Title: SEESAC Briefing
1SEESAC Briefing
- Adrian Wilkinson
- Team Leader, SEESAC
- Stability Pact Regional Steering Group (RSG) on
SALW Annual Meeting - Belgrade, 20 October 2005
2SEESAC Mandate
- To further support the Stability Pact Regional
Implementation Plan by building national and
regional capacity to control and reduce the
proliferation and misuse of small arms and light
weapons, and thus contribute to enhanced
stability, security and development in South
Eastern Europe.
3SEESAC Functional Areas
- Cross Border Controls
- Legislative and Regulatory Measures
- Management Information
- SALW Awareness and Communications Strategy
- SALW Collection Programmes
- SALW Destruction Programmes
- SALW Survey
- SALW Stockpile Management Issues
4Strategic Activities and Goals
- Capacity building
- Co-ordination measures
- Information management and exchange activities
- Project support
- Resource mobilisation
- Technical support and assistance
- Training activities
- Operational research
5Recent Activity Overview
- Direct support to government
- Assistance in the destruction of SALW (Weapons)
Moldova - Technical support to Defence Reform Committee,
Bosnia on stockpile management and SALW
destruction - Direct support to UNDP SALW control projects
- Technical support to SACISCG Project for UNDP
Belgrade - Technical support to SACIBiH Project for UNDP
Sarajevo - Support to UNDP Kosovo ISAC 2 SALW Awareness
Campaign development
6Recent Activity Overview
- Direct support to International Organizations
- UNIDIR EU Strategy Study (Ammunition Management
and Destruction) - OSCE Belarus SALW Stockpile Management project
development. (Donors Required). - OSCE Kazakhstan SALW Destruction. (Under
development). - OSCE Tajikistan SALW Stockpile Management and
Destruction project development. (Project
7Recent Activity Overview
- Direct support to donors
- UK Evaluation for financial support to SALW
Destruction in Bulgaria - (December 2004)
- UK SALW (Ammunition) Destruction Project in
Albania (Monitoring and Evaluation) (July 2005) - Training support and individual capacity
development - Norway NDC DDR Course (SALW Component)
- (January 2005)
- Gambia Regional SALW Strategy Development
Seminar - (January 2005)
- SCG NATO TRUST Workshop (May 2005)
- UK JACIG SALW Training for NATO Arms Control
Verification Teams - (May and September 2005)
- Sweden SNDC DDR Course (SALW Component)
(September 2005)
8Recent Activity Overview
- SALW Awareness Support Pack (SASP) 2005
- Update of SASP 2003
- Changed layout to assist local NGOs in use of SASP
9Recent Activity Overview
- SALW Survey
- Bulgaria
- Republic of Serbia
- Moldova (Ongoing)
- Croatia (Support Offered)
- SEE SALW Monitor 2005
10Recent Activity Overview
- Sofia Regional Arms Law / Export Control
Conference (June 2005) - Updated Arms Law Compendium
- Follows on from Harmonization conferences.
- Funded by Bulgaria. (1st regionally funded
11Recent Activity Overview
- Studies to support SALW projects
- Performance Indicators for SALW Control
Interventions - Ammunition Storage and Destruction Issues and
Hazards. (BTB 18) - SALW in Schools National Curriculum Development
- Private Security Companies and SALW in SEE
12Recent Activity Overview
- Media operations and communications strategy
- DVD A Lethal Legacy
- SEESAC Website (1200 Hits per month)
- Daily Media Monitoring Summary to 300 customers.
(Linked to over 10 other SALW websites) - SEESAC Customer Satisfaction Survey
- Quarterly SEE SALW Newsletter
- Development of NGO SEENCA website
13SEESAC Customer Satisfaction Survey
- Sent to 160 potential SALW stakeholders.
- Received 29 responses (18).
- Results grouped by National Government, IO and
NGO. - Results were generally very positive.
14SEESAC Customer Satisfaction Survey
- Overall, how easy do you find it to gain access
to SEESAC advice and assistance?
15SEESAC Customer Satisfaction Survey
How do you rate the overall quality and
usefulness of the National SALW Strategy
16SEESAC Customer Satisfaction Survey
How do you rate the overall quality and
usefulness of the SALW Surveys?
17SEESAC Customer Satisfaction Survey
What is your overall assessment of the
contribution the SEESAC project has made towards
progressing the Stability Pacts Regional
Implementation Plan on SALW?
18Future Activity Overview 2005
- SALW Awareness and MRE Study
- Gun Culture in SEE Study
- Cost Benefit Analysis operational support tool
for storage v destruction costs - Development of training pack for Detection of
Clandestine Arms Deliveries - Guide to SALW Control and DDR
- Summary of Legal and Illegal Regional Arms
Transfers 1999 2004
19Strategic Objectives
- Strategic Objective 1
- Increased capacity development for national
governments and other regional partners in the
area of SALW control interventions. - Performance Indicator 1
- The development and implementation of nationally
owned SALW control strategies in the countries of
the region. - Results Summary
- National SALW Control Strategies operational in
Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro and Romania
(ANCEX). - National SALW Control Strategies in draft or
development in BiH, Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia. - SALW Survey in Moldova first stage in strategy
20Strategic Objectives
- Strategic Objective 2
- The development and implementation of
well-designed, holistic and integrated SALW
control intervention programmes at the national
and regional level that contribute towards a
reduction in armed violence and lead to an
increase in stability and development. - Â Performance Indicator 2
- Continued project development and movement of
SALW control projects, (by appropriate
stakeholders), within the region towards
sustainable maturity. - Results Summary
- Regional programme integration opportunities
limited until National SALW Control Strategies
are implemented. - National SALW Control programmes in Albania, BiH,
Macedonia and SCG involve all stakeholders and
21Strategic Objectives
- Strategic Objective 3
- Improved conditions for sustainable social and
economic development created through increased
security and stability within the region. - Performance Indicator 3
- An improvement in individual and community
perceptions of human security combined with a
reduction in criminal activities. - Results Summary
- Quantitative data becomes available during
monitoring phase of national SALW Control
programmes. - Qualitative evidence suggest that awareness is
raising due to a combination of SEESAC, UNDP CO
and NGO activities.
22Strategic Objectives
- Strategic Objective 4
- Sustainable regional ownership ensured through
competitive recruitment of staff from the region,
and the provision of appropriate training and
mentoring. - Performance Indicator 4
- SEESAC fully staffed by personnel from the region
and at least partially supported by regional and
national funding mechanisms. - Results Summary
- Next Slides
23Regional Ownership Indicators
24Funding Summary
- Fully Funded 2005
- European Commission - EU 400,000
- UNDP TTF (NO, NL and UK) - US 650,000
- UNIDIR - EU 3,000
- Switzerland - US 8,000
- Funding 2006
- European Commission - EU 1,500,000
- (Western Balkans SALW Action Support Plan)
- Shortfall - US 250,000
- (Application pending to UNDP TTF for remaining
SEESAC activities and Eastern SEE)
25Funding Summary (Non TTF Resource Mobilization)
- Late 2004
- NL Government to SACIBH - US 555,000
- (Ammunition Destruction)
- US Government to SCG - US 100,000
- (SALW and MANPAD Destruction)
- 2005
- UK Government to SACIBH - US 950,000
- (Weapon Destruction and MEWI)
- EC to SEESAC - US 435,000
- (SEESAC Staff Costs)
- Switzerland to SEESAC - US 8,500
- (Weapon Destruction in Moldova)
- UNIDIR to SEESAC - US 3,600
- (Participation in EU Strategy Project)
- TOTAL Since Last RSG - US 2,056,600
- Equates to 178 of SEESAC Operating Budget
26SEESAC 2006 Issues
- Clearer strategic direction from the RSG.
- Small financial contributions by stakeholder
nations in order to establish funding mechanisms
and encourage further regional ownership. - Improved effectiveness of NFPs
- EC Western Balkans SALW Action Support Plan.
- SEESAC 2007 gt ?
- Extension of mandate to include Defence
Conversion (Heavy Weapon and Ammunition (100mm)
Destruction) ?
27EC Western Balkans SALW Action Support Plan
- Capacity development project designed to prepare
Western Balkan countries for compliance with EU
Joint Action prior to membership. - EU 1.5 M
- Areas covered
- Arms Laws / Transfer Legislation analysis for
compliance with EU Code of Conduct - Develop standard Arms Export Reports
- Support to ensure implementation of legislation
- Regional Parliamentarians Conference
- Support to SALW Control in Albania, Croatia,
Kosovo and Macedonia - SALW Risk Education Curriculum development and
implementation across WB - SALW Survey of Croatia and Kosovo
- Weapons Registration System (SCG but regional
standard if feasible) - SEESAC Staff Costs
28SEESAC 2007 gt
- Is SEESAC needed within SEE?
- Should SEESAC capability be formally made
available outside the region? Wider Engagement
East! New partners - EU / EC
- Require a formal mandate.
- Funding possible (EU/UNDP TTF/Bi-lateral).
- Decision needed by August 2006.
29Impact and Capability
- Impact and Capability Resources x Techniques2 x
Political Will3 - Derived from The Utility of Force, (Allen Lane
UK), General (Retired) Rupert Smith, 2005.