Title: The Need for Spiritual Growth
1The Need for Spiritual Growth Maturity
- A main cause of worlds problems immaturity
2The Need for Spiritual Growth Maturity
- Gods will is for me to grow spiritually
- (Life Purpose)
Let us go on to maturity. Heb.61 Grow in the
grace knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2
Pet.318 We use all our wisdom to warn teach
everyone, so that all of Christs followers
will grow become matureSee that you go on
growing in the Lord, become strong vigorous
in the truth you were taught. Col.128
27(CEV, LB)
3The Need for Spiritual Growth Maturity
- The maturity model is Christ-likeness
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6James 11
Page 837
- Frustrated The ultimate sibling rival!
- Embarrassed My brother is delusional!
Then Jesus entered a house, again a crowd
gathered, so that He His disciples werent
even able to eat. When His family heard about
this, they went to take charge of Him, for they
said, He is out of His mind. Mark 320-21
- Disbelieving A mess, not a Messiah!
For even His own brothers didnt believe in
Him. John 75
- Alienated Had He written off His mom?
Standing near the cross were Jesus mother,
His mothers sister, Mary (the wife of Clopas),
Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw His mother
standing there beside the disciple He loved, He
said to her, Woman, he is your son. And He
said to this disciple, She is your mother.
And from then on this disciple took her into his
home. John 1925-27
- Frustrated
- Embarrassed
- Disbelieving
- Alienated
- Frustrated
- Embarrassed
- Disbelieving
- Alienated
James The Bondservant
- Sold out Slave, not brother
- Sold out Slave, not brother
- Leader Guiding of the mother church!
- Sold out Slave, not brother
- Leader Guiding of the mother church!
- Martyr Rather die than deny Jesus!
- James The Brother
- James The Bondservant
- What happened? He met the living Jesus!
I passed on to you what was most important
that Christ died for our sins, just as the
Scriptures said. He was buried, He was raised
from the dead on the 3rd day, as the Scriptures
said. He was seen by Peter then by the 12
apostles. After that, He was seen by more than
500 of His followers at one time, most of whom
are still alive, though some have died by now.
Then He was seen by James later by all the
apostle. 1 Cor.153-7
17How Can I Grow Up With God?
18How Can I Grow Up With God?
- Maturity isnt aboutage
- appearance
19How Can I Grow Up With God?
- Maturity isnt aboutage
- appearance
- achievement
20How Can I Grow Up With God?
- Maturity isnt aboutage
- appearance
- achievement
- academics
21How Can I Grow Up With God?
- Maturity is determined by attitudes (character)
22How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 1 Is Positive under Pressure (12-4, 12)
23How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 1 Is Positive under Pressure
My Rating (negative) 1 2 3 4 5 (positive)
24How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 2 Is Sensitive under People (21-8)
25(No Transcript)
26- What Real Love Is (1 Cor.131-2)
- I may win all kinds of people to the Lord,
- I may build great church buildings,
- I may be on television,
- I may give my money to the poor,
- But, if I dont have love,
- Im just making noise
- it doesnt amount to much.
27- On Judgment Day (Matt.2535-40)
- God I was hungry, you fed Me.
- I was thirsty, you gave Me a drink.
- I was a stranger, you invited me into your
home. - I was naked, you gave Me clothing.
- I was in prison, you visited Me.
- Us Lord, when did we do all those things?
- God I assure you, when you did it to the least
of these My brothers sisters, you were doing
it to Me!
28How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 2 Is Sensitive under People
My Rating (self) 1 2 3 4 5 (others)
29How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 1 Is Positive under Pressure
- 2 Is Sensitive to People
- 3 Has Mastered his Mouth (32-12)
30How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 3 Has Mastered his Mouth (32-12)
Gossip hearing something you like, about
somebody you dont
31How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 3 Has Mastered his Mouth
- Tongue checks Is it loving?
Speak the truth in love. Eph.415
32How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 3 Has Mastered his Mouth
- Tongue checks Is it building?
Dont let any negative talk come out of your
mouth but only what is helpful for building up
others according to their needs. Eph.429
33How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 3 Has Mastered his Mouth
- Tongue checks Is it controlled? (126)
34How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 3 Has Mastered his Mouth
My Rating (uncontrolled) 1 2 3 4 5
35How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 4 Is a Peacemaker, not a Troublemaker (41)
36How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 4 Is a Peacemaker, not a Troublemaker
- Conflict causes selfishness (42-3)
37How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 4 Is a Peacemaker, not a Troublemaker
- Conflict causes selfishness
- judgmentalism (411-12)
38How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 4 Is a Peacemaker, not a Troublemaker
My Rating (argue) 1 2 3 4 5 (bridge)
39How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 5 Is Patient Prayerful (57-10, 16-18)
40How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 5 Is Patient Prayerful
- Only learned by waiting
41How Can I Grow Up With God?
- (Tests) A Mature Person
- 5 Is Patient Prayerful
My Rating (now) 1 2 3 4 5 (wait)
42(No Transcript)