Title: Prepared by:
1Bournemouth Borough Council 2006 General User
Satisfaction SurveyKey Findings
Prepared by Peter Davies Associate Account
Because People Matter
Overall satisfaction with the way the runs things
The local area
Best Value Indicators
Key points
3Introduction and methodology
- DCLG prescribed methodology
- Questionnaire
- Survey timing October to December 2006
- Two reminders
- Weighting to make the data representative
- Postal survey to 3,750 addresses
- 34 response rate
- Similar surveys conducted in 2000 and 2003
4Overall satisfaction with the way the Council
runs things
5Proportion of residents satisfied with the way
the Council runs things (All providing a valid
Top quartile
6Overall satisfaction
- Level of deprivation strong influences residents
overall view of the Council. The more deprived an
area is the more likely it is to receive lower
satisfaction ratings Mori - Bournemouth has an above average deprivation
score and is therefore outperforming predicted
expectation with an above average overall
satisfaction rating
7Groups which are significantly more satisfied
than average
8Groups which are significantly more dissatisfied
than average
9Proportion of residents indicating that the way
the Council runs things has got better, worse or
stayed the same over the past 3 years (All
providing a valid response)
10Key variations in groups indicating the way the
Council runs things is better or worse
11The local area
12Priorities for improvement (all respondents)
Critical areas for improvement
Calls for improvement
Maintain effort
Maintain strength
13Satisfaction with local area as a place to live
(All providing a valid response)
Top 10 Authorities
Top quartile
14Satisfied and dissatisfied with the local area
significant differences
15Extent to which anti-social behaviour represents
a problem in their local area (All providing a
valid response)
16Extent to which anti-social behaviour represents
a problem in local area - Wards where problems
are greatest
17Extent to which anti-social behaviour represents
a problem in their local area - Wards where
problems are greatest
18Extent to which anti-social behaviour represents
a problem in their local area - Wards where
problems are greatest
19Overall, how well informed council keeps
residents about the services and benefits it
provides (All providing a valid response)
Top quartile
20Well informed and not well informed significant
21Those informed are more likely to be satisfied
overall with the Council
22Sources of information
Web variation by age
23Satisfaction with opportunities for participation
in local decision making
- Bournemouth 25
- Poole 31
- Dissatisfied, but would like more involvement
- 25 54 years olds
- Males
- Employed
- Non council tenants
- Owner occupiers
2425 of respondents are satisfied with
opportunities for participation in decision
making (Poole 31). But who would like to be more
Critical areas for improvement
Maintain strength
Calls for improvement
Maintain effort
25The Best Value Indicators
26The Best Value Indicators
27The environmental Best Value Indicators
variations in satisfaction
28The Best Value Indicators
29The cultural leisure Best Value Indicators
variations in satisfaction
30Summary points
31Key messages Bournemouth Council
- Overall satisfaction with the Council has
increased - One in four dissatisfied in some wards
- There is a need to reduce the proportion feeling
the Council has got worse at running things - Ensuring more residents are well informed will be
key - Have seen those informed feel satisfied
- Other issues to focus on
- Demonstrating value for money
- Being more engaging / personal
32Key messages Local areas
- Communication is also key for local areas
- To respond to a changing agenda
- To manage rising expectations
- To highlight positive changes
- To provide opportunities for involvement
- A continual process to ensure residents feel
informed - Need to tailor messages and channels to certain
33For further information, please contact Peter
Davies, Associate Account Director Tel No 0121
333 6006 peter.davies_at_bmgresearch.co.uk
Because People Matter