Title: EURONanochem; Chemical Control at the Nanoscale
1EURONanochem Chemical Control at the Nanoscale
- Eurocore proposal co-ordinated by
- Professor G Dujardin
- Laboratoire de Photophysique Moléculaire,
Université de ParisXI,FRANCE - Professor G Gerber
- Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Universität
Würzburg,GERMANY - Professor F Gianturco
- Department of Chemistry Università di Roma "La
Sapienza ITALY - Professor Nigel J Mason (co-ordinator)
- Department of Physics Astronomy, Open
University, UNITED KINGDOM - Professor T D Maerk
- Institut Ionenphysik, University of Innsbruck,
- Problem
- Conventional chemical reactions are mainly
controlled - based on conventional termodynamic variables.
- Aim
- To control chemical reactions through the ability
to - select the pathways of molecular dissociation.
- Methodology
- Control using photodissociation
- Control using electron induced fragmentation
- Provide spatial control through STM
- Brief description
- Chemical control with photons Using laser pulses
with a duration of femtoseconds/picoseconds, the
timescale on which the atoms in a molecule move,
to manipulate molecular wavepackets and control
dissociation pathways - Chemical control using very low energy electrons
to dissociate the molecular target at well
defined reaction sites - The application of STM technology to electron
induced manipulation of single molecules on
5Bond Selectivity using photons Process of
coherent control.
Exploits the optical phase of coherent laser
light, coined coherent control. Such techniques
employ quantum mechanical interference between
the pathways leading to products of a chemical
reaction. One fs laser pulse can induce the
molecule only to bend, while a different light
pulse will cause it only to stretch. Hence can
select specific vibrations in molecules leading
to specific bond ruptures in turn opening
possibility of controlling chemical reactions.
6Optical control
7A laser-controlled molecule
Fully automated control
Science 282, 919 (1998) cited gt500?
8Optimal Control Experiments
- molecular gas phase photodissociation
- (selective bond-cleavage)
- selective excitation of complex molecules
- in the liquid phase
- photoisomerization of complex molecules
- in the liquid phase
Bond Formation
Bond Cleavage
Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Catalytic Surface
Reactions of Syngas (COH2) and their
Optimization by Tailored Laser Pulses, Gerber et
al., Wuerzburg
10EURONanochem The programme
- Topic 1 Chemical Control using light Develop
ultrafast femtosecond chemistry for selective
bond by - developing automated optimization of branching
ratios of gas phase photodissociation reactions - develop the technique of femtosecond polarization
pulse shaping to study the attachment of
functional groups to surfaces of materials such
as semiconductors or molecular self-assembled
monolayers - extending present studies into the liquid phase
to explore more biologically relevant chemical
processes and - complementing these experiments by theoretical
11Bond Selectivity using Electrons Process of
Dissociative Electron Attachment (Low
electron energy!!!)
12Electron Induced Chemistry Chemical Control at
the Molecular Level
Selective C-Cl bond cleavage at 0 eV
Selective C-F bond cleavage at 3.2 eV
13Low-energy electrons induce single- and
double-strand breaks in DNA
An electron initially binds to DNA forming
transient molecular anion. This anion transforms
in a sequence of processes, leading to DNA strand
14Example of Chemical surface transformations
- DEA produces products that subsequently react on
the surface - E.g. Irradiate film of NF3 and CH3Cl
- Form CH3F
no ions
16Control via e--induced chemistry developing
electron lithography
Basic e--molecule interactions Resonances E0
e--induced chemistry Cross sections Typical
reactions and products Reaction sequences
Surface functionalization Reactionsat the
interfaceof materials
Modification of materials properties -
structural- electrical - permeability - optical
17EURONanochem The programme
- Topic 2 Chemical Control using electrons
- to study intermolecular reactions leading to
controlled coupling of a reactive fragment to
another material - to study the attachment of functional groups to
surfaces of materials such as semiconductors or
molecular self-assembled monolayers - to explore the potential of these reactions for
chemical lithography and e-beam techniques and - to guide these experiments by theoretical
studies, i.e. to predict which of different
possible intermolecular reactions is
energetically the most likely.
18Chemical control using STM
19STM induced chemistry
20Sloan and Palmer Nature 434, 367-371 Electron
excitation and dissociation of individual
oriented chlorobenzene molecules on a Si(111)-7 7
The first electron interacts with the
chlorobenzene molecule the molecule is left
vibrationally excited (specifically, the C-Cl wag
mode is excited) the second electron interacts
with the molecule before the C-Cl wag mode has
fully relaxed, leading to dissociation of the
C-Cl bond by DEA
21EURONanochem The programme
- Topic 3 Chemical Control on the nanoscale
- STM experiments on prototype organic molecules
adsorbed on surfaces with the aim of fabricating
complex molecular architectures of any desired
shape and size on the surface. - Electron Simulated Desorption (ESD) and High
Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
(HREELS) experiments on to identify the ion
resonances and the electronic transitions
involved in the excitation mechanisms as well as
the final products of the molecular reactions. - Development of a comprehensive simulation of the
coupled surface and STM tip system to model
excitation and bond breaking of single molecules
by STM-IET. - Molecular dynamical calculations to unravel
details of atomic and molecular manipulation at
surfaces, leading to lateral motion, bond making
or breaking, and desorption of the adsorbates.
22EURONanochem The programme
- Exploitation
- To explore how such fundamental techniques may be
developed as a commercially viable technique. - In developing such chemical control we also wish
to exploit it in other modern technologies such
as quantum information, nanotechnology and the
23EURONanochem The programme
- Organisational
- Establishment of a European forum for discussion
of challenges and opportunities in the
development of chemical control. - To further integration of European academic and
industrial research communities in developing a
common research framework in the utilisation of
chemical control. - To Encourage younger researchers and develop new
groups (e.g in Central/Eastern Europe and the
Balkans. - To develop a coherent research programme that
will allow methodologies for control of
molecular dissociation pathways to be developed. - To integrate researchers from femtosecond
chemistry, electron chemistry, and scanning
tunnel microscopy and share expertise and
24EURONanochem The programme
- Hosting an annual Meeting in Europe (link to ESF
EIPAM and COST ECCL) - Develop international links ( USA Japan and
Australia) - Training -workshops and schools
- Industrial forums