Title: Option on Me
1Option on Me
Take ball to missing invert!
- Outside Inverts
- Area outside the Openside Tackle and the Tight
End - Easy to understand defense and where to attack
- Dont have to count the box
- Play call based upon the outside inverts
- Inverts are players aligned at same level as
inside linebackers - Allow your QB to make the choice at the LOS
- Eyes outside to read inverts for best option
Outside inverts outside linebackers or safeties
3Option on Me Benefits
- Puts your offense in best play
- Negates computerized scouting
- Puts pressure on the defense
- How do they take away all three options?
- Option Game can control the Box
- Can be used as a hurry-up offense
Always in a good play!
Pre Snap Reads are not completed until the QBs
hands are under the center!
- Keep QB reads simple
- Basic formations
- Defense must still consider all possible options
- Use a Tight End
- Gain an advantage without using motion
- Motion can give your intentions away
- Motion can create tendencies
- QBs eyes to the area outside the Openside Tackle
and the Tight End
5Outside Inverts
Any defender playing at the same level as the
inside linebackers
- Area Outside Box
- Box is from the hip of Openside Tackle to the
Tight End - Two inverts 6-man Box
- Attack toward the Tight End
QB will look to these areas for the best option
and to understand how many defenders are aligned
inside the box area.
If both inverts are located outside, then 6-man
box, thus, the Outside Invert Rule will dictate
the best option.
6Balance the Defense
- Balanced formation allows defense to balance up
- TE offense forces defense to be unbalanced
- Count defenders using Outside Invert Rule
- Has defense balanced itself up?
An offense is most flexible and at its toughest
point when it has two running backs, two wide
receivers and a tight end!
7Option Choices
3 Choices
12 or 13
- Inside Veer Openside (away from TE)
- No invert outside the openside tackle
- Only choice to the Openside
- Midline Tightside (to TE)
- ONLY versus 2 or 3 Technique
- 2 outside inverts 6-man box è run at the box
- Load Tightside (to or outside TE)
- No outside invert to the TE, or
- 2 outside inverts versus 7-technique or 5 9
10 or 11 Jill
18 or 19
8Rules - Inside Veer
12 or 13
- No Outside Invert Weak Run Inside Veer
- Defense moves (reduce) to the Tight End
- Defensive adjustment to stop Midline or Load
- Defense moves to a 4 - 3 scheme
- Defensive Triangle Exists
- Outside invert located outside Defensive End
- Take option the other way
Put Inside Veer into a situation where
the defense doesnt have enough players to defend
9Inside Veer Defensive Triangle
- Outside invert gives defense 3 to defend 3
- Defensive Triangle
- Assume an inside veer release by OT cant get the
playside linebacker - Can break Defensive Triangle by formation and/or
motion - For Option on Me called at the LOS keep
formations basic - 2-backs, tight end, flanker and split end
Must be able to break the triangle defensive
end, inside linebacker, and outside invert.
Dont put veer into defensive triangle
10Inside Veer No Outside Invert
- No Outside Invert No Defensive Triangle
2 to defend 3
Run Inside Veer
11Inside Veer QBs Reads
- Opens at 45and reaches ball back as deep as
possible to FB - Eyes to inside jersey number of 5 technique
- Inside number comes down pull KEEP
- Defender taken dive
- Inside number soft or working up field GIVE
ball to FB - 5 technique is always wrong
Attack Inside Jersey Number
12Rules - Midline
10 or 11 Jill
- Outside Invert to Openside
- Take option towards the Tight End
- 2 outside inverts 6-man box è run at the box
- Run at 2 or 3-technique only
- Two blockers tracking playside linebacker to Free
Safety - Base Blocking Rule 10 or 11 Jill
Take option to TE
13Midline Defensive Issues
- Option game forces defense to balance up to
defend the perimeter - Both inverts outside, then attack to Tight End
- Defense has become unbalanced to defend the
Midline and Load - FB runs at the midpoint of the center
- Forces Defense to defend middle and both
14Midline Fold Scheme
- Primary blocking scheme to TE Jill Fold
- Versus 7-technique or 5 / 9 alignment
- Two blockers tracking Playside Linebacker to Free
2 tracking FS
Pitch Key
Read Key
15Midline Base Scheme
- Blocking scheme to TE Base
- Versus 9-technique with no down defender aligned
on the Tackle - Free Safety becomes the Pitch Key
Pitch Key
Read Key
16Midline - QBs Read
- Read first defender (T) past the Center
- Eyes on inside jersey number of T, if number
- Comes down (toward) pull - KEEP
- Goes up field (away) GIVE
- QB runs off fold (alley)
- Attack inside jersey number of outside invert
Easy Read - Close
17Midline Recap - QB
- QBs Footwork
- Push parallel (push away) to LOS (negating
penetration) - Step at 6 oclock
- Replace the 3-technique
- Dont look back at the FB and dont take eyes off
of read because it creates a bubble - Reach back as far as possible QB rides ball past
front hip holding more than ½ the ball - Mesh / Give or Disconnect
18Midline Recap - Backs
- FB show defenders jersey number and eyes
- Dropping eyes clamping ball harder
- Pitch is going to occur down the field
- TB runs at outside jersey number of outside
invert - Dont gain width, get downfield
- Yell ball, ball once past the LOS
19Midline Recap - Line
- Alert call between the OT and TE
- Trey combo, either Jill or Base
- Fold TE behind OT, TE aiming outside jersey
number of linebacker if linebacker goes away
track Free Safety - Playside Guard responsible inside of playside
linebacker - Harder you avoid, more the 3-technique squeezes
- Inside flat step (grab grass) pick grass
- Aim at inside jersey number of Playside
Linebacker - If linebacker goes away track Free Safety
Track Playside Linebacker to Free Safety with 2
20Rules - Load
Double Option
- Run to Tight End side only
- Both inverts outside, but no 2 or 3-technique
- No invert outside to the Tight End
- Option off of the 9-technique
- Whether on or off the LOS
- Load alley player 1st player past the read key
21Load 2nd Level
Near Ear Rule
- Trey combo with Tackle and Tight End
- Allows the combo to rotate counter clockwise
- Efficient position to track Playside Linebacker
- Restricts flow of the playside defenders by
creating a wall - Keeps the play from stretching
- Trey combo (down) block against a 7-technique
- No offensive lineman has to chase their 2nd level
Pitch Key
Trey Slow
Versus 7-Technique
22Load 1st Level
Near Ear Rule
- Trey combo with Tackle and Tight End
- TE must be blocking down NOT out
- Trey combo (down) block against a 5 / 9 alignment
Pitch Key
Trey Slow
Versus 5 / 9 Alignment
23Load Versus 4-3
Not Best Choice
- Tight End reaching
- Allows the defense to stretch the play
- NO Trey combo versus a 3 9-technique
- If no outside invert to openside run Inside
Veer - If outside invert to openside run Midline
No Invert Inside Veer
Play stretches Lineman chasing Better Choices
Versus 9-Technique
24Load QBs Read
- Backside foot at 45, flash the ball (freeze
defense for a step) then downhill running at read - Inside jersey number comes down
- Taking the quarterback pitch
- Inside jersey number comes upfield
- Taking the pitch keep
25Load Recap QB
- Option the 9-technique the read
- ON or OFF the LOS
- Flash ball at Fullback
- Get to the wall
- Run downhill at the inside jersey number of the
read - Pitch - inside number down or towards
- Keep inside number upfield or away
Get to Perimeter - Quick
26Load Recap Backs
- Block (Load) Alley Player 1st defender past
the read, most likely Free Safety - Fullbacks track
- 1-step at outside hip of guard
- 2-step bounce outside at the inside jersey number
of the 9-technique (read) - Either inside or outside to load alley defender
- If inside number of the read comes down head to
outside to load alley - Inside jersey number of the read goes upfield,
bend inside to load alley - Tailbacks track
- Drop step and get parallel to the LOS
- Work to keep 4 1 pitch relationship with the
Block the Alley Player
27Load Recap - Line
- Blocking schemes counter rotate
- Play doesnt stretch wall LBers
- Trey Combo with Tightside Tackle and Tight End
- Down block on 7-technique or 5/9-techniques
- Playside Guard base block cannot allow
28Near Ear Rule
blockers helmet placement
- Near Ear is also known as a landmark
- Block nearest ear of the down defender according
to play call - Where you place your helmet
- Base block to near ear
- When making a verbal alert call
- Never pull a covered lineman with you
2913 Tight or Under Front
18 Load
- No Outside Invert to Tight End - LOAD
- Dont force Midline NO 3-technique to Tight End
- Pitch Key is the 9-technique
- Fullback will load the Free Safety
Pitch Key
No Support
5 9
Trey Slow TT TE to Playside Linebacker
3013 Tight or Under Front
Inside Veer
- No Outside Invert to Openside INSIDE VEER
- Dont force Midline NO 3-technique to Tight End
- Read is the Defensive End
- Pitch will occur downfield
No Support
5 9
Deuce Combo OT OG to Playside Linebacker
31Reading the Box 4-3
- Run INSIDE VEER to openside
- No invert has moved inside the box
- Can run LOAD option (to TE) because of
7-technique - Fullback will load Free Safety
- Other Choices because Offense matches up with
Defense - Lead, Zone, Trap
No Invert
32Reading the Box 5-2
- Run INSIDE VEER to openside
- No invert (same level as inside linebackers) has
moved onto LOS - Can run LOAD option (to TE) because of 5
9-techniques - Fullback will load Free Safety
- Other Choices because Offense matches up with
Defense - Lead, Long Trap
No Invert
33Reading the Box 33 Double Eagle
- Run INSIDE VEER to openside
- No invert (same level as inside linebackers)
cannot defend Triple Option - Can run LOAD option (to TE) because of
7-technique - Fullback will load Free Safety
- Can run Midline option (to TE) because of
No Invert
34Reading the Box 33 Split 6
- Run INSIDE VEER to openside
- Run LOAD option (to TE) because of 5
9-techniques - No invert (same level as inside linebackers)
- Fullback will load Free Safety
- Run Midline option (to TE) because of 3-technique
- Can run Midline option to openside because of
No Invert
No Invert
Get Excited! All Options are available
35Reading the Box Bear 46
- Run LOAD option (to TE) because of 7-technique
- No invert (same level as inside linebackers)
- Fullback will load Free Safety
- Can run Midline option (to TE) because of
3-technique - Fullback will read (cut-off) the nose on the
No Invert
36Reading the Box 31 Tight or Solid
- Run LOAD option (to TE) because of 5-technique
- No invert (same level as inside linebackers)
- Fullback will load Free Safety
- Can run Midline option (to TE) because of
3-technique - Fullback will read (cut-off) the 1-technique on
the give
No Invert
- Quarterback follows Outside Invert Rules
- Attack side with no outside invert
- Openside Inside Veer
- Tightside Load unless 3 9-technique, then
Midline - 2 outside inverts, then Midline versus
3-technique to the Tight End - 2 outside inverts and no 3-technique, then Load
to the Tight End - Outside Invert Rule allows offensive line to
counter rotate blocking schemes - Using the Near Ear Rule (helmet placement) away
from the Point of Attack
38(No Transcript)