Title: Trustworthy OnLine Signatures: the Nightingale Approach
1Trustworthy On-Line Signatures the Nightingale
- Burt Kaliski, RSA Laboratories
- On-line signatures
- Assumptions and solution objectives
- Comparing seven solutions
- Joint authentication with Nightingale
- Conclusions
3On-Line Signatures
- Service generates digital signature on behalf of
user - User key or enterprise key
- Benefits
- User mobility
- Security for signature key
- Policy auditing
- Challenges
- Potential server compromise is basis for
- Password authentication
- Tokens, biometrics could also be supported
- Client software
- e.g., Java applet
- no persistent state
- Secure channel to service
- Protects password, message
- e.g., SSL with server certificate
- One or more servers
Software trust issue!
Certificate trust issue!
5Solution Objectives
- Convenient for user
- Single password
- Dual control
- Single server cant request or generate signature
- Based on cryptographic key splitting
- Intrusion-resilient
- Resists full compromise of any single server
- Even with dictionary attack on (weak) passwords
- ? Trustworthy
6How Key Splitting Works RSA Example
- Signature key is split between two servers
- Server 1 (n,d1)
- Server 2 (n,d2)
- where d d1d2 is standard private exponent
- Servers generate partial signatures
- Server 1 ?1 Md1 mod n
- Server 2 ?2 Md2 mod n
- Ordinary signature obtained from partials
- ? ?1 ? ?2 mod n
- Proof ? Md1d2 mod n Md mod n
- Neither server can sign alone
7Comparing Solutions Overview
- No key splitting
- Single server
- Separate auth. server
- Key splitting
- Single server
- Separate auth. server
- Two passwords
- Derived passwords
- Joint authentication
8Model and Notation
Notation P password (or hash)M message (or
hash)? signature indexes (1,2) indicate shares,
partial signatures
9No Key Splitting Single Server
10No Key Splitting Separate Auth. Server
Auth. server
Signature server
11Key Splitting Single Server
- partially sign M using password (e.g., d1
derived from P)
Yaksha / SingleSignOn.net
12Key Splitting Separate Auth. Server
Auth. server
- verify P
- partially sign M
(Many variants of this and following protocols)
Signature server
13Key Splitting Two Passwords
Server 1
- verify P1
- partially sign M
- verify P2
- partially sign M
Server 2
14Key Splitting Derived Passwords
Server 1
- verify P1
- partially sign M
- verify P2
- partially sign M
Server 2
15Key Splitting Joint Authentication
Server 1
Server 2
16Joint Authentication with Nightingale
- Nightingale joint authentication protocol
- Brainard-Juels-Kaliski-Szydlo (2002)
- Password is split cryptographically between two
servers - P1 P R P2 R, where R is random
- Two servers can verify password together without
seeing or storing it - ? Compromise of one server doesnt reveal
password - Based on Shamir secret-sharing, zero-knowledge
17Registering a Password
Password P
18Verifying a Password (1)
Password P
19Verifying a Password (2)
20Verifying a Password (3)
If P P, then A B! Otherwise, A and B are
21Comparing Solutions Summary
- On-line signatures have many benefits
- Key-splitting essential for dual control, but
authentication may still be single point of
compromise - Highest assurance and convenience when both
servers participate jointly in signature and
23More about Nightingale
- Nightingale Web site
- Short brochure
- Technical paper from USENIX Security 2003
- Press coverage
- Burt KaliskiDirector, RSA Laboratoriesbkaliski_at_r
sasecurity.com1 781 515 7073