1Directorate-Generale for Energy and Transport
Fourth Technical Meeting
Florence - Monday 8th May 2006
- KAT Hospital Project
Consultant KION S.A.
Objective Reporting the progress that has been
made during this working period.
- Overview of the completed work at the KAT
Hospital - Passive Measures at the Kat Hospital-Final Design
- Active Measures at the Kat Hospital-Final Design
- Adopted BEMS at the Kat Hospital-Final Design
- Projected Construction Schedule
- Acknowledgment
3Hospitals General Layout
West Wing WW 3190 m2 Central Wing
CW 10575 m2 East Wing EW 3990
m2 New Wing NW 5100 m2 HP
Wing HPW 2145 m2
Total 25000 m2 Passive Measures concern the
Central Wing Active Measures concern all wings
of the Hospital
4Adopted Passive Active Measures
Central Wing Cross Section (Passive Measures)
Plane View of Hospital (Active Measures)
5Results of Energy Audit
- Apply Passive Active Measures on Central Wing
- Apply Active Measures on all the hospital
6Energy Consumption
7Energy Capacity Demand
8Characteristics of Energy Producing Units at New
Power Plant
9Total Equivalent Warming Impact
10Project Overall Cost Estimates
111. Summary of Completed Work 1/4
12Summary of Completed Work 2/4
13Summary of Completed Work 3/4
142. Passive Measures at the Kat Hospital-Final
- Computer simulations based on simple site
measurements offered a valuable design guidance
because of the complexity of system combinations
and interactions. - The design parameters included
- Climate (sun, wind, air temperature, and
humidity) - Lighting and day-lighting (electric and natural
light sources) - Building envelope (geometry, insulation,
fenestration, air leakage, ventilation, shading,
thermal mass, colour) - Internal heat gains (from lighting, office
equipment, machinery, and people) - VAV (systems, and controls)
15Design Summary of Passive Measures Analyses at
the Kat Hospital
16Shading of the South/East Façade of the Central
17Studied Shading Alternatives at the South/East
Façade of the Central Wing
Wing Flat Blinds (Aluminum)
- Design Steps
- Examine Sun light on the existing structure
- Examine contribution of various shading
alternatives - Estimate Daylight factor
- Design selected alternative
- Simple estimates of energy savings
- Design Considerations
- Excessive Winds
- Structures Curvature
- Seismic Analysis
18Sunlight Shading at the South/East Façade of the
Existing Central Wing
900 am (25)
1000 am (45)
After 1000 am balconies offer considerable
shading to the building
1100 am (80)
1200 am (90)
21 September
19Shading Alternatives at the South/East Façade of
the Central Wing
- Among several alternatives the following were
retained for further analysis - Alternative with inclined blinds
- Alternative with horizontal blinds
- Motorized blinds controlled by BEMS (very
20Shading Study of South/East Façade of the Central
21Daylighting Calculation
- Daylight factors
- Ratios of interior illuminance or luminance to
exterior horizontal illuminance - Contribution of direct light from each window to
each reference point - Contribution of reflected light from walls, floor
and ceiling - Window luminance and window background luminance
used to determine glare - Factors calculated for hourly sun positions on
sun-paths for representative days of the run
22Daylighting Calculation (contd)
Available Software Daysim, ECOTECT
23Site Inspection of 5th Floor
Site inspection Confirmed analysis results
24Studied Shading Alternatives at the South/East
Façade of the Central Wing
900 am
25Site Inspection of 5th Floor
Site inspection Confirmed analysis results
26Artificial Light and Daylight Contribution at the
South/East Façade of the Central Wing
Alternative 2 with horizontal blinds offers the
best solution
27Studied Shading Alternatives at the South/East
Façade of the Central Wing (2/2)
28Adopted Shading Alternative at the South/East
Façade of the Central Wing
29Thermal Insulation Alternatives of the Structural
Shell Envelop at the Central Wing
30Shell Envelop
- DEPANOMs Requirements
- Highly effective thermal insulant
- Very high crack resistance
- Highly resistant to mechanical stress (seismic
loads) - Resistant to micro-organisms (algae/fungi)
- Permeable to CO2 and water vapor
- Limited combustibility
- Design parameters
- Bonding strength
- Insulation (thermal conductivity)
- Reinforcement for seismic loads
- Top Coat
- Design Steps
- Examine several materials for insulation
- Find optimum thickness
- Design selected alternative
31Thermal Insulation Alternatives of the Structural
Shell Envelop at the Central Wing
32Thermal Insulation Alternatives of the Structural
Shell Envelop at the Central Wing
33Thermal Insulation Alternatives of the Structural
Shell Envelop at the Central Wing
345th Floor Refurbishment
355th Floor Refurbishment
Existing Layout
Proposed Layout
365th Floor Refurbishment
Typical Room
37VAV at 5th Floor
Air to air heat recovery in ventilation system
38Summary of Design Characteristics of the Adopted
Passive Measures
393. Active Measures at the Kat Hospital-Final
- Design Steps
- Evaluation of the Energy Demand (all appropriate
wings) - Evaluation of the Projected Energy Consumption at
the KAT Hospital - Survey of existing E/M network
- Selection of solar panels
- Selection of absorption chillers
- Location of Solar Panels (Required 2000 m2)
- Location of New Power Plant to house Absorption
chillers and gas boiler - Final Design
40Existing Power Plant
Adopted Design Philosophy Connect the new power
plant to the existing comfort heating collectors
with the least amount of intervention using as
often as possible autonomous components.
41Existing Power Plant
Piping Network of Domestic Water for the
requirements of the hospital
42Design of New Power Plant
Optimum Production of Cooling Comfort Combining
Solar Panels, Absorption Chillers Gas Boiler
43Autonomous primary and secondary piping network
44Primary and secondary piping network
45Energy Production Units
Comfort Heating Production Units in Area 2 1 Air
cooled Chiller, 1 AHU Comfort Heating Production
Units in Area 3 1 Air cooled Chiller, 1 AHU
Comfort Heating Production Units in Area 4 2 Gas
Boiler, 3 Air cooled Chillers, 3 AHUs Comfort
Heating Production Units in Area 5 1 Gas Boiler,
1 Air cooled Chiller, 1 AHU Comfort Heating
Production Units in Area 6 1 Gas Boiler, 3 Air
cooled Chillers, 1 AHUs Comfort Heating
Production Units in Area 7 3 Heat exchangers
Comfort Heating Production Units in Area 8 (New
Power Plant) 1 Gas Boiler, 2 Absorption Chillers,
Solar panels system
Comfort Heating Production Units in Area 1 (Main
Power Plant) 3 Steam Boilers, 6 Heat exchangers,
2 Water Cooled Conventional Chillers
46Primary and secondary piping network
47Estimated Electric Thermal Consumptions
48Solar Panels Alternative Locations
49Solar Panels Details (Alternative 1)
50Solar Panels Details (Alternative 2)
Section A-A
Plane View
51Power Plant Layout
52Drawings of New Power Plant
Optimum Production of Cooling Comfort Combining
Solar Panels, Absorption Chillers Steam Boilers
53Sankey Diagrams of New Power Plant
55Activation of Energy Producing Modules
Summer Calibration
Winter Calibration
Nonlinear Programming is used to find the optimum
arrangement of the energy producing modules. A
monte carlo technique is used to verify these
56Summary of Design Characteristics of the Adopted
Active Measures
574. Adopted BEMS at the Kat Hospital-Final Design
The final design included
- Design of controllers and monitoring sensors at
appropriate locations to monitor energy
consumptions at 2nd, 5th floor and power plant at
the basement of Central Wing - Design of telecommunication network between
server and controllers/sensors - Design of appropriate software and SQL databases
for monitoring - Selection of hardware and required specifications
- Cost estimates
58Network of Sensors Controls
59Block Diagram of Sensors Controls
60Three Level Network of Sensors Controls
The proposed BEMS expands a three level design
framework, introducing automated controls to
manage the operations of the energy producing
hardware. These control components autonomously
operate at each functional level with the aim to
optimally reduce the building energy consumption.
61Network of Sensors Controls
62They satisfy the evaluation requirements of
energy saving passive active measures.
63BEMS Design Characteristics (1)
64BEMS Design Characteristics (2)
65Design Characteristics of the Adopted BEMS
66Summary of Design Characteristics of the Adopted
67Summary of Design Characteristics of the Adopted
Cluster of Sensors It Includes the following
sensors Air temperature, Relative humidity, CO2
VOC, Luminosity
68Summary of Design Characteristics of the Adopted
Artificial Lighting System  Artificial light is
supplied through the general lighting
installation of the building which is
automatically controlled by the BEMS. The
luminaires used have low energy consumption
fluorescent pipes or compact PLC type lamps).
Ceiling light fixtures have high frequency
electronic ballasts, metal lengthwise parabolic
blinds and double parabolic elements or ceiling
spots with shiny reflectors.
69Summary of Design Characteristics of the Adopted
Nurse Call System Two nurse centers were required
by the KAT Hospital supervising 3 clinics. Â
70BEMS Software Framework at KAT
71Graphics of Data Mining Procedures
72Software Modules Graphical User Interface
73BEMS Network at 2nd Floor
74Summary of Design Characteristics of the Adopted
755. Projected Construction Time Schedule 1/2
Completion Of Final Design
BID Process
76Planned Dissemination Activities
- Participation to International Forums
- Organize Seminars and Training
- Submit Papers to Journals
Contributors from the DEPANOM project team
Sklavos Chariton , Architect S. Podaras,
Architect E. Chnari, Architect G.Moulatzikos,
Mechanical Engineer J.Parousis, Electrical
Engineer Project Consultants Dr. B. Dendrou,
KION SA K. Vei Spiropoulou, Architect