Title: Early Adopter seminar Objectives
1Early Adopter seminar - Objectives
- Extend knowledge and understanding about the
Trust Schools Early adopter process - Promote interaction and professional dialogue
which supports and embeds knowledge and
stimulates thinking - Facilitate the development of quality Early
Adopter applications
2Early adopter - timeline
- Inform Chair of Governors of interest
- Undertake pre reading and advocacy
- Early adopter seminar
- Seek potential partners
- Begin discussions/negotiations
- Formulate draft vision and outcomes
- Submit application by end of February 07
- Assessment process March 07
- Letter to all schools end of March 07
- Agree YST consultant and support needs
3Early adopter consultation process
4Early adopter-common principles
Why acquire a Trust? What is the potential
added value could this help you with the
remodelling agenda Being proactive rather than
reactive What are your existing
collaboratives? local-EIC, LIG,clusters, SSPs,
Primary/secondary, FE, HE sponsor, businesses,
extended schools national - Specialism, national
company or business Potential new ones? other
schools, HE,FE, local and national
businesses Role of the contact school? host
meetings,administration,co-ordination brokering
hold 1 to 1s, attend other schools meetings
local business forums, colleges,
5Early adopter lessons learnt
- Think carefully about where Trust status might
add value FOR YOU before consulting - Will need the drive of the Headteachers in order
to get to the first stage application - Draw up a timeline at the start knowing where you
need to be by when- i.e. application deadline - Be realistic about what can be achieved in the
timescale remember others can the Trust join
later - Keep the focus on where you will add value and do
not allow yourself to be side tracked - Set up meetings with HEIs, business partners
first, these are often hardest to get in the
diary - Be clear about what you hope to gain from
external partners but be open and receptive to
their ideas
6Early adopter lessons learnt
- Ensure clarity of vision and outcomes with
partners and governing bodies before consulting
or sharing with others - Build in dedicated admin and business support
into the costing plan - Use a range of strategies to engage and work with
partners - Engage independent legal advice
7Early adopter What next?
- Are you clear about expectations and timeframe?
- What else do you need to know?
- Have you got an action plan?