Title: Die Konvention ber Biologische Vielfalt
1The European GTI ToolkitCapacity Building for
theGlobal Taxonomy InitiativeCD-ROM and Website
Dr. Fabian Haas und Dr. Christoph L. Häuser
Nationale GTI Kontaktstelle (GTI NFP)
am Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde
Stuttgart www.gti-kontaktstelle.de
21st Workshop Building Capacity for the Global
Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) in a larger Europe 16
experts from 13 European countries on the Isle
of Vilm in June 2004
Link to the results of the workshop
Origin of the Toolkit
32nd Workshop 'The European GTI
Toolkit' Capacity Building for the Global
Taxonomy Initiative 14 experts from 11 European
countries in Stuttgart in June 2005
Origin of the Toolkit
5local on CD
6Cluster I Official texts, documents and
reports Chapter 1 Relevant CBD and other
documents Chapter 2 National legislation on
Biodiversity Chapter 3 National workshops and
activities Chapter 4 Taxonomic needs assessments
Chapters of the Toolkit
7Cluster II Science and Language Chapter 5
Taxonomy as a science Chapter 6 Technical Terms
in non-UN languages Chapter 7 Abbreviations and
Chapters of the Toolkit
8Cluster III Organisations, Case Studies
and Support Chapter 8 Applications of taxonomy
and Case studies Chapter 9 Funding sources for
taxonomy Chapter 10 Taxonomic organisations and
initiatives Chapter 11 Lists and databases on
taxonomic experts
Chapters of the Toolkit
9Cluster IV Taxonomic tools and Services Chapter
12 Identification of organisms Chapter 13
Taxonomic software Chapter 14 Search engines
and strategies Chapter 15 Introductory texts to
this toolkit
Chapters of the Toolkit
10Dr CL Häuser 49 (0)711 8936
223 chaeuser_at_gmx.de Dr F Haas 49
(0)711 8936 172 haas.smns_at_naturkundemuseum-bw.de
Fax (for both) 49 (0)711 8936 100
11What is in the Toolkit
12List of Participants BioNET-INTL Richard
Smith Bulgaria Dessislava Dimitrovo Czech
Republic Karel Chobot Denmark Henrik
Enghoff Estonia Ülle Reier Germany Fabian
Haas Germany Christoph Häuser Netherlands Wouter
Los Netherlands Marc Sosef Norway Torbjörn
Ekrem Poland Magdalena Blazewicz Spain Maria
Ramos United Kingdom Alan Patona United
Kingdom Alistair Taylor
Origin of the Toolkit
13(No Transcript)