Title: Dreamweaver MX
1Tutorial 5 Shared Site Formatting Using the
Navigation Bar and Frames
2Shared Site Formatting Using the Navigation Bar
and Frames
- In this tutorial, you will
- Insert a navigation bar using the Navigation Bar
- Modify a navigation bar
- Create a Web page with frames
- Adjust frame properties and attributes
- Add content to frames
- Create hyperlinks with targets
- Troubleshoot common frames problems
- Explore the HTML behind frames, framesets, and
3Creating a Navigation Bar Object
- You have already learned several ways to add
navigation to your Web site. - A navigation bar is a specific item in
Dreamweaver that is a series of rollover
graphics. - Each rollover (or element) of the navigation bar
can have up to four states - Up state (user clicks it)
- Over state (user hovers over it)
- Down state (after user clicks it)
- Over while Down state (user hovers over the down
4Creating a Navigation Bar Object
- A Navigation bar can be created by clicking the
Navigation Bar button on the Common tab of the
Insert menu. - When a navigation bar is used
- The graphics preload when the Web page is loaded.
- A series of elements is defined.
- It is placed within a table on the Web page
(unless the user requests otherwise). - If a URL is specified, the user jumps to the new
page just like with a text link.
5Creating a Navigation Bar Object
Navigation Bar on Web Page with current page name
in down state
6Creating a Navigation Bar Object
Navigation Bar on Web Page indicating current
7Creating a Navigation Bar Object
Navigation Bar on Web Page showing Over state
8Creating a Navigation Bar Object
- After you have create your graphics, to create a
navigation bar, you will enter - Nav Bar Elements a list of elements in the
navigation bar. - Element Name the name of each element in the
navigation bar. - Up Image the graphic that will be used for the
Up Image. - Over Image the graphic that will be used for
the optional Over state.
9Creating a Navigation Bar Object
- After you have create your graphics, to create a
navigation bar, you will enter (cont) - Down Image the graphic that will be used for
the optional Down state after the image was
clicked. - Over While Down Image the graphic that will be
used for the optional Over While Down state which
can be used to give the user the cue that the
button cannot be clicked again I.e. when you are
on that particular page. - Alternate Text text that appears when a browser
cannot display the image.
10Creating a Navigation Bar Object
- After you have created your graphics, to create a
navigation bar, you will enter (cont) - When clicked, Go to URL the URL of the link
along with the window you want the new page to
open in. - Options
- Preload images downloads images when the page
is loaded. - Show Down Image displays the down image instead
of the Up image when the page is loaded. - Insert - display a horizontal or vertical bar.
- Use Tables the option to use tables to keep the
elements in place.
11Creating a Navigation Bar Object
- To create a navigation bar
- You will want to delete any text links already on
the page that you want to replace with a
navigation bar. - Click the navigation bar button on the Common tab
of the Insert bar. - Fill in desired entries in the Navigation Bar
dialog box. - Supply graphics for any or all of the four
desired element states. - You can add additional elements using the Add
Item button and filling in the appropriate items.
12Creating a Navigation Bar Object
Insert Navigation Bar dialog box
13Creating a Navigation Bar Object
The Insert Navigation Bar dialog box for label
14Creating a Navigation Bar Object
Label page with unformatted Navigation Bar
15Creating a Navigation Bar Object
- You can align the bar left or right and
Dreamweaver will create an anchor icon which
shows the anchor point marking the location of
the alignment code. - Sometimes when you reopen a page a stray closing
anchor tag appears. - This stray tag can be removed by selecting it and
then pressing the Delete key.
16Creating a Navigation Bar Object
Label page with formatted Navigation Bar
17Creating a Navigation Bar Object
Stray anchor tag in the Navigation Bar
18Creating a Navigation Bar Object
- Once created, you can copy a navigation bar to
other pages. - When you copy the bar, you will get a Dreamweaver
warning telling you that the Set Nav Bar Image
cannot be copied. - You must manually set the Down state elements by
opening the Modify Navigation Bar dialog box. - You will also have a stray closing tag to remove.
19Creating a Navigation Bar Object
Modify Navigation Bar dialog box
20Modifying the Navigation Bar
- Dreamweaver also gives you the ability to modify
the navigation bar by adding, deleting, or
reordering elements. - It also allows for changing the graphics or the
URLs that you are linking to. - You cannot change the orientation of the
Navigation Bar without deleting it and adding a
new one. - To make changes you click Modify on the main menu
bar, and then Navigation Bar.
21Modifying the Navigation Bar
Modify Navigation Bar dialog box options
22Modifying the Navigation Bar
Home Page after the Navigation Bar elements have
been reordered
23Understanding Frames and Framesets
- Frames divide a web page into multiple HTML
documents. - Frames allow you to keep part of a page static
when other part(s) change. - Multiple frames on a Web Page are held together
by a frameset, a separate HTML document that
defines the structure of the frameset. - When Dreamweaver creates frames, it also inserts
a noframes page that will display if the browser
cannot display a frames page.
24Understanding Frames and Framesets
- Frames can keep the logo and Navigation Bar
portions of a Web page from having to reload
every time a user selects a new menu item. - Frames are relatively new and not supported in
early browsers or may cause the browser to run
slower. - There are other negative aspects of frames,
including losing the ability to bookmark directly
to information, etc.
25Understanding Frames and Framesets
A Sample Web page with Frames
26Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
- Each Web page is a single frame. You can make
more frames on the page by - Splitting it into frames,
- Dragging the borders of a page,
- Inserting frames,
- Using predefined framesets.
- To view and create frames you need to be in
Design view with frame borders visible. - To make frames visible, click View on the main
menu bar, Visual Aids and then Frame Borders.
27Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
Home Page with Frame Border Visible
28Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
- When you click within a frame, you select it.
- There are four ways to split a page into multiple
frames - Split Frame Left splits the frame vertically
with the the content and properties in the left
frame. - Split Frame Right splits the frame vertically
with the the content and properties in the right
frame. - Split Frame Up splits the frame horizontally
with the the content and properties in the top
frame. - Split Frame Down splits the frame horizontally
with the the content and properties in the bottom
29Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
Home Page split using Split Frame Left
30Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
Home Page split again using Split Frame Up
31Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
- Frames can also be created by dragging the frame
border. - When you create a new frame, you drag the frame
borders inward, away from the edges of the page. - If the frame border is dragged back to the
borders of the Web page, the frame and any
content it contains is deleted.
32Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
Home Page split in two by dragging the left frame
33Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
Home Page split into four frames by dragging the
top border.
34Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
- Dreamweaver also has several predefined framesets
to choose from. - These predefined framesets contain some common
layouts as well as some that are more complex
with nested frames within a parent frame. - Once inserted, the frameset can be modified and
resized by dragging any frame border, etc. - To add a frameset, click the Frames tab on the
Insert bar and select one of the thirteen buttons.
35Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
New page with a predefined frameset
36Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
- You will need to save your frames before working
on them. - Since each frame is a separate HTML document, you
will need to select and save each one
individually. - To save a frame, click within the frame to select
it, then click File on the main menu bar and
click Save Frame.
37Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
Saving the Top Frame which will then appear in
the Site panel.
38Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
Saving the left Frame
39Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
- The frameset page contains all of the information
about each of the frames on the page and what
content will be loaded into the frame when the
page loads. - When frames are modified, the frameset is also
and must also be saved. - Select the frameset by selecting the outer border
of the page. It can then be saved in the same
manner as the frames were.
40Creating a Web Page That Uses Frames
Saving the Frameset
41Adjusting Page Properties for Frames
- Once everything has been saved, you can set the
page properties and attributes for each frame. - Since each frame is a separate HTML file, you
will select and change its properties
individually. - After selecting the frame you will set the page
properties using the Page Properties dialog box . - You can also set the attributes of the page
content by adjusting them in the Attributes
42Adjusting Page Properties for Frames
Formatting the top Frame
43Adjusting Page Properties for Frames
The Frameset after formatting
44Adjusting Page Properties for Frames
- Each frame or frameset is adjusted separately so
that you can assign a different look to each one
if you wish. - When you open the frameset page, you can use the
Frames panel to select the item you wish to
modify. - This selects the information within the frameset
page pertaining to the selected item.
45Adjusting Page Properties for Frames
Top Frame selected
46Adjusting Page Properties for Frames
- Once selected you can change the frame
attributes - Frame Name your descriptive name for the frame
- Src the pages filename
- Borders toggles frame borders on or off
- Scroll option to display scroll bars in the
frame. Choices are Yes, No, Auto and Default - No Resize stops users from resizing the frame
- Border Color sets border color
- Margin Width/Height space between content and
47Adjusting Page Properties for Frames
Setting the Top Frame attributes
48Adjusting Frameset Attributes
- Frameset attributes are adjusted in the same way
that frame attributes are. - When you nest frames, you also have nested
framesets whose attributes can be set. - Frameset attributes also include
- Border Width affects all the borders in the
frameset. - Frame Size can be set in Pixels, as a Percent
of the total frame or Relative which takes up all
remaining space.
49Adjusting Frameset Attributes
The Bottom frame Selected
50Adjusting Frameset Attributes
Frameset Page with all Properties Set
51Inserting Content in Frames and Noframes Pages
- You can add content to frames
- By opening the frameset page, selecting the HTML
document in a frame and creating the content
using the same techniques that were used to
insert content into a Web Page. - By opening the HTML document in its own window
and creating content. - By selecting a Web page already created as the
Source in the Properties inspector.
52Inserting Content in Frames and Noframes Pages
A frame with graphic content inserted
53Inserting Content in Frames and Noframes Pages
A Frame with Word content added
54Inserting Content in Frames and Noframes Pages
- You will also need to add content to the Noframes
page for users whose browsers do not display
frames. - The Noframes page is automatically added by
Dreamweaver. - You add content to it just as you would to any
other frame or Web page. - The content should be a simple description of
what material cannot be displayed and options for
the user to get the information in another way.
55Inserting Content in Frames and Noframes Pages
Noframes page with Content added
56Using Hyperlinks with Frames
- With frames, when you click a hyperlink, you may
want the linked page to open in another frame
instead of replacing the frame where the user
clicked. You have several options
57Using Hyperlinks with Frames
A new page added
58Using Hyperlinks with Frames
The insert Navigation Bar dialog box for the page
59Using Hyperlinks with Frames
The new Navigation Bar in the nested left frame
60Using Hyperlinks with Frames
The target information for the Top frame
61Using Hyperlinks with Frames
The completed frameset shown in a browser
62Reviewing HTML Associated with Frames and Targets
- When you use frames, all of the tags associated
with them are in the frameset page. - There are three types of tags associated with
frameset pages - Frameset tags surround the frameset
- Frame tags surround each frame in a frameset
- Noframes tags after the closing frameset tag
and surrounding the content for the Noframes page
63Reviewing HTML Associated with Frames and Targets
HTML Frame tags
64Reviewing HTML Associated with Frames and Targets
65Finding Solutions to Common Frame Problems
- The Macromedia Dreamweaver Support Center
contains resource information pertaining to
frames. - You can also find a list of available Dreamweaver
add-ons that can be downloaded and installed. - Two of the more common solutions include stopping
a page from loading outside of its frameset (Find
Parent Frameset Extension) and Frame Buster which
stops your pages from being loaded into
another's frameset.
66Finding Solutions to Common Frame Problems
The Macromedia Dreamweaver support center page
67Finding Solutions to Common Frame Problems
The Search Results for frame extensions
68Finding Solutions to Common Frame Problems
Search results for Frame discussion topics
69Updating the Web Site on the Remote Server
- When pages are changed, they should be updated on
your remote site. - To update
- Connect to the remote server using the Connects
button on the Site panel - Click View list and Local View
- Select the updated files and then the Put Files
button - Click the View list and then Remote view
- Disconnect using the Disconnects button
70Tutorial Summary
- You should now be able to
- Use the Navigation Bar object
- Create and modify a Navigation Bar
- Create and add content to frames
- Set frame properties and attributes
- Create targets for your hyperlinks
- Find help for common frame problems
- Recognize the HTML code behind frames, framesets
and targets