael Korda, Ulysses Grant
120Richard Kevin
121Sir Richards RulesFollow your passions.Keep
it simple.Get the best people to help
you.Re-create yourself.Play.
122 Kevin Roberts Credo1. Ready.
Fire! Aim.2. If it aint broke ... Break it!3.
Hire crazies.4. Ask dumb questions.5. Pursue
failure.6. Lead, follow ... or get out of the
way!7. Spread confusion.8. Ditch your
office.9. Read odd stuff.10. Avoid moderation!
123Passion Enthusiasm
124I am a dispenser of enthusiasm. Ben Zander
125Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
126A man without a smiling face must not open a
shop. Chinese ProverbCourtesy Tom Morris,
The Art of Achievement
128Most important, he upped the energy level at
Motorola. Fortune on Ed Zander/08.05
130Half-full Cups Ronald Reagan radiated an almost
transcendent happiness. Lou Cannon
131A leader is a dealer in hope.Napoleon
132Aim High
133The greatest dangerfor most of usis not that
our aim istoo highand we miss it,but that it
istoo lowand we reach it.Michelangelo
134Beware of the tyranny of making Small Changes to
Small Things. Rather, make Big Changes to Big
Things. Roger Enrico, former Chairman, PepsiCo
135Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. Steve Jobs
137the wildest chimera of a moonstruck mind The
Federalist on TJs Louisiana Purchase
138Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one
wild and precious life? Mary Oliver
140. Everyone lives by selling something.
Robert Louis Stevenson
144Study moreRenew moreTailor moreOffer
moreListen moreMarket morePractice
moreChallenge moreSocialize moreSmile
moreFollow-up morePlan execution more
146Experience Rebel Lifestyle!What we sell is
the ability for a 43-year-old accountant to dress
in black leather, ride through small towns and
have people be afraid of him.Harley exec,
quoted in Results-Based Leadership
147No Limits
148You do not merely want to be the best of the
best. You want to be considered the only ones who
do what you do.Jerry Garcia
150GE (more or less)89 Ridiculously Obvious
Thoughts About Selling StuffTom Peters/GE
151 1. Strategy overrated, simply doin stuff
underrated. See Kelleher and Bossidy. (We have a
strategic plan, its called doing things.HK)
Action has its own logicask Genghis Khan,
Rommel, COL John Boyd, U.S. Grant, Patton, W.T.
Sherman. 2. What are you personally great at?
(Key word great.) Play to strengths! Distinct
or Extinct. You should aim to be outrageously
good/B.I.W. at a niche area (or more). 3. Are
you a personality, a de facto brand in the
industry? The Dr Phil of 4. Opportunism (with
a little forethought) mostly wins. (Successful
people are the ones who are good at Plan B.) 5.
Little starts can lead to big wins. Most true
winnersthink search Googlestart as something
small. Many big dealsDisney Pixarcould have
been done as little-er, less expensive deals if
youd had the nerve to step out before the value
became obvious. 6. Non-obvious targets have great
potential. Among many other things, everybody
goes after the obvious ones. Also, the
non-obvious are often good partners for
technology experiments. 7.The best relationships
are often (usually?) not top to top! (Often
the best hungry division GMs eager to make a
152 8. Its relationships, stupiddeep and from
multiple functions. 9. In any business such as
GEs you must become an avid student of the
politics, the incentives and constraints, mostly
non-economic facing all of the players.
Politicians are usually incredibly logicalif you
(deeply!) understand the matrix in which they
exist. 10. Relationships from within our firm are
as importantoften more importantas those from
outsideagain broad is as important as deep.
Alliesavid supporters!within and from
non-obvious places may be more important than
relationships at the Client organization. Goal
an insanely unfair market share of insiders
time devoted to your projects! 11.Gratuitous
comment Lunches with good friends are typically
a waste of time. 12.Interesting outsiders are
essential to innovative proposal and sales teams.
An exciting sales-proposal team is as important
as a prestigious one. 13. Is the proposal-sales
team weird enoughweirdos come up with the most
interesting, game-changer ideas. Period. 14.
Lunch with at least one weirdo per month. (Goal
always on the prowl for interesting new stuff.)
153 15.Dont short-change (time, money, depth) the
proposal process. Miss one tiny nuance, one
potential incentive that makes my day for a key
Client playerand watch the whole gig be
torpedoed. 16. Sticking with it sometimes
pays, sometimes notit takes a lot of tries to
forge the best path in. Sometimes you never do,
after a literal lifetime. 17. Women are simply
better at relationshipsdont get hung up on what
industries-countries women cant do. 18. Work
incessantly on your storymost economic value
springs from a good story (think Perrier)! In
sensitive public or quasi-public negotiations, a
compelling story is of immense valuepolitics is
about the tension among competing stories. (If
you dont believe me, ask Karl Rove or James
Carville.) (Storytelling is the core of
culture.Branded Nation The Marketing of
Megachurch, College Inc., and Museumworld, James
Twitchell) (Hint Engineers usually stink at
this.) 19. Risk Assessment Risk Management is
more about stories than advanced mathand of
incredible value in long-term deals. 20. Good
listeners are good sales people. Period. 21.
(Listening skills are hard to learn and subject
to immense effort in pursuit of Mastery. A
virtuoso listener is as rare as a virtuoso
cello player.)
154 22. Things that are funny to me (American) are
often-mostly not funny to those in other
cultures. (Humor is as fine-edged as it gets, and
rarely travels. 23. You dont know Jack Squat
about other peoples culturesespecially if you
are a typically myopic American. (Like me.) 24.
Are you a great interviewer? Its a make or break
skill. (Think Barbara Waltersie her skill at
extracting unwanted truths from pros in
persona-protection in front of 10s of millions
of people.) 25. Are you a great (not merely
good) presenter? Mastering presentation skills
is a lifes workwith stupendous payoff. 26. Are
you good at flowers (Harvey Mackays Mackay
66what you should know about a Client.) 27. You
cant do it allbe clear at what you are good at,
bad at, indifferent at. Hubris sucks. 28. The
numbers will more or less take care of themselves
over the long haulif the relationship/s is/are
solid gold. 29. Dont waste your time on
jerksitll rarely work out in the mid- to
155 30. Genius is walking away from lousy scores
(deals) and living through the attendant heat.
Big Business is the premier home to Big Egos
overpaying by a factor of 2 to 22 with billions
at stake. (Think Jerry Levin.) 31. You havent a
clue as to how this situation will actually play
outbe prepared to move fast in a different
direction. 32. Keep your word. 33. There is such
a thing as a good lossif youve tested
something new and developed good relationships. A
half-dozen honorable, ingenious losses over a
ten-year period can pave the way for a Big
Victory in year 11. 34. Underpromise (ie dont
over-promise ie cut yourself/GE a little slack)
even if it costs you businesswinning is a
long-term affair. Over-promising is Sign 1 of a
lack of integrity. You will pay the piper. 35.
Think legacywhat the hell is all this really
about for you and the world? (Tell me, what is
it you plan to do with your one wild and precious
life?Mary Oliver) 36. Keep it simple! (Damn
it!) Yup, even in your business. If you cant
explain it in a phrase, a page you havent got
it right yet.
15637. Know more than the next guy. Homework pays.
(of course its obviousbut in my work it is too
often honored in the breach.) 38. Regardless of
project size, winning or losing invariably hinges
on a raft of little stuff. Little stuff is and
always has been everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or,
one mans little stuff is another mans 7.6
Richter deal-breaker. 39. In public settings,
face saving is all. When something changes, allow
the other guy to come out looking like a winner,
especially if he has lost. 40. Dont hold
grudges. (it is the ultimate in small
mindednessand incredibly wasteful and
ineffective. Theres always tomorrow.) 41. ITS
ALWAYS THE POLITICS wee private-sector deal or
giant public sector deal. (Every player, small or
large, is angling for something. Master the
calculus of advantage.) 42. To beat the turnover
problem in key Client posts amidst long
negotiations, invest outrageous amounts of time
building a wide deep set of relationships with
mid-level ( lower!!) plodding careerists.
The invisible careerists are the bedrock upon
which repeated success is built! (The Dale Moss
Axiom. And mine from Capitol Hill.)
157 43. Little people often have Big Friends. 44.
This is not war, damn it. All parties can win
(or not lose, anyway). And losing bidders can
walk away from a deal with increased respect for
you and your team. 45. Never, ever dump on a
competitorthe Tom Watson mantra. 46. Never for
get the Law of Cousins! In developing nations
in particular, power brokers at all levels are at
least cousins! Consideration for a second cousin
can pay off big time. 47. Speaking of favors,
jail sucks. 48. Work hard beats work smart.
(Mostly.) 49. REPEAT He/she who has the
most-best relationships wins. Relationships are
the essence of the Work of the Salesperson. The
hard and long work of the salesperson. 50.
Mano v mano hardball is seldom the answerend
runs based on deeper-wider networks win. If the
deal is wired from below, truly wired, than the
so-called big negotiations are essentially
158 51. If the deal is wired from below, truly
wired, than the so-called big negotiations are
essentially irrelevant. 52. If every quarter is a
little better than the prior quarterthen you
are not taking any serious risks. 53. Phones
was always a time when a little thing could have
been addressed that headed off a subsequent big
thing. As to avoiding that call, didnt someone
say, Pride goeth before the fall? 55. Be
hyperorganized about relationship managementyou
are in the anthropology business. Study the great
pols! Brilliant NRM (network relationship
management) is not accidental! It is not
catch-as-catch can. (Football analogies are
cutebut deep political understanding pays the
private-school tuition.) 56. Think/ obsess on
ROIR (Return On Investment In Relationships).
159 57. THANK YOU NOTES Worlds highest-return
investment! 58. The way to anyones heart Doing
a nice thing for their kid. (But, gawd, does this
take a gentle touch.) 59. Scoring off other
people is stupid. Winners are always in the
business of creating the maximum of
winnersamong adversaries at least as much as
among partners. 60. Your colleagues successes
are your successes. Period. (Trust me, my
greatest personal successfinancially as well as
artisticallyhas been creating a bigger pond in
which everyone wins, even if my market share is
down.) 61. Lend a helping hand, especially when
you dont have the time. E.g. share
relationshipsthe more you give away the more you
get in return (just like they say in church).
62. Listen up It was much later that I
realized Dads secret. He gained respect by
giving it. He talked and listened to the
fourth-grade kids in Spring Valley who shined
shoes the same way he talked and listened to a
bishop or a college president. He was seriously
interested in who you were and what you had to
say.Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Respect
160 63. Mentoring is a thrilland the practical
payoff is enormous. The best mentors have the
whole world working its buns off for them! 64.
Hire for enthusiasm. Promote for enthusiasm.
Cherish enthusiasm. Remove non-enthusiaststhey
are cancers. (Nothing is so contagious as
enthusiasm.Samuel Taylor Coleridge.) (A man
without a smiling face must not open a shop.
Chinese Proverb.) 65. Its always your
problemyou sold it to them. 66. Dont get too
hung up on systems integrationfirst, the
individual bits have got to work. 67. Systems
Integration is important. But For Gods sake
dont over promise on systems integrationits
nigh on impossible to deliver. Systems/Solution
s selling means grappling directly with culture
change in Client organizations. (The business
of selling is not just about matching viable
solutions to the customers that require them.
Its equally about managing the change process
the customer will need to go through to implement
the solution and achieve the value promised by
the solutionJeff Thull, The Prime Solution
Close the Value Gap, Increase Margins, and Win
the Complex Sale)
161 68. Shit happens. Thats what they pay you for.
(A man without a smiling face must not open a
shop. Chinese Proverb) 69. This is not a GE
saleit is a Joe Jones/Jane Jones sale. YOU ARE
GET CREDIT. (Taking credit is for
ego-maniacs.) 71. Decent margins, over the mid-
to long-term are a product of better
relationships, not better negotiating skill.
(Mostly.) 72. In the immortal words of Larry
Bossidy, more or less, Realism rocks. (A little
truth goes a long way.) 73. Work like hell to
get a rep as an expert, to become an industry
resource. 74. Work the association angle for
all its worthit may take a decade to pay
off. 75. Pay your dues in the client org and in
your own org! 76. Its all bloody tactics.
16277. You must LOVE . the product!
(Period.) 78. Dont over-schedule. Running
late is inexcusable at any level of seniority
it is the ultimate mark of self-importance mixed
with contempt. 79. It takes time to get to know
people. (Duh.) 80. The very idea of
efficiency in relationship development is
STUPID. 81. MBWA (still) rules. 82. Preparing
the soil is the first 98 percent. 83. WORK
THE PHONES! 84. 5K miles for a 5-minute meeting
often makes sense. (Thanks, Mark.) 85. Beware
complexifiers and complicators. (Truly smart
people simplify things.) 86. The smartest guy
in the room rarely winsalas, he usually is aware
hes the smartest guy.
16387. Be kindit really is okay, even if you work
for GE. 88. Presidents never tire of being
treated like Presidents. 89. Luck matters. So
Good luck!
164ListsImportant StuffTom Peters/GE
165 Getting to WOW Through Mastery of The
166 Getting to WOW Through Mastery of The
167Getting Things Done The Power
168Presentation Excellence The PresX56
169The Interviewing Excellence The IntX31
170The Project 50
171The PSF35 Thirty-Five Professional Service
Firm Marks of Excellence
172GE (more or less)89 Ridiculously Obvious
Thoughts About Selling StuffTom Peters/GE
173Al I knew my stuffand it was damn good. What
I figured out I was that I wasnt a good
salesman. Thats when I started studying top
salesmen, and thats when I started to meet
with success.Top TV producer for 30 years
174 The Sales25 Great Salespeople 1.
Know the product. (Find cool mentors, and use
them.)2. Know the company.3. Know the customer.
(Including the customers consultants.) (And
especially the corporate culture.)4. Love
internal politics at home and abroad.5.
Religiously respect competitors. (No badmouthing,
no matter how provoked.)6. Wire the customers
org. (Relationships at all levels
functions.)7. Wire the home teams org. and
vendors orgs. (INVEST Big Time time in
relationships at all levels functions.) (Take
junior people in all functions to client
175Its politics, stupid! (Play or sit on the
176 Great Salespeople 8.
Never overpromise. (Even if it costs you your
job.) 9. Sell only by solving problems-creating
profitable opportunities. (Our product solves
these problems, creates these unimagined
INCREDIBLE opportunities, and will make you a ton
of moneyheres exactly how.) (IS THIS A
anybodyincluding mortal enemiesif it enhances
the scope of the problem we can solve and
increases the scope of the opportunity we can
encompass.11. Know the Brand Story cold live
the Brand Story. (If not, leave.)
177 Great Salespeople 12.
Think Turnkey. (Its always your problem!)13.
Act as orchestra conductor You are responsible
for making the whole-damn-network respond.
(PERIOD.)14. Help the customer get to know the
vendors organization build up their
Rolodex.15. Walk away from bad business. (Even
if it gets you fired.)16. Understand the idea of
a good loss. (A bold effort thats sometimes
better than a lousy win.)17. Think those who
regularly say Its all a price issue suffer
from rampant immaturity shrunken
imagination.18. Will not give away the store to
get a foot in the door. 19. Are wary
respectful of upstartsthe real enemy.20. Seek
several cool customerswholl drag you into
178If you dont listen, you dont sell anything.
Carolyn Marland/MD/Guardian Group
179 Great Salespeople
21. Use the word partnership obsessively,
even though it is way overused. (Partnership
includes folks at all levels throughout the
supply chain.)22. Send thank you notes by the
truckload. (NOT E-NOTES.) (Most are for little
things.) (50 of those notes are sent to those
in our company!) Remember birthdays. Use the word
we. 23. When you look across the table at the
customer, think religiously to yourself HOW CAN
PROMOTED? 24. Great salespeople can
affirmatively respond to the query in an HP
TODAY?25. Keep your bloody PowerPoint slides
180Success or Failure? Try Instead Optimism or
Failure! From Martin Seligmans Learned
Optimism I believe the traditional wisdom is
incomplete. A composer can have all the talent of
a Mozart and a passionate desire to succeed, but
if he believes he cannot compose music, he will
come to nothing. He will not try hard enough. He
will give up too soon when the elusive right
melody takes too long to materialize. Success
requires persistence, the ability to not give up
in the face of failure. I believe that
persistence. The optimistic-explanatory-style
theory of success says that in order to choose
people for success in a challenging job, you need
to select for three characteristics (1)
Aptitude. (2) Motivation. (3) Optimism. All three
determine success. (Note Seligmans extensive
work with Met Life salespeople, among others,
proved out the abovein spades.)
181Pessimist Good things Im worthless, but got
lucky on this one. Bad things Im a bozo who
deserved my sorry fate.Optimist Good things
I deserved that Im the cats meow. Bad
things Im the cats meow, but the cat had an
unlucky day tomorrow will be better for sure.
182Getting Things Done The Power
183Send Thank You notes! Its (always) all
about relationships. And at the Heart of
Effective Relationships is APPRECIATION. (Oh
yeah Never, ever forget a birthday of a
co-worker.) Bring donuts! Small gestures of
appreciation (on a rainy day, after a long days
work the day before) are VBDs Very Big
Deals. Make the call! One short,
hard-to-make call today can avert a relationship
crisis that could bring you down six months from
now. Remember There are no little gestures
of kindness. As boss, stopping by someones
cube for 30 seconds to inquire about their
sick parent will be remembered for 10 years.
(Trust me.) Make eye contact! No big deal?
Wrong! It is all about Connection! Paying
attention! Being there in the Moment Present.
So, work on your eye contact, your Intent to
Connect. Smile! Or, rather SMILE. Rule
Smiles beget smiles. Frowns beget frowns. Rule
WORK ON THIS. Smile! (If it kills you.)
Energy enthusiasm passion engender
energy-enthusiasm-passion in those we work with.
184Its all RELATIONSHIPS. Remember Business
is a relationships business. (Period.) Were all
in sales! (Period.) Connecting! Making our case!
Following up! Networking! Relationships are
what we do. You Your Calendar. Your
true priorities are given away by your
calendar. YOUR CALENDAR NEVER LIES. What are you
truly spending your time on? Are you distracted?
Focused? Whats in a number? EVERYTHING!
While we all do a hundred things, we may
not/should not/cannot have more than 2 (or 3)
true strategic priorities at any point in time.
BELIEVE IT. She (he) who is best prepared wins!
Out study, out-read, out-research the
competition. Know more (lots more!) than the
person on the other side of the
table. Excellence is the Ultimate Cool Idea.
The very idea of pursuing excellence is a
turn onfor you and me as well as those we work
with. (And, I find to my dismay, its
surprisingly rare.) Think WOW! Language
matters! Hot words generate a Hot Team. Watch
your language! Take a break! We need all the
creativity we can muster these days. So close
your office door and do 5 (FIVE) minutes of
breathing or yoga get a bag lunch today and eat
it in the park.
185You are the boss! Old ideas of lifetime
employment at one company (maybe where Dad/Mom
worked) are gone. No matter what your current
status, think of your self as CEO of Brand Me,
Inc. We are all Small Business Owners of our
own careers. Do something in the next half
hour! Dont let yourself get stuck! There is
ALWAYS something little you can start/do in the
next thirty minutes to make a wee, concrete step
forward with a problem-opportunity. Test it!
NOW! We call this the Quick Prototype
Attitude. One of lifes, especially business
lifes, biggest problems is Too much talk,
too little do. If youve got a Cool Idea,
dont sit on it or research it to death. Grab a
pal, an empty conference, and start laying out a
little model. That is, begin the process of
transforming the Idea to Action ASAP.
Incidentally, testing something quarter-baked in
an approximation of the real world is the
quickest way to learn. Expand your horizons.
Routinely reach out beyond your comfort zone.
interesting youve been meaning to get in touch
with invite them to lunch tomorrow. (Lunch with
the same ole gang means nothing new learned. And
thats a guarantee.) (Remember Discomfort
Growth.) Build a Web site. The Web is
ubiquitous. Play with it! Be a presence! Start
You.com ASAP!
186Spread the credit! Dont build monuments to
yourself, build them to othersthose whose
contributions we wholeheartedly acknowledge will
literally follow us into machine gun
fire! Follow Toms patented VFCJ strategy!
VFCJ Volunteer For Crappy Jobs. That is,
volunteer for the crummy little assignment nobody
else wants, but will give you a chance to (1) be
on your own, (2) express your creativity, and (3)
make a noticeable mark when it turns out
Wow. VOLUNTEER! Lifes a maze, and you
never know whats connected to what. (Six degrees
of separation, and all that.) So volunteer for
that Community Center fund raising drive, even
though youre busy as all get out. You might end
up working side-by-side with the president of a
big company whos looking for an enthusiast like
you, or someone wealthy who might be interested
in investing in the small business you dream of
starting. Join Toastmasters! You dont need
to try and match Ronald Reagans speaking skills,
but you do need to be able to speak your piece
with comfort, confidence and authority.
Organizations like Toastmasters can help
enormously. Dress for success! This one is
old as the hills and I hate it!! But its true.
187Follow the Gospel of Experience Marketing in
all you do. The shrewdest marketers today tell
us that selling a product or service is not
enough in a crowded marketplace for everything.
Every interaction must be reframed as a
Seriously Cool Experience. That includes the
little 15-minute presentation you are giving to
your 4 peers tomorrow. Think of your resume as
an Annual Report on Brand Me Inc. Its not
about keeping your resume updated. It is about
having a Super-cool Annual Report. (Tom Peters
Inc 2004.) What are your stunning
accomplishments that you can add to that Report
each 6 months, or at the most annually? Build
a Great Team even if you are not boss. Best
roster wins, right? So, work on your roster. Meet
someone new at Church or your kids birthday
party? Add them to your team (Team Tom) you
never know when they might be able to assist you
or give you ideas or support for something you
are working on. She or he who has the Fattest
and Best-managed Rolodex wins. Your Rolodex is
your most cherished possession! Have you added 3
names to it in the last 2 weeks? Have you renewed
acquaintance (email, lunch, gym date) with 3
people in your Rolodex in the last month?
188Start your own business! Sure thats radical.
But people are doing itespecially womenby the
millions. Let the idea percolate. Chat about it,
perhaps, with pals. Start a file folder or three
on things you Truly Care About that just might
be the basis for Cool Self-employment. Theres
nothing cooler than an Angry Customer! The
most loyal customers are ones who had a problem
with us and then marveled when we went the
Extra Ten Miles to fix it! Business opportunity
No. 1 Irate customers converted into fans. So
are you on the prowl for customer problems to
fix? All marketing is Relationship Marketing.
In business, profit is a byproduct of
bringing em back. Thus, systematic and intense
and repeated Follow-up and After-sales Service
and Scintillating New Hooks are of the utmost
189BRANDING aint just for Big Dudes. This may
well be Business Mistake No. 1 the idea that
branding is only for the likes of Coke and Sony
and Nike. Baloney! Branding applies as much for
the one-person accountancy run out of a spare
bedroom as it does for Procter
Gamble. Credibility! In the end Character
Matters Most. Does he/she give their word, and
then stick to it come hell high water? Can
you rely on Her/Him in a pinch? Does she/he
CARE? Grace. Is it a pleasure to do
business with you? Is it a pleasure to be a
member of your team?
190Presentation Excellence The PresX56
191The problem with communication ...is the
ILLUSION that it has been accomplished George
Bernard Shaw
192 Presentation
Excellence1. Total commitment to the
Problem/Project/Outcome2. A compelling Story
line/Plot3. Enough data to sink a tanker (98
in reserve)4. Know the data from memory ability
to manipulate the data in your head5. Great
Stories/Illustrations/Vignettes6. Superb
political antennae (you must play the room
like a Virtuoso and be hyper-attentive to the
likes of Body Language)7. By hook or by crook
line/Plot Outline/WOW/Surprise in firstone to
two minutes
193Joe Kramer, welder When my mothers toaster
went on the fritz, I asked myself, If I were
that toaster and didnt work, what would be wrong
with me? Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow The
Psychology of Optimal Experience, on empathetic
identification (Joe burdens vs
opportunities to master complex problems) (BC
vs JK)
194 Presentation
Excellence9. Once youve won stop pushing
(dont rub it in)10. Be in command but dont
show off (if youre brilliant theyll figure it
out for themselves)11. Pay attention to the
Senior Person present, but not too much (dont
look like/act like/be a suck up)12. Brief the
hell out of your champions before the
presentation insist that they make changes/fine
tune ... they must own the outcome before the
fact!13. Dont try to score off your
detractors be especially courteous to them
(even if/especially if theyre jerks)14. Adjust
195 Presentation
Excellence15. No more than THREE key points!
Come at them in several different ways.16. No
more than ONE point per slide!17. Slides NO
CLUTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (no wee print/
charts/graphs)18. Slides Good quotes from the
field. (Remember youre telling a story)19. Be
aware of differing cognitive styles, especially
M-F20. There must be surprise some key facts
that are not commonly known/are counter-intuitive
(no reason to do the presentation in the first
place if there are no Surprises)21. Summarize
the argument/story from time to time22. Include
an Action Agenda that involves some small items
that will be started/accomplished in the next 72
HOURS(this ices commitment/practicality)
196 Presentation
Excellence23. If you dont know something
ADMIT IT! (this is actually a good thingas
opposed to appearing as a know it all)24. ASK
FOR THE SALE! (Remember to be a closer)25.
This is War (a war for Hearts Mind), but never
forget that you are the Supplicant!26. Data are
imperative, but also play to Emotion. 27.
Consider bringing along a customer (internal or
perhaps external) for support28. Be precisely
clear where/when you intend to prototype and
that the prototype guinea pig is lined up (better
yet, do the first, at least partial, prototype
before the presentation)29. Compromise but dont
yield! (Lost battles are normal, no matter how
agonizing)30. Assume that you may be cut off at
any moment, and be prepared to give on the spot a
compelling 30-second to one- minute (no longer!)
Brilliant Summary including Sales Pitch
197 Presentation
Excellence31. Follow the Law of Recency Make
sure that you have been in the field with the key
operating players more recently than anyone in
the room32. Make it clear that youve done a
Staggering Amount of Homework, even though you
are exhibiting but a tiny fraction allude to
the tons of research that are available if
desired by participants offer deeper one-on-one
briefings if desired33. SMILE! RELAX (to a
point) (fake it if necessary) (up tight is
disastrous) (remember you are doing them a favor
by sharing this Compelling Opportunity!)34. EYE
CONTACT!!!!!!!35. Be shrewd Override some
interruptions be attentive to others
(distraction is okay and normal within
limits!)36. Becoming an Excellent Presenter is
as tough as becoming a great baseball pitcher.
THIS IS IMPORTANT and Presentation Excellence
is never accidental! (Work your buns off!)
198 Presentation
Excellence37. Practice but dont leave your
game in the locker room.38. Seek tips on how
various participants play the presentation
game39. A Presentation is an Act (FDR The
President must be the nations number one
actor)40. Remember, the presentation is about
Change RESISTANCE IS NORMAL (in fact if theres
little resistance then your Project is hardly a
game changer)41. Dress well. Dont
over-dress.42. Be early (obvious, but worth
saying) 43. GET THE A/V RIGHT/PERFECT.44. Dont
bring a supporting horde a couple of back-ups
is okay/enough45. No matter how good you are
youll have crappy days WEEP AND THEN GET BACK
199 Presentation
Excellence46. Speak in Plain English keep
the jargon to a minimum47. Make your Personal
Commitment clear as a bell!48. Emphasize
competitive advantage and timeliness (act now),
without stooping to ridiculous war-like language
(tear the heart out of the competition) (in
audiences with heavy female component, if you are
male, avoid repetitive football analogues)49.
Underscore the USP/Unique Selling Proposition50.
Emphasize the Positive51. Sell Novelty yet fit
with core values52. Remember JFKs immortal
words The only reason to give a speech is to
change the world
200 Presentation
Excellence 53. Say what you have to say Clearly
and then Say It Again Again from slightly
different angles54. Make it clear that you are a
Man/Woman of Action and Execution Excellence is
your First, Middle, and Last Name!55. Energy!
Enthusiasm! (dont know the answer to, If you
aint got it how do you get it?)56. Enjoy it!
This is a Hoot! THE ULTIMATE TURN ON! Remember
your Goal Change the world!
201The only reason to give a speech is to change
the world. JFK
202In classical times when Cicero had finished
speaking, the people said, How well he spoke,
but when Demosthenes had finished speaking, they
said, Let us march. Adlai Stevenson
203Let us march.
204The Interviewing Excellence The IntX31
205 Interviewing Excellence1. INTERVIEWING IS AN
ART WORTH MASTERING! (Think Christiane
Amanpour, Mike Wallace)2. Dont overschedule2
or 3 in depth interviews are a solid days work.
(More than that is lunacy and will lead to
shallow results.)3. Save, if possible, the Big
Guy/Gal until lastthat is, until you know what
the hell youre doing!4. Find a
comfy/safe/neutral setting. THIS IS ALL
IMPORTANT! (Worst case You on the other side of
his/her desk.)5. Start with a little bit
(LITTLE) of local small talk. But get some tips
on the interviewee ahead of time he may be one
of the brusque ones who considers any small
talk a waste of his Imperial Time.6. DO YOUR
DAMN HOME WORK! (On the interviewee, the subject
matter.)7. Concoct a LONG LIST of questions.
(Youll only use 10 of it, but thats okay.)
206 Interviewing Excellence8. Prepare a SHORT
LIST of questions you must get answered.9.
Begin by briefly reviewing your assignmentwhy
youre here.10. ALWAYS ASK FOR EXAMPLES! (When
she says Customer Service is in good shape, you
ask for specificshard data, recent Customer
Service successes (and failures). And PRECISELY
in the Story Collection Business.)12. Dress
well. DONT OVERDRESS. (Look like they look, more
or less perhaps a touch more formalthis is a
Serious Affair you are engaging in.)13. Assume
youll never get another chance to talk to this
person.14. Be personable, but more or less match
the interviewees style. (THIS IS HARD WORK!)15.
THINK SMALL! Please walk me in great detail
through the complaint resolution process. Here,
lets diagram it.
207 Interviewing
Excellence16. For Gods sake, get to the Front
Line! (The devil is in the details, and the
details are to be found on the loading dock at
3a.m.) (YES 3A.M.)17. Dont quit until you
SHORTHANDusing the jargon of the Corporate
Culture. Youve got to crack the code. (THIS IS
ARE YOUNG AND UNCERTAIN Tell yourself you are
here to ask Dumb Questionsthis is not a job
interview. Again, think Mike Wallace So did you
in fact murder Mrs. Smith?)18. Ignore
generalizations! YOU ARE HERE IN SEARCH OF
SPECIFICS!!!19. CONTEXT! Get the corporate
culturee.g. Shell is not ExxonMobil! Find out
(from a set of interviewees) Core Values (in
theory and in practice).
208 Interviewing
Excellence20. Engage the Interviewee! GET HER
TO DO SOME OF THE WORK! E.g., write out her view
of the Ten Key Operative Core Valuesor some
such.20A. ENGAGE! ENGAGE! ENGAGE!21. You must
come across as trustworthy. YOU ARE A DUMBO
Take me through yesterday. Get past the
theoretical crap. Give me in excruciating detail
an average day YESTERDAY! (One hour/meeting at a
time.)23. If youre comfortable, lets go over
your Calendar for the last month, so I can
understand the flow of things. (Remember TPs
NOTES AGE!! Immediately after the interview set
aside some time to do a stream of consciousness
recap. And to clean up the obscure scrawl on your
209 Interviewing
Excellence25. Ask the interview if you can get
back to her by phone tomorrow to fill in holes
that your tin ear missed. NO MORE THAN TEN
MINUTES.26. LEARNING! Tag along with great
interviewers in your organization. (I made three
PBS films with a Director who had been Mike
Wallaces director at 60 Minutesoh my God, how
much I learnedor, rather, how little I learned
He could drag stuff out of people that you
couldnt believe. (Secret Im just a dumb old
fart trying to figure out what goes on here. HELP
ME. PLEASE.)27. Work on your Level of
Digging! (Think Woodward Bernstein.)
210 Interviewing
Excellence29. Repeat INTERVIEWING IS A
CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT ART. Study it! Work on it!
Its no different than golf or underwater
basket-weaving. The more harder you work, the
better you get. 30. Yes, we need facts (e.g.,
stories), but remember alWays INTERVIEWS ARE
, stories, detailed process maps, etc. (I BLOODY
HATE Generalizations!) (Think doctors office