Title: Application of M
1Application of ME to Technical ProgramsPMTCT
- N. Shaffer, MD
- PMTCT Team Leader, HHS/CDC/GAP
- SI/ME Field Officer Orientation
- Atlanta, August 10, 2004
2Summary Main Themes
- ME essential part of PMTCT program activity
- Needs to occur at facility level, national and
international levels - Needs to be simple combine several different
approaches - Challenge and opportunity for human capacity
development and systems building - Needs to be unified, coordinated
3Major Questions for PMTCT ME
- How broad is the coverage of services for
pregnant women? - How good is the uptake of services being provided
for HIV women? - How effective is the program in preventing infant
infections? - Special challenges of evaluating infant infection
status and program effectiveness
4Perinatal HIV Transmission
- Primary route of HIV infection in infants and
children - Transmission rates vary globally from
- 15 - 40 in absence of antiretrovirals
- 1- 15 range with antiretrovirals
- Nearly a doubling of transmission rates in
breastfeeding settings - Worldwide, 2,000 infants become infected each
day or 720,000 per year - Most in Africa
5Baseline Assessment ANC HIV Prevalence, PMTCT
6Objectives of PMTCT Initiative
- Reach up to 1 million women annually in focus
countries - Reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission by up
to 40 among women treated
WHO/P. Virot
7PMTCT Program Goals
- UNGASS Indicators
- 2005 50 of women have access to PMTCT
- 2010 80 of women have access to PMTCT
- 2010 50 decrease in perinatal transmission
- Presidents Initiative focus countries
- Reach 1 million women annually
- 40 decrease in perinatal transmission
- within 5 yrs
8PMTCT Burden in Focus Countries
- 1.2 million HIV women delivering / year
- Approx 420,000 infant infections / year (35 of
HIV-exposed) - Goal
- Reach 1 million women annually (gt80)
- Prevent 168,000 infant infections (40)
9How Does PMTCT Relate to 2-7-10?
- PMTCT presents direct opportunity (and
challenge) in general population to contribute to
all 3 program goals - Treatment
- 2M pregnant women eligible for ARV over 5 years
- Plus 2M husbands, 1.5M infants
- Prevention
- Can prevent 500K-1M infant infections over 5
years - Primary prevention for HIV- women and discordant
couples - Care
- Care for gt10M HIV-infected family members and
AIDS orphans
10PMTCT Indicators - EPAR
- service outlets with PMTCT
- faith-based service outlets with PMTCT
- women provided with PMTCT services
- women provided with ARV prophylaxis for PTMCT
- people trained in PMTCT services
- --------------------------------------------------
--------- - service outlets with PMTCT
11Key Background Data
- Number of women
- women delivering each year
- delivering in facility
- delivering in faith-based facility
- delivering at home
- and HIV-positive deliveries per year
- Facilities
- facilities/ faith-based facilities
- facilities providing PMTCT and PMTCT services
ANC and LD
12Baseline Assessment Nigeria
- Population 115 million HIV prevalence 5.8
- 4.37 million births/year
- 64 pregnant women register for ANC
- 37 pregnant women deliver at health facilities
- 260,000 HIV positive pregnant women deliver/yr
- 100,000 infant HIV infections/yr
- 23,000 MCH facilities (14,000 public, 9,000
private) - Public (50 tertiary, 750 secondary,13,200
primary) - Global Fund 70m for national ARV PMTC-PLUS
- National PMTCT- PLUS Program
- Began Sept. 2002 at 8 major tertiary care
facilities - Plan to expand to 12 additional facilities
- Core Interventions
- Routine ANC CT
- Simplified pre-test, rapid same-day results
- Short-course ARV (NVP, AZT)
- Introduce longer treatments and combination /
HAART treatment where feasible, and when woman
eligible - Infant feeding counseling
- Program support for safe, feasible alternatives
14PMTCT Cascade
Pre-test counseling
Test accepted
Results given
ARV initiated
ARV completed
Safer infant feeding
Infections averted
15Elements of PMTCT Program Logic Model
Core Monitoring Indicators
16Elements of PMTCT Program Logic Model
Guidelines development Program planning,
monitoring and evaluation
Supervision management in service delivery
sites Commodities (test kits, medicines,
etc) Laboratory testing Training
staff Physical infrastructure improvement Commun
ity mobilization outreach Operations research
Services to all pregnant women (ANC, HIV
education testing, partner HIV
testing) Services to HIV- women (counseling,
prevention) Services to HIV women (HIV
counseling med care, ARV for PMTCT, infant
feeding, ARV treatment and care) Services to
children born to HIV women (PCP prophylaxis, HIV
diagnosis treatment and care)
USG initiative country program evaluations Review
monitoring data Modeling estimates of
impact Special studies
17Elements of PMTCT Program Logic Model
Core Monitoring Indicators
of sites meeting program standards
18Where are we with PMTCT?
- Wide range in national programs and capacity
- HIV-infected pregnant women receiving
- 2003 2004 target
- CT lt1 - 40 4 - 70 median (lt10)
median gt10 - Any ARV lt1 - 12 3 - 40
- (HIV) median lt5 median gt5
19Thailands National PMTCT ProgramUptake of
Interventions, 2001-2003
Newborns Receiving ARV
Mothers Receiving ARV
80 85
65 70
85 90
70 75
90 95
75 80
gt 95
gt 80
20Thailands National PMTCT ProgramUptake of
Interventions, 2001-2003
21PMTCT in Botswana
- PMTCT program started 1999
- National rollout 2001 (first national PMTCT
program in Africa) - Low uptake of testing and interventions
- In 2002 40 of pregnant women tested
- In 2002 only half of known HIV women received
PMTCT interventions - USG assistance has helped improve program
monitoring and program
22Percent of women who were tested for HIV by the
end of pregnancy-related care Francistown,
Botswana -- 2002-2004
Routine testing
PMTCT counselors started
ARV program
PMTCT survey
Links to care workshop
23Estimated infections averted by national PMTCT
program Botswana 2002-2004
24National Facility-Based PMTCT-MSCDC Reference
- Standardize data collection and monitoring
- Provide monitoring information to identify
progress and challenges and improve PMTCT
services - Facilitate standard reporting of national and
international PMTCT indicators - Flexible to allow country-specific adaptations
- Support PMTCT program and reporting requirements
of the Presidents Emergency Plan
25PMTCT-MS Overview
- PMTCT service data recorded in registers kept in
ANC and LD wards - Additional columns added to standard registers
- Monthly summary forms tally registers to report
number of women and children receiving PMTCT
services - Monthly summary forms reported and entered into
computer - Reports and graphs generated to provide feedback
to program managers and health care workers
26PMTCT-MS Components
- Registers (ANC and LD)
- Monthly summary forms
- PMTCT-MS Epi Info Database
- Reports and graphs
- Support materials sample protocols, checklists,
training materials, job aids
27Data Collection and Reporting Procedure
Health Facility
ANC Register
Maternity (LD) Register
ANC Monthly Form
Maternity (LD) Monthly Form
Send Forms
District / Regional Office
National Office
Data Entry
Forward flow Feedback
28Key Approaches for PMTCT ME
- Mapping and line listing of PMTCT facilities and
services - Standardized facility-based monitoring systems
- ANC surveillance (UAT) and expanded surveillance
to include PMTCT - Special studies on program effectiveness
29PMTCT Targeted Evaluations
- Intrinsic part of program monitoring and
- improvement
- How to improve uptake and coverage?
- How to provide more effective regimens?
- How to access male partners and provide
family-centered approach? - How to best link PMTCT with care and Tx?
- How to evaluate effectiveness?
30PMTCT ME - Conclusions
- Reporting on PMTCT indicators is complex, but
essential - Special opportunity to coordinate among partners
and build national capacity - Uniquely situated within MCH services
- Challenge to meet international reporting
requirements and strengthen HMIS - SI and ME officers can play key role
- Supporting national PMTCT ME effort
- Coordinating unified USG monitoring effort
- Helping to support special evaluation studies
- Providing feedback to PMTCT program managers and
implementing partners