Title: Jack
1John Donne 1572-1631
Dr. Donne
2Dramatic monologue
31590sWrote Songs and Sonnets 1598 Became an
Anglican 1598 Secretary to Thomas Egerton
1601 Secret marriage to Ann More 1615 Became
an Anglican priest 1617 Ann died of
childbirth 1618-? Wrote Holy Sonnets 1631 Death
of Donne 1633 Publication of Poems
Dr. Donne
4Timeline 1649 Execution of Charles
I Commonwealth and Protectorate led by Oliver
Cromwell 1660 Restoration of Charles II
- Education
- Cambridge
- Reading
- Travel
- Prose and Politics
- For Divorce
- Against the
- Monarchy
5- Education
- Cambridge
- Reading
- Travel
- Prose and Politics
- For Divorce
- Against the
- Monarchy
- Poetry
- Paradise Lost
- Paradise
- Regained
6Characteristics of an Epic
- Recounts the deeds of a hero
- Elevated style of writing
- Invocation of the muse
- Statement of theme
- In medias res
- Formal speeches
- Catalogues (usually of warriors)
7In the beginning . . . the heavns and
earth Rose out of Chaos (I. 9-10).
8Him the Almighty Power Hurled headlong flaming
from th ethereal sky (I. 44-45).
9 The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heavn of Hell, a Hell of Heavn
(I. 254-255).
10He above the rest In shape and gesture
proudly eminent Stood like a towr (I.
12 Hail holy light, offspring of heavn
first-born, Or of th Eternal coeternal beam
May I express thee unblamed? (III. 1-3)
13 I made him just and
right, Sufficient to have stood, though free to
fall (III. 98-99).
14Which way I fly is Hell myself am Hell
(IV. 75).
15So hand in hand they passed, the loveliest
pair / That ever since in loves embraces met
(IV. 321-322).
16 A Visit with Raphael
17Book IX
18The Fall and Expulsion from Paradise
by Michelangelo
19He hears on all sides, from innumerable
tongues A dismal universal hiss (X. 506-508)
20Asking for Forgiveness
21The Expulsion from Paradise by Masaccio
22 The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise by
Benjamin West