Title: Slot Policy by Fraport
1Slot Policy by Fraport
- IMPRINT-EUROPE, seminar 3
- Brussels, October 23rd 24rd, 2002
- Christian Fritton
- Aviation Policies
- Fraport AG
21. Introduction to the problem
3Basis for the Slot Allocation Procedure
IATA Worldwide Scheduling Guidelines
Council Regulation (EEC) 95/93 on
common rules for the allocation of
slots at Community airports local
rules of the coordination committee
4Capacity bottleneck at FRA at a coordination
parameter of 80 (2 pm-10 pm) 78 (10 pm-2 pm)
Flight movements per hr
waiting list
Source airport coordinator
5Inefficient capacity utilization due to high
proportion of smaller aircraft
Break-even in terms of airport charges could not
be reached for 61 of all flight movements
in 2001
Approx. 39 weight categories V -
VII, or gt 75 t.
Approx. 61 weight categories I - IV, or lt 75 t.
- mathematical break-even Aircraft with
capacity of 110 seats - actual break-even Aircraft of gt75 t. min. 157
seats - (at ? load factor of 70 )
62. Draft EU Commission proposal of June 2001
7The bullet points of the draft Commission
- In principle a technical review
- But competition policy rules also included
- Strengthening the function of the coordinator
- Clarification of the legal character of slots
- Clearer and more efficient allocation criteria
- Clear statement on slot transferability and swap
transactions in the EU - Modification of the new entrant status
- Stricter in terms of enforcement and sanctions
8Function of the coordinator
- Reinfocement confirmation of his central role
- Extension of his enforcement tools
- Improvement of information flow between
coordinator, airport and airlines
9Capacity focused allocation criteria
- Basic criteria
- Allocation per historic rights, re-timed
historics and new entrant status - Further criterias
- Exceptions to the 80-20 rule
- - EU-Commission restriction by means of
minimum aircraft size - - EU-Parliament restiction by means of
environmental issues - Alternative traffic modes
- - EU-Com. the existence of alternative modes
with satisfactory service - Local allocation rules
- - local rules established on initiative of the
coordination committee - - local, binding rules and not just
10New Entrant Status
- Modification of the Status
- - the maximum no. of slots per day increased
from 4 to 5 - Consideration of cooperation, code-share, joint
services, franchises - - threshold increased from 3 (2 resp.)
to 7 of the total no. of slots - New feature Regional services
- - any airline applying for a slot for a
scheduled service to a regional airport, - to which no other airline operates any
direct service at that time
11Enforcement and sanctions
- When flights are regularly and intentionally
operated at times which differ substantially from
the allocated slot, the following action may be
taken - - the slot SEQUENCE may be withdrawn at
once, and with - immediate effect, and located into the pool
- - a fine and/or enforcement penalty may
be imposed, which is regulated by the
individual member state (national to be revised)
12Slot transfers and swap transactions
- Only the transfers and swap transactions provided
for in the regulation are permitted, as - - modify arrangements to improve flexibility
for airlines - - slot transfer within a group of airlines with
mutual business relationships, - and between mother companies and their
subsidiaries - Any other form of slot transfer or flexibility,
with or without financial compensation, is
expressly prohibited
13Legal character of slots
- Who owns the slot ?
- Airports and airlines
- - both see slots as their property on the basis
of grandfather - rights and the use-it-or-lose-it rule
- Government bodies
- - slot allocation is a system to allocate
public property - New definition
- - ..The right of an airline to use the
airport infrastructure - on a certain day and at a certain time
to .
143.Fraports position for a revised slot
15Todayreactive slot management to leverage
capacity for airports
- Airports are blocked out of the allocation
process and are only indirectly involved ! - Slot monitoring at the interface with the
airport coordinator - Slot Performance Monitoring Committee
- Slot -capacity- optimization (interface between
airline and coordinator)
these tools are in the future not satisfying for
16The futureactive slot management to leverage
- Acitve involvement of the airports in the slot
allocaion process, - in addition to the airport coordinator
- Only the investments made by airports permit air
traffic to take - place in the first place
- Airports have a high level of professional and
operational know-how - from which the allocation process can benefit
17Improved resource and capacity utilization
- Strengthened and effective slot monitoring
- Introduction of effecitve disciplinary measures
for slot abuse - (also by national law)
- Capacity orientated slot utilization by airlines
- New allocation criterion minimum aircraft size
via local rules
18Consideration of the airports economic interests
- Airports have economic interests too !
- Those economic interests depend on the maximum
possible - utilization of capacity and resources
19Infrastucture slots are the airports property
- Differentiation between infrastructure and
airway slots - Airports own the infrastructure which permit
ground slots - in the first place
- Ground or infrastructure slots (and any increase
in their number) - are the result of the airports investment and
operating success
20Effective CompetitionNew Entrant vs.
Effective Competition Rule
- The new entrant rule is not suitable to promote
competition - The new entrant rule my be counter-productive
in terms of - capacity utilization
- Fraport favours the Effective Competition rule
(ACI EUROPE), - because this could create effective competition
that would benefit all -
21Secondary slot trading
- Legalization of secondary trading under certain
conditions -
- Active involvement of the airports in a suitable
procedure - Ensure a transparent, non-discriminatory process
- Participation by the airports in additional
profits -
- Result must be higher exploitation of airport
capacity -
22Sanctions against slot-abuse
- Introduction of effecive sanctions and
disciplinary mechanisms - (for off-slot operations and slot hoaring)
- Clear definition of what is slot abuse
- Tightening up of the national administative
offence procedure - Disciplinary measures administered by airports ?
23Slots create rights and OBLIGATIONS
- The allocation of slots generates not only
rights, (the right to conduct a - take-off or a landing) but also OBLIGATIONS
- The obligation to use an allocated slot
- The obligation to return slots not needed or
unused - Reimbursement of the airports financial losses
244.Aspects on slot trading
25Differentiate between primary secondary trading
- Primary slot trading is executed with either new
(slot) capacity or - with existing, withdrawn capacity (e.g.
annulment of grandfather rights) - Secondary slot trading is executed between two
or more airlines - (or even a third party) with existing,
allocated slots
26Efficient capacity utilization
- Main objective
- Any introduction of a trading system must lead
to a better, - and more efficient utilization of existing,
limited airport capacities - - creation of added value for passengers,
airports and airlines - - optimization, not substitution, of the
existing slot allocation system -
27General conditions
- Consideration and incorporation of the specific
interests of an airport - - traffic, system as well as economic interests
- Flexible rules, dependent on the requirements
of the individual airport - Active participation of the airport
28Possible aspects for a legalized trading system 1.
- Local rules that specify the trading procedure
- - safeguarding of local, airport specific
interests conditions - - binding rules and not only guidelines
- Minimum aircraft size
- - for certain or a certain no. of slots
- - keep the hub and home base function of
Frankfurt (aircraft mix) - - prevents and minimizes slot hoaring
29Possible aspects for a legalized trading system 2.
- Windfall profits through slot trading
- - profit sharing with the airport
- - profit earmarking, e.g. for capacity enhancing
investments -
- Limitation on EU routes
- - simplifies the introduction/ compatibility
with IATA system - Size-Frequency Ratio (SFR)
- - increase the per slot capacity and efficiency
- lower frequency bigger aircraft size on
certain routes
30Thank you for your Attention !