Title: Break the PowerPoint Bullet Lockstep:
1Break the PowerPoint Bullet Lockstep
- Ways to use PowerPoint more creatively!
2Start the conversation with an intriguing image
3Outline your lecture without the bullets!
The structure of Dantes inferno
4Quiz on Will and Goodman 1/14
- Explain what Will means when he says that rights
used to be defensive but now they are
offensive. - Explain one criticism that Goodman makes of
Gladwells book.
Create a quiz
5Insert a little humor!
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert team up with
DICK GOODE now Comedy Central is really funny!
6Themes in todays reading
- Jesus foretells his death and resurrection (831,
9,10) - The first shall be lastthe kingdom of God
belongs to childlike (933 1013, 1035note
Queens motto!!) - Healing the sick or possessed (8 22, 914)
- Faith and unbelief (724 924, 1052)
- Feeding the multitudes (8)
- Sinning, particularly sexual sins (adultery,
divorce, child sexual abuse) (717, 942) - Challenging the Pharisees on the letter of the
law(7,8,10) - The conflict between wealth and salvation (1017)
- Who is Jesus? 827
- The Kingdom of God (91 914)
Let the big picture float in front of the class!
7Give them something to look at while you lecture!
8South Africa
Give them something to look at while you lecture!
9So why was Britain first?
- Open
- Political liberty
- Scientific revolution
- Geographical advantages rivers, proximity leads
to new settlements in Americathe poor leave - As an island, less vulnerable to invasion
- Coal
Let them overview the reading while you move on!
10Can you explain Figure 3?
Turn the lecture into a visual puzzlelet the
students do the talking!
Basic Needs
Capital Per Person
Household savings
Economic Growth
Impoverished Household
Public Investment
Humanitarian Relief
Public Budget
Negative growth
Official Development. Assistance
Population Growth and Depreciation
Budget supports
Foreign assistance is not a welfare handout,
butan investment that breaks the poverty trap
once and for all.
11A Sachs-approved donor country will consider
- Let the students finish the slideeasier to read
than blackboard scrawl!
12Float quotes for those slow moments!
- p. 203 the free market always pushes things
to the side of the powerful - p. 205 Poverty is not created by the poor. It
is created by the structures of society and
policies pursued by society. - p. 205/210 Somehow we have persuaded ourselves
that the capitalist society must be fueled only
by greedbut social consciousness can be as
burninga desire. - p. 248 Poverty does not belong in a civilized
human society. Its proper place is in a museum. - p. 249 Charity becomes a way to shrug off our
responsibility. But charity is no solution to
13Google Images is your best friend!
Day 10--Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was
Castle of Good Hope Built 1666