Title: Bad Weather
1Bad Weather
2Sometimes it rains very heavily,
3and the wind blowsthe leaves in the trees
4and makes waves in the ocean.
5Thats a rainstorm.
6And when there islightning and thunder,
7with the rain, thats a thunderstorm.
8A hurricane is a very strong storm, with lots of
rain, lightning, and very, very hard wind.
9And here is a hurricane from above. This picture
was taken from space.
10A tornado or twister goes around and around very
11The winds of tornados are very, very fast. They
blow very hard.
12Tornado winds can rip uptrees and houses.
13But dont worry, tornados dont happen often.
They are rare.
14Tornados mostly happen in the red area, in
Tornado Alley.
15When its cold,you can see your breath,
16and water freezes.Like the water in this pond.
17Water freezes at 32 degrees.
18Sleet falls when rain freezes. This is also
called freezing rain.
19Snow is also frozen water, but it is light, and
falls slowly.
20Snow is made up of snowflakes.
21No two snowflakes are alike!Every one is
22A lot of snow all at once is called a snowstorm,
or blizzard.
23What is weather?
24The weather starts in the sky. It can be sunny
25partly cloudy
26cloudy or overcast
32Thats what the weather is.
33The End