Title: Dr Ian Clark
1Introductory Soil Science
2Last time
- Cycles in the Earth system
- The changes and balancing take place via cycles
- Chemical elements such as oxygen and carbon
circulate through the Earth by photosynthesis and
respiration - These are called geochemical cycles or
biogeochemical cycles - The systems can be viewed as reservoirs and the
cycles trace the flux or flow between them
3Hydrological Cycle
Surface water
4Earth System
Interactions between Sub-systems Energy in from
Sun Energy out
5Energy sources
- Two energy sources drive the cycles in the Earth
System - Sun
- Drives surface processes like weather
- Internal Energy
- Drives processes like volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes etc
6The Rock Cycle
- Driven by internal and external energy sources
- Leads to the continuing differentiation of the
solid Earth materials
- All introductory geology books deal with this
topic, for example - Murck B., Skinner B Porter S 1996 Environmental
Geology J Wiley Sons New York - pp 34-35 46-53
- Press F Siever R 1997 Understanding Earth WH
Freeman Co New York - pp 26-45
8What do you need to know about the rock cycle
- Recognise that earth materials cycle between
reservoirs - Reservoirs are rocks
- Cycle is driven by internal and external energy
sources - Rock cycle is unique to Earth in our Solar System
and explains the constantly changing morphology
of the Earths surface
9Structure of the Earth
10The Rock Cycle
- Driven by both energy sources
- Cycles materials which make-up solid Earth
- Material cycled between three main reservoirs
- Igneous rocks
- Sedimentary rocks
- Metamorphic rocks
- Other minor reservoirs are assoc. with these
- Soil is one important minor reservoir that we
will deal with in detail.
11Rock Cycle
Igneous Rock
Metamorphic Rock
Sedimentary Rock
12(No Transcript)
13Rock Cycle
14Characteristics of main rock groups
- Igneous Rocks
- Form by crystallisation of molten material called
magma - Crystalline
- Form on or below the Earths surface
- On extrusive (Volcanic)
- Below intrusive (Plutonic)
- Examples
- Granite, basalt
15Characteristics of main rock groups
- Sedimentary Rocks
- Form at the Earths surface from pre-existing
rock - Composed of fragments or chemical precipitate
- Most form in shallow seas
- Can form anywhere on Earth
- Examples
- Sandstone, limestone
16Characteristics of main rock groups
- Metamorphic Rocks
- Form by recrystallisation of existing rocks as
the result of extreme heat and pressure - Crystalline
17Characteristics of main rock groups
- Metamorphic Rocks (cont)
- Form at depth below the Earths surface or
adjacent to igneous intrusions - Analogous to making pots from clay and heating
them in a kiln - Examples
- Quartzite, marble, slate, schist gneiss
- Minerals make-up rocks
- Some rocks are composed of only one type of
mineral (mono-minerallic) - Others are composed of several different kinds of
minerals - There are more than 3000 different minerals
- Only a few are common
19What do you need to know about minerals
- Recognise that rocks are composed of minerals
- Composition of minerals is related to the
relative abundance of the elements that make-up
Earth - Only a small number of minerals make-up rocks
- Different groups of minerals characterise the
three main groups of rocks - Properties of minerals are related to their
- Minerals are
- Naturally occurring
- Solid
- Inorganic
- and must have
- a specific chemical composition
- a regular atomic arrangement (crystalline)
21Chemical composition of minerals
- Most minerals are composed of compounds of
silicon and oxygen (called silicates) - Why?
- Because silicon oxygen make-up 74 of the crust
- These with 6 other elements make-up more than 99
of the crust
22(No Transcript)
23Commom rock forming minerals
- 11 minerals make up most rocks
24What do you need to know about Silicate Minerals
- Silicon oxygen are joined together in minerals
by chemical bonds. Because of their relative
sizes they form tetrahedra - Relative sizes of the atoms controls the silicate
structure - Different silicate frameworks are formed by
sharing different numbers of oxygen atoms between
adjacent silica tetrahedra - Families of minerals have similar properties
because they have similar silicate frameworks
25Silicate Minerals
- Silicon fits neatly into the hole made when 4
oxygens arrange themselves as a tetrahedron
because size (charge) is important atoms of
similar size can substitute for silicon eg. Al
26The Silicate Tetrahedron
- Complex anion of silicon (4) and oxygen (2-)
- (Si04)4-
- Regular tetrahedron
27Silicate Minerals
- Silica tetrahedron is the basic building block of
the silicate minerals - Tetrahedra can join by sharing one or more oxygen
atoms with adjacent tetrahedra - Possible to share 0,1,2,3 or 4
- Each represents a different group of silicate
28Isolated Tetrahedra eg. olivine Mg2SiO4
Bonds between Oxygen and magnesium atoms
Tetrahedra pointing up Tetrahedra pointing
29Single Chain Structures (SiO3)2-
- Each tetrahedron shares two oxygen atoms
- Pyroxene group
- e.g. Diopside CaMg(SiO3)2
30Double Chain Structures (Si4O11)6-
- Two single chains joined
- Amphibole group
- e.g. Tremolite Ca2Mg5(Si4O11)2(OH)2
31Sheet Structures (Si4O10)4-
- Tetrahedra linked by three oxygen atoms
- Micas,Chlorite,Clays
- Al, K etc. bonded to oxygen atoms to hold the
sheets together
32 Silicate Minerals
The basic tetrahedral silicate structure can be
built into 5 different structures by sharing
0,1,2,3,or all 4 oxygen atoms between adjacent
- sharing 0 island silicates olivine
- sharing 1 single chain pyroxene
- sharing 2 double chain amphibole
- sharing 3 sheet structure micas, clays
- sharing 4 3-D structure quartz
33Concept list
- Earth
- Closed System
- Cycles
- Energy
- Internal
- External
- Hydrosphere
- Lithosphere
- Atmosphere
- Biosphere
- Crust
- Minerals
- Rocks
- Silicon
- Oxygen
- Igneous
- Sedimentary
- Metamorphic