Title: The Federated World Directory of Mathematicians (FWDM)
1The Federated World Directory of Mathematicians
- Jonathan M. Borwein, Mason S. Macklem and
Jaehyun Paek,Dalhousie University, - Halifax, Canada
2International Mathematical Union (IMU)
- Non-governmental, non-profit ICSU organization
- Focused on promoting and developing math research
internationally - Organizes the International Congress of
Mathematicians (ICM) every four years - Awards the Fields Medals
- Publishes the World Directory of Mathematicians
to coincide with the ICM
3World Directory of Mathematicians
- Data collection is not performed directly by the
IMU - Member nations provide their membership lists for
inclusion in WDM - 66 Member Nations
- Goal Design electronic version of WDM to replace
physical version
4Committee on Electronic Information and
- 1998 IMU asked CEIC about feasibility of
electronic version of WDM - Conclusion A centralized database would be
subject to intellectual property and privacy laws - Different laws for different nations
5Federated World Directory of Mathematicians
- Goal Simulate electronic version of WDM without
creating a centralized database - Federated search any system that provides a
common user interface for searching and
retrieving information across heterogeneous
datasets via the internet
6FWDM Structure
- User requests information from FWDM interface
- FWDM sends separate requests to search engines
for member nations - FWDM merges separate responses into single set of
results - Returns merged results to user
- No centralized database!
FWDMUser Interface
7FWDM Prototype
Includes AMS Combined Membership List (CML), and
membership lists for Australia, Canada, France,
and Germany
8FWDM Basic Search
- Search parameters
- First Name
- Last Name
- Two parameters comprise minimum requirements for
inclusion of search engine into FWDM - Most searches are on these two parameters
- Default version of FWDM
9FWDM Standard Search
- Search parameters
- First Name
- Last Name
- Employer/ University
- Country
- Not all member search engines have the last two
10FWDM Advanced Search
- Includes fields for every search parameter
available on any included member search engine - New fields include
- Research Interests
- Position
- Member society
11Structure of Search Results
- Individuals name, linked to all personal email
addresses found in search - Separate link for each society containing that
individual - Links to every homepage found (currently shown as
numbered links when multiple are found) - Links to searches for each individual using
Google and Google Scholar - Google search performed using individuals name
and mathematics
12Layout of Search Results
Search Results individuals found in all
databases - Excludes individuals found only in
the CML (to avoid overwhelming the results due to
the size of the CML database)
Google results shows number of search results
using all specified search parameters using both
Google and Google Scholar, along with links to
the results from each
- Your Query a copy of the version of the search
interface, with specified parameters - Allows you to adjust your search by changing
parameters and clicking Search Again - Also shows you what parameters you entered to
get the results displayed above
- Search Results by Society Groups the results by
member-society database, with links to collected
results on each societys member database - Identifies and links to societies that either
return no results or timed out during the search
CML Only Results contains results of individuals
present only in the CML database
13Sample Approach CMS
14Merging Results CML and CMS
16Member Databases Recent Additions
EWDM Electronic World Directory of
17Member Databases Recent Additions
OeMG (Austrian Mathematical Society)
18Member Databases Recent Additions
PDM (Portuguese Directory of Mathematicians)
19Adding Search Engines
- First and Last Name searchable and separable
20Recent Additions
- Multiple threads
- Previous prototype performed the searches for all
societies in sequence, with the search in the
next society not started until the search in the
previous societys member list has completed - Length (in time) of search sum of lengths of
all member societys searches - Current version employs multiple threads, so that
all searches are performed in parallel - Length of search longest length of member
societys search
21Recent Additions II
- Accented characters
- Previous active version was unable to deal
effectively (and predictably) with accents,
either when inputted into FWDM interface, or when
returned from member database - New version now can robustly deal with accents in
either setting - Future work add multiple searches in cases where
accents are present in user input, one search
with accents intact and one with them removed - Necessary in case the member society does not
have the accents present in their database - Multiple searches more feasible with the
multithreaded version complete
22Next Steps
- Two goals for prototype
- Add more search engines for national societies
- Support increased number of users
- Requirements for new search engines
- First and Last Name are searchable fields
- Interested in working with national societies
(includes documentation on history and future of