Title: Lets Elevate our Walk
1Lets Elevate our Walk!
2Wanting To Be Alive!
- Quote from Garrison Keillor This was not a
great year for guys Guys are in trouble.
Manhood, once an opportunity for achievement, now
seems like a problem to overcome. Plato, St.
Francis, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Vince Lombardi
you dont find guys of that caliber today
3What you find is a terrible gender anxiety, guys
trying to be Mr. Right, the man who can bake a
cherry pie, go shoot skeet, come back and toss a
salad, converse easily about intimate matters,
cry If need be, laugh, hug, be vulnerable,
perform passionately that night and the next day
lift them bales on to the barge and tote it
4- Being perfect is a terrible way to spend your
life, and guys not equipped for it anyway. It is
like a bear riding a bicycle he can be trained
to do it for short periods, but he would rather
be in the woods doing what bears do there.
5Think of this one
- From Wild at Heart by John Eldridge
- alas, there the church Christianity, as it
currently exists, has done some terrible things
to men. When all is said and done, I think most
men in the church believe that God put them on
earth to be a good boy
6- The problem with men, we are told, is that they
do not know how to keep their promises, be
spiritual leaders, talk to their wives or raise
children. But if they try real hard they can
reach the lofty summit of becoming a nice guy!
That is what we hold up as models of Christian
maturity. Really nice guys
7- We dont smoke, drink, or swear thats what
makes us men. Now let me ask my male readers in
all your boyhood dreams growing up, did you ever
dream of becoming a nice guy? Walk into most
churches in America, look around and ask you self
the question what is a Christian man? just look
around some Sunday and see what you see. Bored
8- He goes on if that kind of man is what you
want, a sanitized, shallow guy then it is
contrary to every thing that a man is... the
heart of a man is driven to the high country,
like a wounded animal looking for cover we have
not invited a men to know and live from his
9What being elevated looks like!
- vs. 11 Look at the Finished Product!
- vs. 55 Familiar Frustrations!
- vs. 4 Fathom Call!
- Frightening Realities!
- Reality of Invasion/ Common Folk
- Reality of Obedience
- Reality of Brokenness