Title: Mathematics
1Mathematics Item Specifications The School
District of Palm Beach County High School
Leadership Academy Presented by Michelle R.
White Mathematics Manager
2Presentation Requests
- Silence cell phones
- Participate and share
- Listen with an open mind
- Ask questions
- Work toward solutions
- Use time effectively
3Part I Item Specifications
- Test Structure and Item Format
- Blooms Taxonomy vs. Norman Webbs Depth of
Knowledge - Item Specifications
- Teaching Requirements
- FCAT Item Specifications Learning Objectives
- Identify the FCAT Item Assessment Formats
- List the Cognitive Complexity Levels addressed on
the FCAT - List the Strands assessed on the FCAT
- Identify the primary Target Audience for the FCAT
Item Specifications - Identify the percentage breakdown for the FCAT
assessed strands in each grade level - Recognize the need to utilize the FCAT Item
Specifications in the Lesson Planning Process - FCAT Test Taking Strategies
- Multiple Choice
- Gridded Responses
- Short and Extended Response Questions
4Part II What Leaders need to know about the
Mathematics Classroom
- The Mathematics Classroom
- Environment
- Materials
- The Mathematics Lesson
- Higher Order Questioning and Thinking
- Instruction Effectively Engages Students
- Small Group, Differentiated Instruction is
Utilized to Address Students Instructional Needs - Reading and Writing Activities are Evident
- Data is used to Redirect Instructional Focus and
Students Instructional Needs - School and District Leadership and Coaching is
5Part III What Leaders need to know about the
Coaches Role
- Expectations of the Coach
- Professional Development
- Coaching Calendar
- Coaches Log
6Test Structure and Item Format
7Blooms Taxonomy vs. Norman Webbs Depth of
Knowledge 2004 Changes
- Blooms Taxonomy
- Students Ability
- Difficult to Use
- Requires Inference of Students
- Skill
- Knowledge
- Background
- Norman Webbs
- Question
- Thinking based on the Item QUESTION not on the
ability of the student - Focuses on what the item will require the student
to do - Recall
- Understand
- Analyze
8Bloom vs. Webb
Kris Lyon October 12, 2005
9Norman L. Webbs Depths of Knowledge (DOK)
- DOK Level 1 Recall and Reproduction
- Includes the recall of information such as a
fact, definition, term, or a simple procedure, as
well as performing a simple algorithm or applying
a formula. - DOK Level 2 Skills and Concepts/Basic Reasoning
- Includes the engagement of some mental
processing beyond a habitual response. A Level 2
assessment item requires students to make some
decisions as to how to approach the problem or
activity, whereas Level 1 requires students to
demonstrate a rote response, perform a well-known
algorithm, follow a set procedure (like a
recipe), or perform a clearly defined series of
steps. -
Recall and Reproduction Depth of Knowledge
(DOK) Level 1 Some examples that represent but
do not constitute all of Level 1 performance are
Identify a diagonal in a geometric figure.
Multiply two numbers. Find the area of a
rectangle. Convert scientific notation to
decimal form. Measure an angle.
Kentucky Department of Education
Skills and Concepts/Basic Reasoning Depth of
Knowledge (DOK) Level 2 Some examples that
represent but do not constitute all of Level 2
performance are Classify quadrilaterals.
Compare two sets of data using the mean, median,
and mode of each set. Determine a strategy to
estimate the number of jellybeans in a jar.
Extend a geometric pattern. Organize a set of
data and construct an appropriate display.
12Norman L. Webbs Depths of Knowledge (DOK)
- DOK Level 3 Strategic Thinking/Complex Reasoning
- Requires reasoning, planning, using evidence,
and a higher level of thinking than the previous
two levels. The cognitive demands at Level 3 are
complex and abstract and requires more demanding
reasoning. - DOK Level 4 Extended Thinking/Reasoning (Not
Tested) - Requires complex reasoning, planning,
developing, and thinking most likely over an
extended period of time. -
Strategic Thinking/Complex Reasoning Depth of
Knowledge (DOK) Level 3 Some examples that
represent but do not constitute all of Level 3
performance are Write a mathematical rule
for a non-routine pattern. Explain how
changes in the dimensions affect the area and
perimeter/circumference of geometric figures.
Determine the equations and solve and interpret a
system of equations for a given problem.
Provide a mathematical justification when a
situation has more than one possible outcome.
Interpret information from a series of data
14DEPTH OF KNOWLEDGE LEVEL 4 Extended Thinking
Extended Thinking/Reasoning Depth of Knowledge
(DOK) Level 4 Some examples that represent but
do not constitute all of Level 4 performance are
Collect data over time taking into
consideration a number of variables and analyze
the results. Model a social studies situation
with many alternatives and select one approach to
solve with a mathematical model. Develop a
rule for a complex pattern and find a phenomenon
that exhibits that behavior.
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17FCAT Cognitive Levels of Complexity
- Low Solve a one step problem
- Recall and recognize
- Moderate Requires multiple steps
- Flexible thinking, informal reasoning or problem
solving - High Requires analysis and abstract reasoning
- Abstract reasoning, planning, analysis, judgment
and creative thought.
18Percentage of Points by Cognitive Complexity
Level for FCAT Mathematics
These tests include performance tasks, typically
moderate to high complexity items.
19Expectations of Low Complexity Items
- Low Complexity Items
- Identify, recognize, retrieve, calculate
- Types of Questions
- MC and GR
20Expectations of Moderate Complexity Items
- Moderate Complexity Items
- Apply, infer, predict, compare contrast,
formula - Types of Questions
- MC, GR, SR, ER
21Expectations of High Complexity Items
- High Complexity Items
- Construct a model, draw conclusions, design,
explain, justify, interpret - Types of Questions
- MC, GR,SR and ER
22Not Tested on FCAT..Should be taught in class
23Not Tested on FCAT..Should be taught in class
24Depth Of Knowledge Classification Activity
- Using the High School Sample Assessments and the
worksheet provided work in groups to classify
the problems as DOK-1, DOK-2 or DOK-3. Please be
prepared to discuss your classifications. - Allotted Time 20min For Classification
- 5min Discussions
25Item Specifications
26(No Transcript)
29FCAT Item Specifications
30(No Transcript)
31(No Transcript)
32FCAT Mathematics Assessed Content
- Strands (5 total)
- A Number Sense
- B Measurement
- C Geometry Spatial Sense
- D Algebraic Thinking
- E Data Analysis Probability
- Annually Assessed Benchmarks
- Grades 3 - 5
- 24-25 Benchmarks
- 77-89 GLES/Content Focus
- Grades 6 - 8
- 24-25 Benchmarks
- 78 -93 GLEs/Content Focus
- Grades 9-10
- 23 Benchmarks
33Item Specification Sections
- Strand Refers to the broad content areas in the
Sunshine State Standards (8 total for Science) (5
total for Mathematics) - Standards Are general statements of expected
student achievement within each strand. They are
the same for all grade levels. - Benchmark Are specific statements of expected
student achievement. - They are different for the different grade levels
assessed. - In some cases two or more related benchmarks are
grouped and assessed as one benchmark. - Item Type(s) Assess the benchmark or group of
benchmarks. - MC, GR, SR, ER
34Item Specification Sections (Continuation)
- Benchmark Clarification Explains how the
student will demonstrate the achievement of the
benchmark and what the student will do when
responding to the question types. - Content Limits Define the range of content
knowledge and degree of difficulty that should
and should not be assessed in the questions for
the benchmark. - Stimulus Attributes Types of stimulus materials
that should be used in the items, including
articles, graphic materials, and item context or
35Item Specification Sections (Continuation)
- Response Attributes Are included in those
benchmarks where specific directions are
necessary regarding the types of allowable
responses - Sample Items Are provided for each type of
question assessed by a particular benchmark.
36Mathematics Benchmark Numeration System
MA. B. 2.3.2
Benchmark The student solves problems
involving units of measure and converts answers
to a larger or smaller unit within either the
metric or customary system.
Subject Area Mathematics
Strand Measurement
Level Grades 6-8
Standard The student compares, contrasts, and
converts within systems of measurement (both
standard/nonstandard and metric/customary),
Item Type
38Mathematics Performance Task Benchmarks by Grade
39Bodies Of Knowledge 9-12
40Item Specifications Activity
- Work in groups to review current FCAT content
limits and vertically align the Benchmark
Clarification Content Limits by determining
what new topics are assessed at each grade
level. Please be prepared to share-out. -
Test Taking Strategies
42Multiple Choice Questions
- Read the question first
- Underline key words within the question
- Read the answer choices
12) A truck left Charlotte, North Carolina, at
500 A.M. on day 1 to deliver cargo in the
Florida cities of Jacksonville, Miami, and Key
West. The driver stopped for breaks a total of 12
hours. His deliveries took an additional 4 hours.
He completed his deliveries in Key West at 300
P.M. on day 2. If the driver averaged 55 miles
per hour while driving, how many miles did the
truck travel during the trip?
uses concrete and graphic models to derive
formulas for finding rate, distance, time, angle
measures, and arc lengths. (Also assesses
B.1.2.2) MC, GR
10th Grade
44Short and Extended Responses
- Read the question first
- Underline key words within the question
- Read the background information given and
underline the parts that support the question - Interpret the diagrams
4511) When measured along the inside edge of lane
1, the distance around the jogging track below is
one-quarter mile. The inside edge of the track is
a 330.3-foot by 210-foot rectangle with
semicircles on each end. The distance between the
inside edge and the outside edge of the track is
a constant 40 feet (ft). The track has 10 running
lanes of equal width, as shown in the lane detail
diagram below.
uses concrete and graphic models to derive
formulas for finding perimeter, area, surface
area, circumference, and volume of two- and
three-dimensional shapes, including rectangular
solids, cylinders, cones, and pyramids. (Also
assesses B.1.2.2 and B.1.4.2) Grade 9 MC,
GR Grade 10 MC, GR, SR
10th Grade
Part A Write an expression that can be used to
find the distance around the track when measured
along the inside edge of lane 10.
uses concrete and graphic models to derive
formulas for finding perimeter, area, surface
area, circumference, and volume of two- and
three-dimensional shapes, including rectangular
solids, cylinders, cones, and pyramids. (Also
assesses B.1.2.2 and B.1.4.2) Grade 9 MC,
GR Grade 10 MC, GR, SR
Part B What is the distance, in feet, around the
track when measured along the inside edge of lane
10? Show your work or provide an explanation to
justify your answer.
10th Grade
uses concrete and graphic models to derive
formulas for finding perimeter, area, surface
area, circumference, and volume of two- and
three-dimensional shapes, including rectangular
solids, cylinders, cones, and pyramids. (Also
assesses B.1.2.2 and B.1.4.2) Grade 9 MC,
GR Grade 10 MC, GR, SR
10th Grade
21) A surveyor wants to determine the distance,
x, across a lake, but she is not able to make the
measurement directly. She will use ADE and ACB,
shown with measurements in yards (yd) below, to
help determine the distance across the lake.
understands geometric concepts such as
perpendicularity, parallelism, tangency, congruenc
y, similarity, reflections, symmetry, and
transformations including flips (reflections),
slides (translations), turns (rotations),enlargeme
nts , rotations, and fractals. (Also assesses
B.1.4.3, C.1.4.1, andC.3.4.1) Grade 9 MC,
GR Grade 10 MC, GR, ER
10th Grade
49Part A Explain in geometric terms why ADE is
similar to ACB. Part B Write a proportion that
can be used to find the distance x. Part C
Solve the proportion to determine the distance,
in yards, across the lake. Show work or provide
an explanation to support your answer.
understands geometric concepts such as
perpendicularity, parallelism, tangency, congruenc
y, similarity, reflections, symmetry, and
transformations including flips (reflections),
slides (translations), turns (rotations),enlargeme
nts , rotations, and fractals. (Also assesses
B.1.4.3, C.1.4.1, andC.3.4.1) Grade 9 MC,
GR Grade 10 MC, GR, ER
10th Grade
understands geometric concepts such as
perpendicularity, parallelism, tangency, congruenc
y, similarity, reflections, symmetry, and
transformations including flips (reflections),
slides (translations), turns (rotations),enlargeme
nts , rotations, and fractals. (Also assesses
B.1.4.3, C.1.4.1, andC.3.4.1) Grade 9 MC,
GR Grade 10 MC, GR, ER
10th Grade
51Part II What Leaders need to know about the
Mathematics Classroom
- The Mathematics Classroom
- Environment
- Materials
- The Mathematics Lesson
- Higher Order Questioning and Thinking
- Instruction Effectively Engages Students
- Small Group, Differentiated Instruction is
Utilized to Address Students Instructional Needs - Reading and Writing Activities are Evident
- Data is used to Redirect Instructional Focus and
Students Instructional Needs - School and District Leadership and Coaching is
52Part II The Mathematics Classroom
- Classroom Environment is Conducive to Teaching
and Learning - Instructional goals are clearly posted, defined,
and understood by the students. - The classroom is inviting to students and
promotes learning through the display of
instructionally based resources (i.e. item
specifications, student work, word walls, sight
words, classroom libraries etc.) and is clear of
clutter. - Students are on-task, classroom activities are
orderly, transitions between activities are
smooth, expectations for behavior are clear, and
instruction is bell-to-bell. - The classroom environment is task oriented while
the social and emotional needs of students are
met through mutual respect and rapport.
53The Mathematics Classroom (Continuation)
- Materials Support a High Level of Teaching and
- Learning
- Adequate materials that support student learning
are readily available and easily accessible by
all students (i.e. calculators, rulers,
textbooks, computers, lab materials, etc.). - Culturally and developmentally appropriate
materials are utilized to support student
learning. - Materials are available in a variety of formats,
are research-based, and are aligned with the
Sunshine State Standards.
54Part II The Mathematics Lesson
- Higher Order Questioning and Thinking is Evident
- Students fully participate in the learning
process they are encouraged to ask and answer
questions, attempt new approaches, make mistakes,
and ask for assistance. - Questioning strategies are designed to promote
critical, independent, and creative thinking. - Questioning techniques require students to
compare, classify, analyze different
perspectives, induce, investigate, problem solve,
inquire, research, and to make decisions. - The teacher models higher order thinking skills
when presenting information and answering
questions. - Scaffolding, pacing, prompting, and probing
techniques are used when asking questions. - Students questions are answered and wait time
is used. - Teachers give students plenty of opportunities to
contribute and elaborate their own ideas.
55The Mathematics Lesson (Continuation)
- Instruction Effectively Engages Students
- Students are engaged in rigorous work and are on
task. - Instructional delivery employs a variety of
learning strategies that engages students in
active participation, addresses multiple learning
styles and cultural experiences, and stimulates
students intellectual interest. - Lessons are well planned, organized, and
appropriately paced and allow for questioning and
follow-up with adjustments to instruction as
appropriate. Content mastery is evident. - The re-teaching of previously taught material is
seamlessly integrated and students are provided
opportunities to apply prior knowledge to new
content/concepts and to real word context. - Activities are aligned with instructional
objectives and the Sunshine State Standards are
explicitly taught. - Students interact with other students and
teachers concerning their work and the standards.
56The Mathematics Lesson (Continuation)
- Reading and Writing Activities are Evident Across
the Curriculum - Multiple techniques and strategies are utilized
to teach reading and writing across the
curriculum (i.e. writing prompts and authentic
writing practice, infusing reading benchmarks
across the curriculum, etc.). - Opportunities that involve reading and writing
strategies are present in other curriculum areas.
- Teachers of other core-content areas are
knowledgeable about appropriate reading and
writing techniques and instructional strategies.
57The Mathematics Lesson (Continuation)
- Data Analysis is Used to Redirect Instructional
Focus and Students Instructional Needs - A variety of assessments are used to evaluate
student achievement on the Sunshine State
Standards. - Student data are used in instructional calendars
and lesson plans. - Frequent progress checks are conducted to monitor
student levels of mastery and to make adjustments
during instruction. - Teachers use formative assessments to determine
whole class and small group instruction.
58The Mathematics Lesson (Continuation)
- School and District Leadership and Coaching is
Evident - School and district leadership monitors
instruction and provides coaching and modeling
designed to improve instruction. - Members of the school and district leadership
teams are visible in the classroom and serve as
instructional leaders by offering and
coordinating professional development to address
instructional needs/concerns through data
analysis and instructional walkthroughs. - Coaching responsibilities are clearly delineated
from other administrative activities.
59Part III What Leaders need to know about the
Coaches Role
- Expectations of the Coach
- Professional Development
- Coaching Calendar
- Coaches Log
60Coaching Expectations
- Works with teachers to plan, implement, and to
reflect on mathematics instruction using the
Florida Continuous Improvement Model (FCIM) - Models best practices in mathematics instruction
with teachers as active participants - Plans and implements mathematical professional
development sessions - Works with the Managers/Instructional Specialist
to promote the districts mathematics initiatives
found in the K-12 Comprehensive Mathematics
61Coaching Expectations
- Attends weekly, full-day training sessions
(Fridays) and other district-mandated trainings
to aid in increasing knowledge in best practice
strategies for mathematics - Analyzes data and assists the administrative team
in developing corrective action plans - Facilitates the review, evaluation, and
integration of mathematics resources - Assists teachers in interpreting diagnostic tests
62Coaching Expectations
- Keeps an electronic log of their work and
develops a weekly coaching calendar - Provides daily coaching and mentoring support to
teachers - Meets regularly with leadership team
- Collaborates with Reading Coaches, Science
Coaches and LTFs - Keeps a Coach Binder documenting all support
63Coaches are Not Expected To
- Be assigned as a regular classroom teacher
- Perform administrative functions that would
confuse his/her role for teachers - Spend a large portion of time administering or
coordinating assessments - Model in a class where the classroom teacher is
not present
- Monday Pre-Conference/Coach observes the
teacher - Tuesday Coach models the entire instructional
block using required components - Wednesday Coach and teacher co-teach
- Thursday Coach observes the teacher
again/Debriefing - Friday Coach attends District Coaches Training
65Coaches Tool Weekly Calendar
REFLECTION What did the teacher learn that
will make a difference in his/her teaching? What
did I learn? Did the teacher accomplish his/her
goal? Did I accomplish my goal?
Attach Lessons Plan and Support Documents
66 Coaches Professional Development Guidelines
- Get permission from your principal.
- Reserve a room/area.
- Develop an agenda with the location, date(s) and
time of the in-service. Please be sure to file a
copy of the agenda in your support service
binder. - Conduct the in-service and have participants
, upon conclusion have participants
complete the in-service evaluation form. Give a
copy of the sign-in sheet and PD evaluation form
to your principal (if requested) and file a copy
in your support service binder.
67Coaches Logs
- Each coach is required to complete an electronic
bi-weekly coaching log that includes the
following components - Professional Development
- Planning
- Coaching Model
- Student Assessments and Data Analysis
- Pre/Post Conferences
- Meetings
- Knowledge Building
- Managing and evaluating materials
- Other
- List successes that have occurred in the last
reporting period - Once your principal has signed your log,
make two copies one for your principal and one
to be filed in your Coaches Binder.
68Coaches RecommendedTime Allocation Percent
DistributionWhat portion of the coaches time
will be spent in each of these roles?
Approximate Coaching Time Percentages
REFLECTION What percent of your time is spent
within each of the categories on the Coaching
69Thank You!